【In the days that followed, Uzumaki Naruto practiced the art of shuriken throwing.】

【His strength is improving every day.】

【His Shadow Clone Technique continued to improve. When he was six years old, he could already create more than 700 people.】

【After returning, he did not feel too tired. He knew that he had not reached his limit yet.】

【On this day, he finally entered the Ninja School.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen came here to congratulate him. He has seen the progress Uzumaki Naruto has made in the past two years.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen showed a loving smile on his face and said to Uzumaki Naruto,"After entering the Ninja Academy, you must get along well with your classmates and spend every day happily."】

【"Although you have learned a lot now, there is still something you need to learn in Ninja Academy."】

【"There are many excellent teachers there."】

【Yuan Fei Hiruzen's plan was very good. He wanted Naruto to have a deep bond with the Konoha ninjas.】

【In this way, Naruto will be his and Sarutobi Hiruzen's secret weapon. 】

Orochimaru,"This old coin is too scheming."

"Naruto has a bad relationship with the residents of the village, he doesn't say anything"

"I came here specifically to tell you to get along well with the ninjas. Haha, everyone knows the real reason."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Haha, only in this way can Naruto get closer to him, Sarutobi Hiruzen."

"I saw Sarutobi Hiruzen grinning evilly. Do I need to tell you what kind of people are in the Ninja Academy?"

"They are a group of people brainwashed by the Will of Fire."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen wants to continue brainwashing our Naruto through those people, bah!"

【Uzumaki Naruto had already seen through the other party's thoughts.】

【The other party wants to use these to control me】

【Uzumaki Naruto nodded calmly on the surface, but in fact, he was also looking forward to entering the Ninja Academy.】

【Although it has not been confirmed how strong Sarutobi Hiruzen is, we already know from the textbooks that Sarutobi Hiruzen is the strongest ninja, with full chakra attributes, and is known as the Ninjutsu Doctor.】

【Naruto currently does not have the ability to find out the truth and escape from the opponent's hands.】

【Uzumaki Naruto knows that he needs to become stronger, and he also needs to win over more like-minded people. 】

Uchiha Madara,"Naruto is about to enter the Ninja Academy, I am still looking forward to it."

"This kid is not simple-minded, maybe he will turn the Ninja Academy upside down, haha, it will definitely be a surprise."

Ohnoki,"That's right, if the old monkey Sarutobi Hiruzen fights the little fox Uzumaki Naruto, it's really not certain who will win or lose."

"At least according to the current trend, the old monkey Sarutobi Hiruzen is likely to capsize in the gutter."

"The scene is starting to look exciting."

Orochimaru, I'm just imagining a scene."

"When I defected from Konoha Village, I was the only one who defected. Let's say there is a possibility that Uzumaki Naruto and all the outstanding ninjas of the same period defected from Konoha?"

"That would be really interesting."

"I think Naruto has leadership skills."

Uzumaki Kushina,"If that's the case, that's good."

"Go to a safe place and live a carefree life"

"Stay away from these conspiracies and disputes."

Senju Hashirama,"Why do I feel that this Uzumaki Naruto is becoming more and more troublesome?"

"If he goes to the Ninja Academy, he won't turn the world upside down, right?"

Senju Tobirama,"Sarutobi Hiruzen, I don't care what your intentions are. You must stop him. I won't allow the village that my brother built to be messed up."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"......"

"Second generation sir, it seems that telling me this is of no use......."

He is still being fried in the frying pan. Don't you see that everyone is collectively condemning him?

Yamanaka Ino,"To be honest, Naruto in this world always gives me a feeling that he has been sharpening his sword for ten years."

"After sharpening the sword, I'm ready to make a big move at the Ninja Academy......"...

【Uzumaki Naruto finally enrolled in school】

【He and Sasuke entered the school together. They were both very curious about this place dedicated to training ninjas.】

【Naruto's purpose of coming here is also very simple, on the one hand to learn more ninjutsu, on the other hand to find like-minded people】

【His current strength is too weak】

【According to Naruto's tireless reading, looking through the history of Konoha, various stories, listening to the discussions of other residents, etc.......】

【He believed that not only was he being used by Sarutobi Hiruzen, but many people were also dissatisfied with Sarutobi Hiruzen.】

【For example, the Hyuga clan】

【This is no secret in the ninja world. Just three years ago, when Uzumaki Naruto was three years old, the Kumogakure hijacking incident occurred.】

【This incident caused the Hyuga branch family's Hyuga Hiashi to block the death of the main family's Hyuga Hiashi.】

【Although this matter was not ordered by Sarutobi Hiruzen, he tacitly agreed to it.】

【According to Uzumaki Naruto's own analysis, Sarutobi Hiruzen also wanted to use this incident to test the Hyuga clan's attitude towards the Hokage to see if they were loyal.】

【Of course, Naruto doesn't know some of the more specific details.】

【He can only analyze this far based on those known conditions.】

After all, based on his understanding of Sarutobi Hiruzen , he was fully capable of doing such a thing."???"

"How did Uzumaki Naruto come up with such an analysis?"

Uzumaki Kushina,"Ah, is it that complicated?"

"I really can't see this, my son is simply a genius. He is only six years old, but his logical analysis ability is perfect."

"His intelligence ability is even more powerful, so now he is extremely powerful, plus his calm mind and perseverance, in fact, he could have passed the Genin exam a long time ago."

Namikaze Minato,"If I had the brain of Naruto now, I might have been able to stay in the position of Hokage for a few more years."

Uchiha Madara,"I feel like my brain can't keep up"

"Naruto, I advise you not to waste your energy on these unnecessary information. It is most important to continuously enhance your own strength and break all laws with your strength."

Senju Hashirama,"......"

Thousand Hands Door Room,"......"

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