Yang Xian's gentleness instantly made Bai Bing's muscles boneless and soft, and he couldn't bear it anymore, and he couldn't help but cover his chest with his hands.

The whole body is hot, as if it is about to melt.

It's only been a day since I've known each other, but in my heart I feel as if I've known each other for centuries, and I don't have any resistance.

Especially with such a strong sense of security.

"What's wrong with you?"

Seeing that something was wrong with Bai Bing, Yang Xian frowned and asked softly in his ear.

"What's wrong with it?"

Especially after experiencing the chaos in the hotel, it is possible to get injured inadvertently.


Facing Yang Xian's question and answer, Bai Bing became more and more more than how to answer, lowering his eyebrows and bowing his head, like a little daughter-in-law.

Then gently leaned against Yang Xian's chest and felt his vigorous and powerful heartbeat.

Can you say that yourself?

At the meeting place, Yang Xianman didn't care about the indifferent attitude, which once inspired Bai Bing's hot personality, and any hooligan words and actions were not a problem.

But in the face of Yang Xian's tenderness, it was difficult to help himself!

Can't you say you're too happy?

The more this happened, the more Yang Xian thought that something was wrong with his body, and covered Bai Bing's face with both hands and raised it gently.

"Where is it uncomfortable, why don't I take you to the hospital? And your face is so hot. "

Yang Xian, who was originally sultry, also noticed that something was wrong with Bai Bing.

Bai Bing could also feel the concern and worry in Yang Xian's eyes through a touch of night.

can't go on like this, if Yang Xian knows that he is careful, it will be so embarrassing!

Silver Fang clenched, looked at Yang Xian, and shook his head vigorously,

"I'm fine....... "

Then he mustered all his courage and buried his head in Yang Xian's chest, as if in this way he could find solace in his soul, and his voice became soft.

"I like that. "

Brilliant as a flower.

Yang Xian also felt the soft touch, his breathing stagnated, and he secretly sighed in his heart that he was really not good-looking, but he had a good capital under his slender figure.

Moreover, Bai Bing's actions are really too sinful.

If it goes on like this, something will happen to the cliff.

Yang Xian smiled evilly, and looked down to see that the white and black hair was naturally draped, and a few strands of hair covered his face like a dazzling hair.

Gently pry it away with your hands!

The beautiful and hot Bai Bing seems to have more heart-warming charm than the first meeting.

"If this continues, Little Red Riding Bag will be eaten by the big bad wolf!"

Bai Bing's heart trembled suddenly, and he hurriedly raised his head, feeling that he was about to suffocate.

Yang Xian's heart was also difficult to calm down for a while, it turned out that seeing Bai Bing's delicate appearance, he was very pleasing, and he wanted to provoke a wave, but seeing Bai Bing's sinful appearance, a different feeling also appeared in his heart.

As an old fritter in two lifetimes, he can be regarded as coming from the ten thousand flowers, and he is almost immune.

At this time, the heart that had not changed for eternity trembled violently.

Bai Bing saw Yang Xian's stunned eyes, and involuntarily fled, but his body was uncontrollable.

From the moment they met, an inexplicable emotion arose, and the villain in his heart kept encouraging, kept chasing, and didn't give up.

Young and handsome, young and golden, mighty and domineering, he is simply a perfect male god, and he has conquered himself step by step.

His heart was also beating violently, and if Yang Xian continued to stare at him so hotly, he suspected that he would definitely explode.

"Yang Xian......!"

"Yang Xian......!"

A whispered attempt called out to Yang Xian, hoping that he would wake up from his trance.

It took a few seconds for Yang Xian to respond.


"Let go of me!"

While speaking, he also let go of the hands holding Yang Xian, and Bai Bing, who had come to his senses, also felt the intimacy of his movements, so he became even more shy.

During college, countless men sought after and didn't even take a second look.

In the face of Yang Xian, his brain seemed to be idle, and he did many things that he had scoffed at before.

Thinking about avoiding the other party, I might as well calm down.

"I don't know why you fell!" Yang Xian smiled evilly. "Let go of you, what if you fall again?"

Feeling Yang Xian's concerned tone, his heart warmed, and he brushed a strand of messy hair behind his ear with his hand.

"No...... No, it was an accident, and it's not because you ......!"

The voice became quieter and quieter, and finally it was like a mosquito buzzing, and he fell into endless shame.

Ask while knowing the answer!

If it weren't for the other party, how could I have weak legs, and I was embarrassed to ask.

"Oh, then why don't I know?" Yang Xian smiled, but did not debunk it.

Looking at this blush, I'm teasing a few words, I'm afraid my legs will really not be able to move away.


"It's nothing!" replied in a firm tone, and looked at Yang Xian with a calm look.

But the blushing cheeks and the red and hot skin from the earlobes to the collarbone exposed her in an instant.

"Let's go, this mountain top is empty, cold, and strange. "

In the next second, his pace also quickened to escape.

Seeing this, Yang Xian raised his eyebrows, pulled the other party into his arms, and smiled.

"The moon is dark and the wind is high, and there is no one, how can you run away alone. "

But Yang Xian's meaning is more than that.


Before he finished speaking, Yang Xian directly hugged Bai Bing, who was powerless to resist, and kissed him deeply.

Bai Bing was immediately stunned, looking at Yang Xian blankly, and his body became stiff.

"You're ......!"

What to do?

Although at the door of the hotel before, the accident caused the two people to have an intimate behavior, and then Yang Xian did not act out of line, and even had a somewhat indifferent attitude, where could he expect the other party's bold behavior at this time.

Bai Bing instantly became overwhelmed, and his brain exploded in an instant, blank.

Will this progress be a little too fast?

No, that's not the point.

The point is why can't you have a little bit of resistance?

Yang Xian smiled indifferently after kissing, and his pace towards the destination was a little faster.

The moonlight is hazy, the beauty is drunk and lying in her arms, and the breeze is blowing, it is simply a good time for beautiful scenery!

Unknowingly, the corners of Bai Bing's mouth were quietly hooked.

Who is the wolf and who is the prey, maybe it is!

The quiet and shy appearance of Bai Bing in his arms has a little more demure temperament.

The moon hung high in a haze like a thin veil, and the breeze blew by, and the fine branches and leaves swayed back and forth, making a rustling sound, which contrasted sharply with the noise of lights in the distance.

Another sleepless night!


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