Orochimaru,"Uzumaki Naruto is indeed a smart man."

Uchiha Sasuke,"Why didn't I think of this at the time?"

"right......At that time, I was unconscious for three days before I woke up. It was a long time before I dared to go back to check, but when I went back, there was nothing."

Ohnoki," Sarutobi Hiruzen, no wonder your Sarutobi clan is so powerful, it turns out that the funds you have accumulated are through these means.""

Mei Terumi," I now quite agree with Uzumaki Naruto's idea of overthrowing Konoha and establishing a new country. There are too many intrigues in Konoha."

Uzumaki Kushina scolded the Third Hokage.

This old guy not only failed to fulfill the instructions given to him by Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki on their deathbed. He also left him alone and didn't even leave his inheritance to Uzumaki Naruto.

Uzumaki Naruto,"I finally understand, it turns out that my miserable childhood was really given by the Third Hokage......."

"That amiable grandpa is really so sinister......"

Yamanaka Ino,"Naruto, you are too kind, so kind that you are a little silly."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Are you praising me or scolding me?"...

【Uzumaki Naruto used the Multiple Shadow Clone Technique to put all the Uchiha clan's property and secret techniques he could find into a sack and took them away.】

【"It seems that we came at the right time. We are lucky that they haven't started to loot the property yet."】

【Uchiha Sasuke was even more eager to take as much as he could.】

【After the Anbu led by the Third Generation has dealt with the bodies of the Uchiha clan, they will definitely come back to continue dealing with these properties.】

【By that time, it may not be so easy to get it.】

【Although these are all the property of the Uchiha clan, after the Uchiha clan was exterminated, these properties should have belonged to the only living Uchiha Sasuke.】

【But weakness is the original sin, and wealth only belongs to the strong】

【"We have almost finished our things, let's go"】

【Uzumaki Naruto's strong perception allowed him to detect someone coming. It was a familiar breath.】

【Immediately run in a direction where there is no one.】

【After a while, the Third Hokage arrived with the Anbu and Danzo with the Root.】

【The two old bastards didn't say anything, but just signaled with their eyes, and the people under them immediately understood and went to where they were supposed to go.】

【Then they came back empty-handed,"Report, Third Master, no"】

【"Report to Master Danzo, nothing was found."】

【After hearing the news, the Third Generation and Danzo frowned and looked at each other.】

【There is no doubt that they all suspected that the other party secretly arranged someone to take the initiative.】

【After all, the Uchiha clan was exterminated today, but only they knew about it.】

【They both didn't believe that Uchiha Itachi and the mysterious masked man would come back and risk their lives to take valuables that were of no use to them.】

【As for the one who still knows the situation, Uchiha Sasuke? There is no doubt about that, he is still lying in the hospital.】

【The two old ghosts didn't believe that Uchiha Sasuke, a seven-year-old child, could remember this.】

【What's more, there is no way Uchiha Sasuke will come back, at least not in the short term. This is the burial place of the Uchiha clan. If he comes back, I'm afraid his spirit will collapse from the stimulation.】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Danzo, you are indeed the Dark Lord of Konoha."】

【Danzo,"Hehe, Hokage-sama, I don't understand what you are saying"】

【The tension between the two became stronger, but in the end, it did not explode, and the matter was left alone.】

【After all, the destruction of the Uchiha clan has already happened, and the property is just a bonus and is not that important in comparison.】

【The biggest threat to Konoha Village has been resolved】

【Then, the group dispersed.】

【The third generation did not go home, but came to the hospital to visit Uchiha Sasuke】

【Looking at Uchiha Sasuke lying on the bed with no sign of waking up, he sighed.】

【Said to Naruto, who was sitting next to him and watching over Sasuke,"I never expected such a tragedy to happen. This poor child"】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen said some disgusting words and left.】

【As soon as he left, Uchiha Sasuke opened his eyes, sat up, and spat fiercely,"Damn this old thing"】

【"It's really disgusting."】

【Uzumaki Naruto squeezed Uchiha Sasuke's shoulders and said,"It won't be long before he stops disgusting us."】

【"It won't be long"】

【The next day, Uchiha Sasuke"woke up" and looked at the third generation who paid great attention and came to care for him. His eyes were full of indifference and murderous intent.】

【Uchiha Sasuke refused the new residence arranged for him by the third generation Sarutobi Hiruzen, and chose to go to Uzumaki Naruto's house】

【The two revengeful people didn't waste too much time. They took out the secret technique brought back from the Uchiha clan, continued to comprehend, and embarked on the road to becoming stronger. 】

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