"Have you heard of it?……"

Chen Chen nodded stupidly,"I saw this thing in a TV show before I went to college...

But, what does this have to do with us?"

She was a little confused. Fire and theft prevention made sense, but what did it mean to protect against best friends?

Where did best friends come from on a deserted island?

She originally came with a companion, but that companion withdrew early!

And he was the first strong person to withdraw.

"The meaning of best friend is your cat"


"You should know what a cat is like.

Domestic cats often steal food, not to mention wild cats.

It is inevitable that it steals food.

Stealing food is a small thing, but what we are afraid of is that it will cause damage."

Zhao Lu's expression was more serious.

Pointing to the rusty-spotted leopard cat next to them, who was roasting by the fire, with a harmless and lazy face, he continued:"This little thing is a dangerous element.

We have a breeding farm. Once this leopard cat causes any damage, it will be a problem.

For example, while we are busy, it bites some small animals to death and releases blood.

The sense of smell of wild animals is much stronger than ours.

If it really does this, then I am afraid that various wild animals will find the smell of blood here earlier than us.

This means that we will face a group of wild animals.

Of course, this is not the most terrible thing.

The most terrible thing is that at night, after we all fall asleep, it goes to cause damage.

At night, it is the most active time for various wild animals.

If it bleeds a little while we sleep, it will be really bad!"

"So should we make a cage for it?"

"We don't have metal, so cages made of wood or bamboo can't control it.

So we have to use other methods."

"This is also……"

Chen Chen looked at Xiao Chan reluctantly,"How about we put it outside the yard?

That way, it will be safe at night.

Or maybe we just don't want it...

After all, we are the most important. It's really too much to keep a cat on a deserted island."

"There is no need for that~"

Zhao Lu smiled and waved her hand

"Now that I've said it, there must be a better way.

Besides, who said raising cats on a deserted island is useless?

If it's really not important, and if it's harmful, I won't let you raise one."

Zhao Lu said, and then smiled meaningfully,"Just leave it to me.

Don't forget, I'm a veterinarian.

Although I'm best at postpartum care for sows, I can also domesticate them."


Chen Chen was surprised when she heard that. She didn't want to give up the cat.

However, compared to the competition, the cat was not important at all.

"Of course, I will show you how Dr. Liu trains cats."

"So can we let it follow us all the time?"

"This... this is not necessarily true...

You know what cats are like."

Zhao Lu shrugged helplessly,"I can make it obedient, but I may not be able to make it return to its original place.

Okay, take a look at this thing."

Zhao Lu said, and took out a bamboo tube.

There were many small black balls in the bamboo tube.

"What's this?"

"Chinese medicine pills.

Eating them can make animals feel full and lazy.

If you want your cat not to steal food, you need to feed it!

And, after it is full, give it this thing"


Chinese medicine pills!?

Are Chinese medicine formulas for humans also useful for animals!?"

"Of course, it is not a prescription for humans, but a prescription for animals.

You must not know that there is such a discipline as Chinese veterinary medicine?


If veterinary medicine is giving injections to sows, Chinese veterinary medicine is feeding ginseng to sheep."

"Hey ginseng!?

Wouldn’t that cost a lot?"

"So this subject is very embarrassing~

Basically not many people use Chinese veterinary medicine to treat diseases. Most of them use feed containing Chinese medicine ingredients.

Or add some Chinese medicine for preventive health care to the food.

Well, in short, after feeding the little greedy, you need to give it a pill.

If I am not here for something, remember to feed it~"


Chen Chen nodded, took a meatball and pondered it curiously in his hand.

Suddenly he asked curiously:"Can you give acupuncture to sows?"

"Of course I can do it. Not to mention sows, I can even do it with sows!

Unfortunately, there are no needles here."

One sentence, two sows, but two different meanings.

However, Chen Chen understood it.

"Gou Kun! You called me a pig again!

I won't pay attention to you!


Chen Chen rolled his eyes at Zhao Lu, then took the meatballs and walked towards Xiaochan who had just eaten his fill.

"Come here, sister will show you a big treasure~"

Zhao Lu:"……"

Why does this sentence feel so vulgar?


The night passed very peacefully.

After having Zhao Lu's meatballs, the leopard cat really became very quiet. After eating the meatballs, it lay there lazily, and soon fell asleep by the fire.

It looked so lazy.


Zhao Lu stretched and came to the door of the shelter. She looked at the still rainy sky outside, felt the wind around her, and frowned.

"The typhoon is getting closer. I don't know how strong the wind will be.……"

It often rains in tropical rainforests, but the current rain is obviously abnormal

"Finish the foundation today, and then start filling it with soil.

The day after tomorrow will be a sunny day, so we must finish what needs to be done in advance!"

After silently planning the work content of the next few days, Zhao Lu began to wash up.

Not long after, Chen Chen woke up, stroked the little greedy baby lying on the ground, and then began to wash up.

A busy day began from this moment.

Zhao Lu's work here was also very smooth. In the morning, she successfully completed the work of inserting bamboo poles and completed the construction of the foundation. At this moment, the"palace" is finally no longer a big pit, but a proper prototype of a house!

Everything went well.

However, when Zhao Lu went out to collect rattan, some small accidents still occurred.


"Hey, hello,

I’m Liu Deli, you can also call me Mr. Liu."

Zhao Lu looked at the man in front of her who was touching his bald head, and was slightly stunned.

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