【As time passed, Uzumaki Naruto basically learned all the ninjutsu he could get.】

【Uchiha Sasuke's strength is also growing steadily. In his second year, he has already reached the strength of a Genin and can graduate successfully.】

【On this day, Uzumaki Naruto invited Hinata Hyuga, Yamanaka Ino, Haruno Sakura, Akimichi Choji, Hyuga Neji and others to have dinner at his home.】

【Yamanaka Ino, Nozakura Aki, and Hyuga Hinata all used their specialties to make delicious meals.】

【"Naruto-kun, how about trying the three-color meatballs I made?"】

【"Naruto-kun, try the fish I cooked."】

【The three women were talking】

【Uzumaki Naruto, smiling and getting the most out of everyone】

【This made the three girls a little disappointed, but also looked forward to it.......】

【When Naruto is around, the three girls will ignore others. Akimichi Choji and the others are used to it and just eat the food on their plates.】

【Hyuga Hinata said,"Naruto-kun, my father asked me to thank you."】

【"May I ask when you have time to visit my home?"】

【Although it has been more than two years, Hyuga Hinata still hasn't fully adapted to the】

【In front of Naruto, she is still the shy girl......】

【When she invited Naruto to her home, her face was already red.】

【Hinata Hyuga's strength has improved by leaps and bounds in the past two years, and her character has also become much stronger, which makes her father Hyuga Hiashi very pleased.】

【Naruto smiled and said,"Actually, I didn't do anything. I just noticed that you never had enough to eat."】

【"Look, now as long as you are full, your strength will immediately return to its normal level."】

【Hyuga Hinata,"Naruto-kun is annoying, stop talking......."】

【Then......Silently showing off another bowl of noodles】

【Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino looked at the big eater Hinata Hyuga curiously. Will she not gain weight by eating so much?......】

The moviegoer,"???"

"So, is the reason why Hinata is weak because she didn’t eat enough?"

"It would be too embarrassing if people knew this."

"The daughter of the Hyuga clan is actually hungry. It's not like we don't have extra food at home......."

"Hinata, is this really the case


Don't discuss this kind of thing openly.

A girl who eats more than a wild boar is a shame, okay?

Tsunade,"Naruto Uzumaki is so likable, and it seems there is a reason for that. He is very considerate."

"So many people couldn't find out that Hinata was hungry, but he could"

"He is such a warm-hearted handsome guy."

Mei Terumi,"Wow, I like Naruto a little more. It turns out he is such a considerate and warm-hearted guy." Kushina

Uzumaki,"Haha, Hiashi Hinata is going to invite Naruto to his house. Does this mean the father-in-law is going to formally meet his son-in-law?""


Yamanaka Inoichi , you have to act faster. After all, if you act too late, you may not have the chance to become Naruto's father-in-law."......"

"Haha, Naruto is worthy of our Ino?"

Yamanaka Ino,"Dad, don't talk nonsense......"

In the mountains,"???"

Jiraiya,"Why do I see a different meaning in this invitation?"

"Hinata Hiashi, I'm afraid you want to tell Naruto something important."

Orochimaru,"Is there any need to say that?"

"Uzumaki Naruto instilled the bad ideas of the Third Generation Thief into Hinata Hyuga, and was definitely discovered by Hyuga Hiashi"

"So, is this meeting a showdown?"

Namikaze Minato,"It's probably"

"I don't know what Hyuga Hiashi's choice will be."

Hyuga Hiashi,"There's nothing to speculate about. It's probably just a simple meeting."

"After all, my brother is responsible for the entire Hyuga clan, he will not easily oppose the current Hokage"

【Naruto had not expected the invitation from the Hyuga clan leader, but it would be a good thing to meet him.】

【The third generation Sarutobi Hiruzen was the one who forced Hyuga Hizashi to death. He was the patriarch of the Hyuga clan and the younger brother of Hyuga Hiashi.】

【It is impossible that Hyuga Hiashi has no hatred towards the Third Generation.】

【Uzumaki Naruto made up his mind and prepared to attract more like-minded people.】

【Even if Hyuga Hiashi refuses to take action at the critical moment due to family reasons, it doesn't matter, at least he won't be a hindrance.】

【Everyone finished the meal happily. Hinata Hyuga, Sakura Haruno, and Ino Yamanaka all tried their best to show their virtuous side.】

【After collecting the dishes from the meal, he returned Naruto's house and cleaned it thoroughly.】

【Yamanaka Ino took out the flowers she had prepared in advance and placed them on the head of Uzumaki Naruto's bed.】

【"Naruto-kun, if you touch more flowers, you will sleep better."】

【Hyuga Hinata cooked and prepared a midnight snack for Naruto,"Naruto-kun, you guys exercise a lot, so you can eat more."】

【Haruno Sakura helped Uzumaki Naruto wash his clothes......】

【This made Uzumaki Naruto whisper,"When I grow up, it might be a good idea to have more wives."】

Jiraiya,"I wonder how many girls this world's Naruto will cause trouble to when he grows up."

"This is the tragedy of my ninja world."

Yamanaka Ino,"Hey! Naruto-kun, how can you think like that!" Uzumaki

Kushina,"Naruto, you are so stupid, even if you think so, you can't say it out loud."

Namikaze Minato,"......"


Mei Terumi,"This is what they call a loving mother who spoils her child, just indulge her!"

【Uchiha Sasuke,"So, you invited them to your house for dinner today just to have them clean the house for you, right?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto laughed,"That's not the case."】

【"I just thought home was more cozy, so I asked them to come."】

【Uchiha Sasuke,"Don't lie to me, it seems like you've even arranged the next duty roster for them!"】

【Uzumaki Naruto,"Really?"】

【"Haha, I did say just now that if we get together again next week, I can let Ino sweep the floor."】

【Sasuke Uchiha,"......"】

Hyuga Hiashi,"......"

In the mountains,"......"

Uzumaki Naruto,"......"

【On the second day, Uzumaki Naruto was invited to visit Hyuga Hiashi's home.】

【After thanking Naruto, Hinata Hiashi said,"If you really want to realize your dream, you need to become stronger."】

【"Go find a man named Kakashi and ask him to confirm whether you are really the son of the Fourth Generation."】

【"If so, maybe you will get an unexpected surprise from him."】

【"If you want to achieve your goal, you must learn the Flying Thunder God Technique."】

【"This will give you a chance to make a comeback even if you fail."】

【As Naruto expected, Hinata Hiashi did not express much.】

【How could an adult, the head of the Hyuga clan, say anything to a child?】

【However, he told Naruto a key piece of information.......】

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