However, this miracle did not end there.

Instead, it continued.

Wei Mingliang's live broadcast room's popularity has been soaring since then.

Before long, it jumped into the top five, then the top three, and finally directly surpassed Zhao Lu's live broadcast room and became the first!

This is the first time that someone has surpassed Zhao Lu's live broadcast room since he dominated the list!

However, the funny thing is that the person who surpassed him did so because of him.


"Hahaha~ Wei Mingliang is actually singing~

It seems he is in a good mood~"

"It's so pitiful. He has no idea what is waiting for him in the shelter."

"I really want to see how he would react if he suddenly had a stomachache while singing!"

"What happened here?

I'm new here. I came here because I saw this guy was ranked higher than Xiaomada."

"Check-in spot for Teacher Liu’s fans!"

"Drop! Fairy card!"

"Drop! Diarrhea card!"


Wei Mingliang's live broadcast room is very lively at this moment.

Countless fans are watching the live broadcast and posting comments.

However, there are only a lot of comments, but very few rewards.

Of course, Wei Mingliang is not aware that his live broadcast room has become the most popular one.

At this moment, he has just finished washing the pot and is walking back humming a song.

"The young monk went down the mountain to beg for food.

The old monk told him that the woman at the foot of the mountain was a tiger.

He must avoid her if he saw her.

He walked through village after village.

The young monk wondered why tigers didn't eat people.

They looked cute.

La la la……"

Wei Mingliang hummed a happy ballad, took a happy step, and walked on the road of happiness.

He pushed open the courtyard door and strode in.

"Hmm? Xia Xiao hasn't come back yet?"

Wei Mingliang frowned, then put the pot away and picked up a bee pupa.

He dipped the bee pupa in honey, put it in his mouth, closed his eyes slightly, and chewed the delicious food gently.

Wei Mingliang felt that it tasted great.

He twitched his fingers, pinched another bee pupa and put it in his mouth to chew.

"I would like to ask, how many contestants still have honey to eat on the deserted island?

Who else!"

Wei Mingliang smiled proudly. He spent a lot of effort to get this beehive.

So he was very proud of himself.

"I was lucky today and I got rid of a person very smoothly. I wish I could have such luck every day in the future!

In this way, I can eliminate all the enemies earlier and take the money home smoothly!

I really don’t want to stay in this broken place at all."

After cursing the environment of this deserted island in a low voice, Wei Mingliang picked up another bee pupa and put it in his mouth, chewing it with big mouthfuls.

Then he shook his fingers.


It 's delicious~……"

While chewing, Wei Mingliang suddenly felt a pain in his stomach, and then he couldn't stand it anymore.

"What happened!?

Did something unclean!?"

Wei Mingliang was very confused. He felt that he had not eaten anything unclean, but his stomach really hurt.

So, he could only frown and run to the toilet. He ran all the way and soon arrived at the toilet.

Just when he wanted to turn off the camera and go in to relieve himself, he suddenly felt his feet empty and he actually stepped on a trap!

""Ahhhh!" With a loud scream, Wei Mingliang fell into the trap. With a very strange sound, Wei Mingliang felt as if he had smashed something... It sounded like something with a shell. Then, he felt as if there was something under his butt. Not only was it hard, but it also moved! Not only were there a lot of them, but... they actually clamped his butt! After twisting his butt slightly, it was a little sticky!


Wei Mingliang suddenly felt his buttocks being pricked, and then his other buttocks were pinched again.


Wei Mingliang's body suddenly froze.

He felt as if he was sitting on a group of strange things.

When he thought about what those things were, he felt very frightened.

"Could it be that he sat on a bug?

And was it a scorpion, centipede, or something like that?"

He slowly stretched his hand to the wall, trying to stand up with the help of the wall.

As soon as he stretched his hand over, he was directly caught by something on the wall.


Wei Mingliang yelled, and then turned his head and looked at his finger.

But he was stunned. He saw that a scorpion was firmly holding his finger. The scorpion's curved tail was already raised and aimed at him, and it could stab his finger at any time!


Wei Mingliang was shocked!

At this moment, there was another movement under his butt.

Wei Mingliang, in panic, quickly followed the weak light and looked over.

He was stunned when he saw it.

He was actually sitting on a pile of insects, big, small, colorful, green, all kinds of insects, there were all kinds! There were no less than ten kinds of poisonous insects that he knew!

Moreover, there was a sticky thing on the ground, and he didn't know what it was.



Just as Wei Mingliang reached for the rescue bracelet with his trembling right hand, a very familiar voice suddenly came from the trap.

"Hey man, what happened?

Did someone cook you?"

"It's you!"

Looking at the person above, Wei Mingliang suddenly understood everything he couldn't figure out!

He immediately stopped pressing the emergency button and stared at Zhao Lu.

"You bastard, you did all this! ?"

"That's all nonsense~

Okay, enjoy your time, I'm going to raid your shelter~



Wei Mingliang almost spat out a mouthful of blood, but he was so angry that he couldn't do anything.

Although he wanted to beat him up, his lower limbs were paralyzed and there was no way he could climb up!

"Wait... lower limb paralysis! ?"

Wei Mingliang panicked and didn't care about Zhao Lu anymore. He just pressed the SOS button.



"Humph~ Rubbish~"

Zhao Lu laughed and commented on the other party with two words, and then quickly came to the other party's shelter.

Looking at the things in the shelter, Zhao Lu couldn't help but sigh again.

"It’s really a great harvest!"


Sorry, I was so sleepy yesterday that I fell asleep on the table by accident and almost caught a cold.

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