
Zhao Lu, who was cooking, suddenly frowned and turned to look outside the fence.

She saw a bald man outside the fence, looking at him with a smile.

"Brother, can I come and have a meal?

I have good physical strength and can help you with the work!

You give me food and I will work for you!

How about it?"

Listening to Liu Deli's words, Chen Chen was stunned.

"Why is there a beggar in my house?"

Chen Chen couldn't understand why there was such a weird contestant.

Zhao Lu frowned.

It was also the first time he had seen such a weird contestant.

"Could it be that he was trying to play a trick? He used the excuse of helping me with work to get a free meal.

After eating, he either ran away or stayed to make things worse.

And I couldn't hit him...

It was like... a weirdo who was trying to get a free meal by scamming me?

Sure enough, there are all kinds of people in this big world."

When Zhao Lu thought of this, she rolled her eyes at Liu Deli and ignored him.

He had been a little upset recently.

Because his tortoise shell frying pan was about to break.

After all, this thing was���The shell is not very heat-resistant.

After using it to stir-fry dishes a few times, it is no longer useful.

I am afraid that after today's cooking, it will be scrapped.

Once the cooking pan is scrapped, he will have no more cooking to eat.

""Little brother~"

Although Zhao Lu ignored Liu Deli, Liu Deli did not give up.


Face is nothing.

Eating is the most important thing!

"Hey bro~

You can’t use a tortoise shell as a wok~

I’m giving you a welcome gift. This wok was found by accident, and I’m giving it to you today as a gift~

How about you treat me to a meal?"


Zhao Lu raised her head and looked at Liu Deli.

Liu Deli was holding a cooking pot in both hands and was shaking it.


Zhao Lu finally nodded.

Using a meal to exchange for a practical tool is a good deal!

As for finding a way to eliminate Liu Deli and then take all his things for oneself... it is not feasible at all.

For such a few tools, it is really not reliable to spend so much effort to design a plan to eliminate people.

It is better to exchange it directly with food!



Then I'll come in!"

Liu Deli smiled brightly upon hearing this.

With the first step, there can be the second step!


Just when Liu Deli was about to reach the door, Zhao Lu suddenly called him


"Be careful, there is a trap at the door, please come from the side~"


Liu Deli was stunned for a moment when he heard this.

"Digging a trap at the door! ?

Is this something a normal person would think of?

It seems that this is really a great god!

Fortunately, I made friends with him first, otherwise if I acted rashly, I'm afraid I would be in trouble."

Zhao Lu certainly didn't know that her trap could actually have a scary function


Brother, here you go, this is my gift~"

Liu Deli handed over the pot in his hand, and then looked at the"palace" under construction not far away, and said with admiration:"This house is really beautiful~

But the project is too complicated.

I wonder if I can help you with some work?

How about I work for an afternoon in exchange for dinner tonight?

If you don't perform well, you don't have to give me dinner.

Let's pay for the goods first!"


Zhao Lu smiled and nodded.

He was working hard and needed someone.

As a result, a worker came to him.

This was really a pleasant surprise!

"Please sit down and we will eat later."

After Zhao Lu finished speaking, she took the new wok and walked towards the waterway.

She brushed it casually, and then started to cook with the new wok.

It must be said that cooking still needs to be done in a proper wok to taste good.

While Zhao Lu was cooking, Liu Deli was looking around.

When he was outside, he was already shocked by Zhao Lu's shelter.

But after coming in, he felt that he was really shocked too early.

It turned out that the things in the yard were what really shocked him.

It turned out that there were contestants who could eat meat every meal, and there was so much meat.

It turned out that someone actually had so many resources.

It turned out that you can pet cats on a deserted island, and cats have meat to eat!

There are too many originals here, and every original is impacting his weak heart.

"This man is really terrifying!"

Liu Deli was inexplicably moved.


Uncle, there are bamboos over there, make a pair of chopsticks and a bamboo cup yourself~"

Chen Chen stroked the cat and looked at Liu Deli warily.

""Okay, okay~"

Liu Deli hurried over and made a set of tableware with Zhao Lu's bamboo.

"Always have bowls and chopsticks at home... this is life~"

He also used bowls and chopsticks to eat, but because he had no fixed place to live and the food was not good, he only made a pair of chopsticks to eat with occasionally and threw them away after use. He had never kept chopsticks like Zhao Lu did.

"That's what lunch is for today. Let's eat.

Liu Deli, right?

Take as much as you want."

Just as Liu Deli seemed to be distracted, Zhao Lu's dishes were ready.

Lunch was very simple.

Fried leeks with meat, fried long beans with meat, plus a pot of seaweed egg drop soup.

The staple food was toasted breadfruit.

But even such a simple meal made Liu Deli burst into tears.

"Stir-fried food!

This is stir-fried food!

How long has it been since I last had stir-fried food?

Moreover, this is two dishes and one soup!

There is even soup!

Oh my God!"

Liu Deli really wanted to cry. He has not eaten stir-fried food since the beginning of the show. He has been craving for this thing for a long time.

"That's great!"

Liu Deli sighed, and then put the���Ga took it out

"Thank you for your hospitality. This is my small gift.

Please accept it!"

The food in front of him was too rich, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

So, he took out the Buddha apple that he had finally obtained yesterday.

Not only that, he also made a decision silently in his heart. He must work hard, so that he can last longer on the deserted island!

Liu Deli's shameless appearance immediately made the live broadcast room explode.

Countless people began to despise him and complain about him, but what Liu Deli expected was that the amount of rewards in his live broadcast room was also soaring.

However, just when Liu Deli's live broadcast room was soaring in popularity.

The popularity of Zhao Han's live broadcast room also began to soar!

Even in an instant, it rushed directly to the third place on the popularity list!

There was no other reason, because Zhao Han did something big!

…… ps Sorry, something happened today, so there are only two chapters. It's past four in the morning now, I can't hold on any longer, at least six chapters tomorrow!

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