Looking at Mo Xi's expression, Xiang Mo didn't care at all.

She had long been accustomed to the indifference of her sisters.

So Xiang Mo said to herself:"I found that we are being targeted!"


Mo Xi nodded, and seemed to be a little interested in this matter, so he asked another question.

"What’s the reason?"

"First, we can't find any food around our shelter!

This doesn't make sense!

Second, there are many signs of picking on the ground.

But neither you nor I have picked anything!

Third, have you forgotten what happened to me last night?

I was targeted by a disgusting big yellow tooth!

He imitated my marks and made a lot of the same marks, which made me lost.

But don't you think this matter is a bit anticlimactic?

After he made me lost, there was no more, which is not scientific at all!

So, I think this must be their follow-up action!"



Xiang Mo suddenly had the urge to vomit blood.

She really felt that Mo Xi was not even as good at talking as a straight man.

"Come, it's time to eat."

Mo Xi picked up the spoon and began to scoop soup from the pot.

"When the enemy appears, I will deal with it with you."


Hearing Mo Xi's words, Xiang Mo suddenly became full of energy again.

"Sure enough, if there are two people who can't talk, I still prefer the beautiful girl with a fragrant smell rather than the straight man with a sweaty body!"



Chen Chen came back from washing the pots and bowls and found Zhao Lu drilling holes in a round piece of wood. He immediately asked in surprise,"Aren't you going to make a stone mill?

Why are you working with wood here?""

"Of course, you have to make a tool first, otherwise how can you drill a hole in the stone?"


Chen Chen nodded stupidly.

"But why do you have so many ropes on the ground?"

"You will know in a while~"

Zhao Lu replied casually, then picked up two stones, one thin and one thick, and started drilling holes in the wood.

Soon, a hole was punched in the middle of the wood, and then the hardwood stick that had been prepared on the side was inserted into it.

After that, he did the same thing, and soon he had three holes in a wooden strip.

A big one in the middle, and two small ones on both sides symmetrically.

Pass the wooden stick through the big hole in the middle, then take out a thicker rope, distinguish the left hole through the wooden strip, the top hole of the wooden stick and the right hole of the wooden strip, and tie the rope tightly. In this way, a simple hole puncher was made.

The whole process did not take Zhao Lu too much time.

"This is actually a fire-making tool, but the drill bit in the middle is a bit thicker."

Zhao Lu said, and took out an irregular round stone slab that she had chosen earlier.

Then she placed a bamboo tube half full of water on the stone slab and let it drip water at a slower speed.

Then, she started to drill holes in the stone slab with the tool.


Brother, your hand speed is so fast……"

Chen Chen was stunned when he saw Zhao Lu's hands pressing up and down non-stop.

The speed was so fast that afterimages appeared.

What shocked Chen Chen even more was that Zhao Lu actually kept up such a speed for a long time without slowing down.

After working so frantically, the water flowing out of the stone slab became turbid in a short time.

The wooden stick was also drilling down at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What are you looking at?

It will be over in a while, go to work first~"

Zhao Luyi drilled her eyes, and still had the energy to chat with Chen Chen.

Moreover, while chatting, the speed of her hands remained the same!

This scene instantly stunned many people


"Holy shit!

I used to think my master was a small electric motor, but today I found out that I was wrong.

This is not a small motor at all!

This is a self-propelled humanoid engine!

And it doesn't get tired. It's been 10 minutes, right?

It hasn't slowed down at all!"

"This is terrible!

How many years of being single has this made him do this?

If it were a different way, Mr. Kato would have to kneel down and call him Master!"

"I suddenly had a bold idea, but I am afraid of drilling wood to put out fire. What should I do?"


What a great way to make fire by rubbing two sticks together!"

"Generally speaking, in a humid environment, it is difficult to start a fire, but it may be cooked directly.~"

"I suspect you are driving, but I have no evidence, what should I do! ?"



Just when the live broadcast room was in chaos, the rope of the tool in Zhao Lu's hand suddenly broke with a"snap"!

""Tsk~ this rope is still brittle~"

Zhao Lu sighed helplessly, then changed a rope and continued

"You... you put so many ropes here, so they are used for this!"

Chen Chen was stunned again. It was the first time she saw someone with such terrifying physical strength.

Although she knew that Zhao Lu was very strong and had good physical strength before

, she had never seen him do such high-intensity physical work.

Therefore, she had always had a too intuitive understanding of Zhao Lu's strength.

However, today she saw it.

"Too strong!"

Chen Chen sighed silently, and then he didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly his face turned red.

"I'm going to work!"

Chen Chen blushed, found an excuse, and ran away shyly.

However, Zhao Lu didn't see this scene, as he was drilling with all his strength.

Since he drank the second bottle of strengthening potion, he felt his strength increase.

This feeling of being full of strength made him feel very comfortable.

"Now I finally understand why in many novels, those who increase their power too quickly have problems like inner demons.

This kind of power is really refreshing~

It's been more than ten minutes, right?

I'm not tired at all."

Zhao Lu sighed, and then sped up again.

Not long after, he punched a hole in the stone slab in his hand.

Then he continued to use tools to punch another hole on the outside of the stone slab, and inserted a wooden stick of the right thickness into it.

After drilling the hole, he turned the stone slab over and began to carve diagonal lines on the inner surface.

And left a bulge in the middle of the stone slab.

This is half of the stone mill completed.

Then, he took out another stone slab.

This stone slab was obviously larger than the previous one. He first drew on the stone slab according to the size of the other stone slab, and then started carving directly.

First, he punched a circle of grooves around the drawn traces, and punched an opening on one side of the stone slab, which is where the slurry will come out in the future.

Another groove was punched in the center of the stone slab so that it could fit the bulge of the stone slab above.

Finally, a diagonal line matching the upper stone slab was carved on the stone slab.

Then the two stone slabs were spliced and combined, and the stone mill was completed!


Zhao Lu took a long breath. He had been working non-stop until now, and he was a little tired.

However, after a short rest, he regained his strength.

"I feel so strong~"

Zhao Lu was very happy and waved to Chen Chen.

"Mole Su~

Come, I'll teach you how to grind sesame paste~"


Chen Chen suddenly exclaimed.

Zhao Lu frowned when she heard it, and then strode over there.

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