Uzumaki Kushina,"What Naruto guessed should be the truth."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, this old bastard, has made the village a mess!"

"Second generation, the successor you chose is really not good. You made a mistake."

"Konoha is not without peace, but there are worms inside, who broke the peace with their own hands."

"It’s so hateful. This is Konoha that Minato and I protected with our lives, and yet you destroyed it like this!"

"It’s not worth it, it’s really not worth it!"

Uchiha Madara,"When I left, I asked all the Uchiha clan members to follow me because I predicted the tragedy that would happen today."

"But those people, immersed in peace, have lost their courage."

Senju Hashirama,"This day has finally arrived"

"Is peace really so hard to come by?"

"I'm sorry, Madara, I didn't keep the original intention and promise we made when we founded the village."

Senju Tobirama," Sarutobi Hiruzen, you really disappoint me."

Danzo,"Lord Tobirama, you really made a mistake at that time. You should have chosen me as the Hokage."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Danzo, don't fart, it's obvious that you played a greater role in this matter, and I was deceived by you to a certain extent."

"Therefore, we were not able to prevent such a tragedy from happening in time......."

Danzo,"Don't put the blame on me."

"You don't think of me when you have honor, but I am the one who takes the blame, right?"

Ohnoki,"You two should stop arguing, neither of you is a good person."

Mei Terumi,"Second the motion"

"The ninja world is full of bad people, and only my Naruto is a good person."

Uzumaki Kushina,"......"

"When did Naruto become yours?"

Uzumaki Naruto,"I also need to work hard to improve my own strength and not be the last one in the group anymore."

"In this world, I will also be Sasuke's most trusted backer!"

Uchiha Sasuke,"Why is it that Sasuke in that world can open the double magatama Sharingan, but I only opened a single magatama on the night of the genocide?......I'm so bad"

"At that time, after being hit by Tsukuyomi, I was in a coma for several days before waking up. However, Sasuke woke up not long after......."

"Also, is the truth really as Uzumaki Naruto guessed?......Is there something you can’t tell?"

"It seems that I shouldn't be blinded by hatred alone. I should also think more and be like Uzumaki Naruto of that world!"...

The screen continues

【Uchiha Sasuke woke up from a coma and sat on the hospital bed】

【Suddenly he started to cry......】

【Uzumaki Naruto stepped forward and patted his shoulder, remaining silent.】

【It is not easy for anyone who has experienced such a tragedy to come out of it. He needs to vent his emotions.】

【Uchiha Sasuke cried for a long time, raised his head, and said to Uzumaki Naruto in a hoarse voice】

【"I have nothing left but you"】

【"You won't leave me too"】

【Uchiha Sasuke, in the past two years of contact, has already regarded Naruto as his support】

【Although it sounds a bit corny, this is true friendship】

【Naruto said seriously,"I said I will be your strongest support."】

【"Okay, now that you're done crying, you should stand up. I know you feel bad, but you have to listen to what I'm going to say next."】

【Uchiha Sasuke,"I will listen to say"】

【Uzumaki Naruto began to narrate his analysis.......】


【As he listened, Uchiha Sasuke's eyes lit up a little】

【At least in the midst of despair, there is still a little hope.......】

【Naruto said,"Actually, I can't beat that mysterious masked man. If he really uses all his strength to fight me,"】

【"He has a lot of experience fighting enemies, but I still have too little experience."】

【"Although my chakra is strong enough, as the war of attrition continues, he will eventually find a flaw in me."】

【"I thought back to the battle scene. The reason I was able to injure him was because the third generation had arrived."】

【"There is another reason that I think is very important, that is, the mysterious masked man was unable to use his full strength in front of Uchiha Itachi, and he was also on guard against the other party."】

【"If we follow my previous conjecture, it makes sense that Uchiha Itachi had to exterminate the clan in order to save your life."】

【"Uchiha Itachi is not only protecting you, he is also protecting me. He is staring at the mysterious masked man because he knows that I am your most important partner and an indispensable partner on the road to revenge."】

【Uchiha Sasuke took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down,"I think......What you said makes sense!"】

【"so......All these tragedies were not caused by Uchiha Itachi, but......Three generations!"】

【Naruto said,"The Third Hokage is in charge, and the Konoha high-level officials are in charge."】

【"I told you just now that before we entered the clan territory, we found someone outside watching us. The person watching us was the Anbu."】

【Uchiha Sasuke's pupils contracted,"Another Hokage conspiracy?"】

【Naruto said,"It is almost certain that"】

【"The timing of the third generation's arrival is too coincidental."】

【"Just after killing all the Uchiha clan members and before killing us"】

【"so......If Uchiha Itachi wants to find a way to protect me, this is the only thing he can do?!"】

【Naruto said,"Yes"】

【Uchiha Sasuke immersed himself in it for a long time to digest these contents, and suddenly he said,"So what should we do next?"】

【Naruto said,"Revenge"】

【Uchiha Sasuke,"Kill the Third Hokage?"】

【Naruto said,"And that mysterious masked man"】

【"Of course, whether to kill Uchiha Itachi is up to you. No matter what, I will support you."】

【Uchiha Sasuke,"Okay!"】

【"Naruto, you are absolutely right. We must use our fists to tear apart all conspiracies!"】

【"We now have a common enemy."】

【Naruto grabbed Uchiha Sasuke's shoulders and said,"Let the world tremble because of us."】

【"Let's set a small goal first, to defeat the third generation's dog head and dominate Konoha"】

【Uchiha Sasuke,"Let those villagers who bullied you before tremble in fear!"】

【Naruto,"Haha, I don't care about those insignificant people at all."】

【"They are just some minions. In fact, my growing strength has already made them panic."】

【Uchiha Sasuke,"Then......Set a bigger goal?"】

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