Naruto's performance in this world stunned everyone.

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Is this really something that a four-year-old child can come up with? His mind is so meticulous."

Orochimaru,"Could there be an old monster living in his body?" Uchiha

Madara,"Let's not talk about what kind of potential this child will show later, just based on his character, I'm sure he will become a jonin in the future."

Senju Tobirama,"This is a good seedling." Ohnoki

,"I have a feeling that Sarutobi Hiruzen will make him very anxious."

Uchiha Sasuke,"This.........This performance is really unexpected and mature. It's so calm that it's scary."

Mei Terumi,"This is simply a genius. He knows how to put himself in an advantageous position, and he also knows how to think and figure out how to get out of the predicament......."

"I saw in him the potential to become a Kage. If a village can have someone like him become a Kage, I'm sure it's a good idea."

The Fourth Raikage was shocked and didn't mind watching the joke.

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, I'm afraid you'll have to endure this world."

On the black-framed screen, the scene continued

【The grim Naruto thought and missed the dinner time.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen, this time has come,"I came to see you"】

【"I already know what happened to you on the street. Don't worry, I have issued a ban and will not let those people gossip about you anymore."】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen smiled gently and touched Naruto's head affectionately with his hand.】

【Naruto raised his head and looked into Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes. He smiled and said,"Thank you, Grandpa Hokage."】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed softly and said,"Grow up quickly, then you can go to the Ninja Academy and learn skills."】

【You will be able to be a useful person to the village, you will be accepted by everyone, and you will become a hero of the village.......】

【Where the leaves dance, the fire lives on......】

【After giving a lecture, Sarutobi Hiruzen left, but this made Naruto think more deeply.】

【"Why do others hate me so much, but the Third Hokage is so nice to me?"】

【Based on what he had just observed, Naruto instinctively saw that he did not see much genuine concern in Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes.】

【"Is Hokage's kindness to me genuine? Or does he hate me just like the villagers do?】

【"but......Why do you show such good performance?"】

【"He always comes to tell me that where the leaves dance, the fire will never die.......He also told me that if I were willing to sacrifice myself for the benefit of the village, I would be a hero, etc......."】

【He wants me to die, is that true?】

【"Ignite myself and light up the village? You want me to light up the villagers who bully me? Haha"】

【"Who else will illuminate me?"】

【Naruto instinctively felt disgusted by those positive energy preachings.】

【At this time, his mind was still pure, thinking from the perspective of what was good for him. He only knew that every time Sarutobi Hiruzen came, he would lecture him, but never brought him any delicious food.......】

【I eat instant noodles and drink expired milk. He only talks about principles and never gives me good things.......】

【Therefore, there are doubts about Sarutobi Hiruzen.】

【Naruto finally came to the conclusion that at such a young age, he was very defensive and thoughtful.】

【It's not his fault, it's this world that gave him pain. 】

Orochimaru,"The Uzumaki Naruto in this world is sober and right."

"Where the leaves of Konoha dance, the fire will never cease? Sarutobi Hiruzen, why don't you burn yourself?"

"You are just disrespecting life."

Uchiha Sasuke,"Huh, the Naruto in this world is really not that annoying."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Do I think so much in this world? Am I right?"

Pain,"Hahahaha, Uzumaki Naruto, you are right. The world gives you pain, and you should also give the world pain!"

Uchiha Madara,"The more I look at him, the more I like him. Why isn't he a member of my Uchiha family?"

The Fourth Raikage,"I find this kid more terrifying."

"If he is not guided correctly, he will become a great disaster to the world in the future." Uzumaki Kushina,"I hope he can live like this. At least, he is happier now than he was in his original world."

【Then, Naruto put all these thoughts behind him and started to act according to his plan.】

【He needs to read more books to understand the world, and he needs to strengthen his own strength and make his fists stronger.】

【Coming to the table, Naruto opened the"History of Konoha" and started reading.】

【When you are tired of watching, just get up and run.】

【After that, his life became regular. He got up at six in the morning, read books, and exercised.】

【He eats on time, continues reading, and in the evening, when there are fewer people around, he goes outside for a weighted run.】

【To outsiders, this is a strange and lonely child, but Naruto enjoys it.】

【He could clearly feel that his brain was being filled with knowledge, that his physical strength was growing, and that he was getting stronger.】

【On this day, at Naruto's request, Sarutobi Hiruzen brought him a few books.】

【《Three Body Techniques》,《Chakra Refining》,《Detailed explanation of Ninja Tool Throwing》,《Physical training method》】

【"I'm going to start training in ninjutsu. I'll become even stronger."】

【"Those who insult me, just wait. I will use my fists to shut you up."】

【A golden light flashed across Naruto's eyes, and his young face looked childish, serious and resolute. 】

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