Mao Xiaokai was sitting on pins and needles, and once thought that Yang Xian was bluffing, but his heart had already been infinitely shaken.

Could it be that everything Yang Xian said is true?

Or ......!

Mao Xiaokai, who was in deep thought, suddenly opened his eyes wide, and reacted instantly.

Everything is fake?

True and false.

Will Yang Xian just own a hotel, and the follow-up listed companies will not be able to distinguish the authenticity for a while anyway, and will Wang Xiaocong and his gang be 'trusted'?

Otherwise, how can you really not have a property of your own!

Then he seemed to see through everything, and said slowly: "Yang Xian, I have to say, your acting skills are really good, and your cooperation is perfect, and it took a lot of money to invite them together." "

"Bai Bing, wake up, didn't you find out that they were all lying to you?"

Bai Bing was stunned for a moment, feeling a little inexplicable, and then showed a disdainful look.

"Lie to me, according to what you say, to lie to me in such a big battle, so what is the reason?"

"He must have been eyeing you for a long time, and he doesn't think he is worthy of you, so he will act in such a play. "

Then he was full of disdain, and Yang Xian rolled his eyes.

"As for you, let's keep guarding your hotel. "

"Oh, by the way, it's not your hotel yet. "


The audience was speechless, this guy has too big a brain.

Yang Xian still needs to act and pick up girls?

Bai Bing stared at Mao Xiaokai like an idiot, this guy was stimulated and crazy?

Is it because he was rejected and saw that he was about to enter a happy day, so he deliberately provoked the relationship between the two?

Sure enough, the mind is vicious!

"So what? I want to be with him now, and what does it have to do with you?"

"Besides, do I know you well?"

Seeing that Bai Bing was so ignorant, he kindly reminded him that he didn't care about it at all, no matter what, he had known each other for four or five years. In front of everyone being ignored, years of goodwill have disappeared, and he responded irritably.


"A slut is a slut, I really don't care if I'm good to you, and when the time comes, I'll be humiliated, but don't cry and come to me. "

"Heh, don't say it, Bai Bing pretends to be quite similar, it's just a hot and innocent companion, do you know the other side of her. "

"It's a virgin harvester, I don't know how many virgins are obsessed, as for how many boyfriends I've talked about, it's really uncountable, right? "

"Every day from a different man's room is super happy?"

Mao Xiaokai said everything with a lewd smile, and breathed a sigh of relief, since it is, then destroy it.

"You're ......!"

The audience was instantly sensational, this is super invincible gossip.

The other girls also cast disdainful looks.

Which girl can endure this kind of insult, Bai Bing was immediately so angry that she couldn't speak, her brain was instantly congested, and she fell backwards stiffly.

Fortunately, Yang Xian's eyes were quick and he hugged Bai Bing's willow waist.

His brows furrowed slowly, this Mao Xiaokai was too much.

Not only stepped on him for no reason, but after failing to pursue a woman, he was angry and talked nonsense, and really treated him as a clay man?

No half of the fire?

It seems that the punishment method decided to give a lesson is still too light.

Everyone's eyes were also on him.

"Mao Xiaokai, your pursuit of Bai Bing was rejected, and I have no half-wool relationship, but you chose the wrong time, the wrong place and the wrong way, today I just want to have a quiet leisure with a few friends, as for you?"

"As long as you dare to swear in the name of your ancestors that what you say is true, we will collectively apologize to you. "

"Do you dare?"

"I didn't take you seriously at all, it's just rubbish, since you want to play, then I'll have fun with you. "

"You're going to pay for it. "

Yang Xian obviously moved the real fire, and coldly warned Mao Xiaokai.

Arrogant to the extreme!

What a sharp-toothed guy.

Mao Xiaokai was almost frightened by his aura, and was stunned for a moment.

The girls who were secretly applauding also changed their faces at the moment.

A girl snorted coldly, stood beside Mao Xiaokai and said, "Yang Xian, you don't talk nonsense, I think you are a liar." "

"Yes, it's a liar, I must expose his true colors today. Mao Xiaokai was encouraged and took an aggressive step forward.

Wang Xiaocong then also stood up and said sharply: "Mao Xiaokai, speak more through your brain, otherwise the consequences will be very serious." "

Su Huai and Mu Liangzhe also seconded the proposal.

Mao Xiaokai smiled and said sharply: "Wang Xiaocong, don't be deceived by Yang Xian's surface, have you ever thought that maybe everything you did before was designed?"

As far as I know, the few listed companies he mentioned did not change in the slightest a month ago, can he not feel suspicious that he can eat such a large industry in a month, and it also involves various industries?"

"So, Yang Xian deceived Bai Bing and also deceived you, saying that he was the CEO of several listed companies, which is simply a big joke in the world, a billionaire?

Wang Xiaocong's brothers were moved, and it sounded really reasonable.

And there is only this young man from beginning to end, this kind of pomp and circumstance doesn't seem right!

In real life, with the CEOs of many listed companies, life and travel, that time it was not supported by dozens of people, and the bodyguards opened the way.

Big Malaysia, Little Pony, Bill is no exception!

You look at me, I look at you, and I can't pay attention to it right away.

"I really thought I was a billionaire, and I regretted that I was on the wrong side just now. "

"It's all fake, could it be that the hotel is also fake, maybe it's the hotel miscellaneous. "

"Hahaha, hotel chores, you're going to laugh at me. "

"Damn, it's really good to blow, I almost believed it, it's a pity not to be an actor. "

"That's not it, didn't you see that Wang Xiaocong and a group of rich second generations were recruited!"


As soon as these words came out, the entire hall erupted in violent laughter.

It's jarring.

Some waiters also quietly stood on Mao Xiaokai's side.

"Brother Yang, is it true?" Zhou Yi stared at Yang Xian suspiciously, and then laughed heartily, "But it doesn't matter, buddies eat, drink and have fun together, nothing else to care about." "

"Mao Xiaokai, in fact, what I said is true. Yang Xian responded lightly.

In fact, does anyone doubt that he is not a billionaire and the president of a number of listed companies?

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