"Mole, what are you doing?"

Zhao Lu retorted angrily.


I suddenly feel that your figure has become better~

How strange~"

Chen Chen put down the things in his hands, walked quickly to Zhao Lu, and looked Zhao Lu up and down.

"I noticed that you suddenly have eight-pack abs!

And a mermaid line~

It looks great!"

Chen Chen said, and then he reached out and gently poked Zhao Lu.

His big eyes were full of curiosity.

"The deserted island is indeed a place for training.

It's all muscles!

I wonder if I will have a vest line by the time I leave~"

Chen Chen said, and slightly lifted his small vest to look at his very flat belly.

"I think it should be about the same!"


Zhao Lu also reached out and poked the other's lower abdomen.

It was soft and didn't look like a muscle at all.

"But I feel like this is all fat.~"

"You are the fat! You are all fat!"

Chen Chen was immediately annoyed when he heard this, and he cursed and muttered something, then rolled his eyes at Zhao Lu and went back to work.

Zhao Lu didn't care.

Instead, she turned around, picked up the cup, poured the second bottle of body strengthening potion into the cup, and drank it in one gulp.

"I don't know what will happen when I digest the second bottle of strengthening potion."

As soon as the strengthening potion entered his stomach, Zhao Lu felt a warm current sweeping through his body, making his body feel unusually comfortable.

Even the slight restlessness caused by Chen Chen poking him with his finger just now disappeared instantly.

He felt that his ability to control his body seemed to have become stronger.

"The first bottle gave me a strong body, and the second bottle gave me control over my body?"

Although he had just drunk the second bottle of potion, he also mastered some strange things.

For example,……

"Chen Chen~

I'll show you a treasure~"


Chen Chen frowned when he heard that."Why does it sound so vulgar?

But I like it. What baby?"

Chen Chen smiled evilly and looked at Zhao Lu.

"Is this going to be bolder?

Wasn't it the time when I made your bra?"


Chen Chen's face suddenly turned red when he heard this, and he quickly rolled his eyes and said unhappily:"Then I won't watch it."


Zhao Lu stood up and walked in front of Chen Chen.


As he said this, his pectoralis major muscles began to jump.

Jumping left and right, it felt like a very arrogant fitness coach showing off his muscles.

"You bastard!

What are you doing?"

Chen Chen blushed when he heard this and covered his eyes with his hands, but his big eyes kept rolling between his fingers.

"Hahaha~ Isn’t it amazing?

This is also a new ability I just discovered!

Look at this again!"

After Zhao Lu said this, his ears began to move.


Your ears can move too!?

What's going on!?"

"As long as you work hard, you can do it~"

Zhao Lu attributed all the reasons to physical exercise without hesitation.

"Is that so?"

Chen Chen frowned and began to think.

Zhao Lu didn't have any new abilities to show, so she turned around and went back to cut wood.


No words were spoken that night, and the next day came in a blink of an eye


Zhao Lu stretched and walked slowly to the door.

It was still raining outside, but it wasn't too heavy.

Zhao Lu had just come back from the bathroom when she found Chen Chen had gotten up.

"Huh? Why did you get up so early today?"

"I want to exercise~

And I can help you with some work~

Although my cooking is not good, I am good at work~

Okay, I will go to help you clean up the farm~"

Zhao Lu smiled at Chen Chen's back, then took some meat and fern beans, and planned to wash and cook.

After dinner, the two continued to work in a division of labor.

Zhao Lu continued to build the"palace", while Chen Chen began to mold pipes with clay, and then fired them into pottery and put them aside for use.

""Hmm? I'm really much stronger~"

As soon as he started working, Zhao Lu noticed a change in himself.

First of all, he was stronger.

Much stronger than yesterday. Things that he usually found very difficult were no longer a big problem.

Secondly, his speed was much faster.

A journey that usually took 20 minutes could now be completed in 15 minutes.

Finally, it was endurance.

Building a"palace" was very physically demanding, but now he could feel that his endurance had improved.

He worked for a long time and didn't feel tired at all.

"It's really amazing~"

Zhao Lu sighed silently and worked harder.

Because of the changes in his body and the increase in tools, he completed the drilling task of all the giant trees in one morning, and inserted several thick wood horizontally into the holes of the giant trees.

The giant trees were inserted vertically into the ground, and the thick wood was inserted horizontally between the two giant trees.

The giant trees and the thick wood crisscrossed, making the entire foundation more solid.

"Too much wood is needed...

It seems that this palace will take more than a week to build.……"

He sighed silently, then began to wash his hands and cook.

It was time for lunch!

Lunch was still pork stir-fry and pork stew, served with toasted breadfruit.

There was no other way. Although bacon could be stored for a longer time, it still couldn't be stored for too long in this tropical rainforest climate.

The pork had to be eaten first.

"There are not enough people~

If there were more people, not only would my palace be built faster, but I would also eat meat faster!"

Zhao Lu sighed, then rolled her eyes at Chen Chen.

"Tell me, why do you eat so little?


Mole Su?

It would be better if you could eat two portions at one meal...

It seems that���I didn’t learn the pre-partum fattening of sows well enough!"

Chen Chen:"???"

"Gou Kun! Do you want to die?"


While Zhao Lu and Chen Chen were bickering over their meal, Xiang Mo and Mo Xi were in trouble.


How could this happen?"

Xiang Mo grabbed his hair with both hands and looked ahead with a look of despair.

"Xiao Xixi! Why! Why!"

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