【The two were walking on the street, mostly Uzumaki Naruto was chatting, Hyuga Hinata was very shy and didn't know what to say】

【When passing by a convenience store, Naruto went in to buy something. Hinata was waiting outside.】

【Hinata needs to think about the topic of conversation carefully, her mind is completely empty when Naruto is around......】

【She was racking her brains to think, when suddenly, a mocking voice came from the side.】

【"Look, it's the monster with both eyes white"】

【"I saw her walking with a guy just now. They must be on a date. She is so young and shameless."】

【"The Hyuga clan are all monsters, youkai!"】

【The annoying boys were only six or seven years old, just the right age for mischief.】

【Faced with such a situation, Hinata didn't know how to deal with it. She stepped back again and again, and subconsciously began to cry.......】

【She is too weak.】

【Hearing the noise outside, Uzumaki Naruto came out, created a shadow clone, and beat up a few annoying boys casually.】

【At this moment, this violent Uzumaki Naruto is the light of Hyuga Hinata.】

【The hero saving the beauty will never be out of date. Hinata's eyes are full of Naruto.】

【"Remember, if I see you talking nonsense and bullying Hinata again, I will beat you once, twice, and three times."】


【The children fled without saying a word.】

【Naruto came over and wiped Hinata's tears】

【"What's the point of crying? Don't cry anymore."】

【"When faced with such a situation, you should fight back and hurt them, then no one will dare to scold you anymore."】

【"If crying is useful, I will just cry at home every day. Will others stop calling me a fox demon because of this?"】

【"Weakness is the worst thing. It will not only hurt you, but also hurt those who care about you."】

【Naruto's tone was not so gentle, and even sounded tough, as if he was threatening Hinata, but Hinata felt warm in her heart at that moment.......】

【Hinata suddenly burst out laughing,"I know this, this is what you call winning people over with virtue.""】

【Naruto said,"That's good to know. Okay, let's go and take you home."】

【"I hope you will be refreshed tomorrow."】

【This little episode brought the two closer together. On the way back, Hinata Hyuga naturally started chatting with Naruto.】

【Hinata Hyuga suddenly felt a surge of power in her heart,"In order not to disappoint Naruto-kun, I can't be a coward anymore. I also want to be a person who wins over others with virtue! I can't be bullied anymore!"

Yamanaka Ino,"Damn it, why didn't Naruto-kun send me home? This plot development is too romantic!"

"It's a hero saving a beauty, which girl can resist this kind of scene?"

"If it were me, I would immediately say that I would pledge my love to you. Hinata, you are such a dullard."Haruno

Sakura,"Wow, I can't stand it, I can't stand it, this Naruto-kun is so domineering, I like it so much"

"Total boyfriend power!"

"Remember, when faced with such a scene, Uzumaki Naruto in our world also stepped forward and wanted to be a hero to save the beauty?"

"But the hero failed to save the beauty, and was beaten up by those bullying kids instead.......So lame"

"A comparison between the two......"

Uzumaki Naruto:"Sakura, stop talking."

"I just didn't perform well that day. If you don't believe me, let them try again today. I will definitely beat them to a pulp!"

Uchiha Sasuke,"Alright, stop forcing yourself to save face. Is it so difficult to admit that others are excellent?"

Uzumaki Naruto,"My eyes are filled with tears."......I don't want to watch it anymore, please let me quit......."

Mei Terumi,"This little brother is so manly, and he exudes charm everywhere. I hope he grows up quickly."

Kushina Uzumaki,"Mei Terumi, although you look good, don't try to covet my Naruto."

Mei Terumi,"Forget about this world, but I in the parallel world may not be able to resist."

As the pictures were released, the question-and-answer session also came up with the answer.


【The answer is revealed. Congratulations to Hinata Hyuga who answered the first question. The reward is now issued.】

【A resurrection charm is awarded, which can only be used by the user】

【The user can have a second chance at life. 】

A blue light flashed.

In Hinata Hyuga's hand, there was an ancient-looking coin.

This reward made everyone envious and excited.

This viewing system really has something good that can revive people!...

【After returning home, Naruto refined his chakra as usual.】

【Recently, he often felt the red and violent chakra surging in his body.】

【However, he never took the initiative to touch it, but avoided it. He thought it was very dangerous.】

【As Naruto's strength increased, he could more clearly sense what was hidden in his body.】

【This time, he did not choose to bypass, but took the initiative to contact】

【Naruto's consciousness suddenly entered a space.】

【It's dark and damp here, and there's a huge iron door, as if something is locked inside.......】

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