【Kakashi needs to rest for a while because of the side effects of using the Sharingan】

【Therefore, they stayed at the home of a resident of Wave Country.】

【Naruto met a mysterious boy, Bai】

【Bai told Naruto that if he wanted to protect something important, he would become very strong.】

【Naruto connected the boy's words with the Will of Fire.】

【Naruto secretly made up his mind to become stronger in order to protect the village he loved and his important friends.

Orochimaru said,"I can see that the current Uzumaki Naruto is already very ill."

"Poor kid, at such a young age, he's already been brainwashed by that damn Will of Fire."

"He had no idea that the person who said this to him was just trying to use him to maintain his own rule."

"He is the one who uses him the most."

Uzumaki Kushina,"It is absolutely right to protect important things and become stronger. There is no problem with that."

"But Naruto, you must learn to distinguish what is important."

"At least, those ignorant villagers are not"

"That third generation thief who always makes you look kind is not either."

Terumi Mei,"On this point, the Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world is very clear." Ohnoki

,"Yes, this may be one of the reasons why we appreciate that Uzumaki Naruto more and more."

Kakashi,"Ahem, people always grow up through experience."

"Keep watching. Naruto's performance is still very good."

【In fact, Bai is the mysterious man who took Zabuza away】

【Soon after, Zabuza appeared and took revenge on Team 7.】

【Bai lured Uzumaki Naruto into a trap, and in order to protect Naruto, Sasuke fell into a disadvantageous battle with Bai, and the scene was extremely dangerous.】

【Bai saw that the weakness of this battle was Uzumaki Naruto, and attacked him.】

【Sasuke blocked a fatal blow for Naruto, but he was seriously injured and fell down.】

【Uzumaki Naruto thought Uchiha Sasuke was dead, and in anger he used the power of the Nine-Tails to defeat Haku】

【The battle situation has been reversed. 】

Haruno Sakura,"Naruto, who exploded the power of the Nine-Tails at this moment, is indeed very handsome."

Yamanaka Ino,"But why do I feel that Sasuke and Naruto seem to be true love?......"

Uzumaki Naruto,"What are you talking about, that's called brotherhood, brotherhood!"

Akimichi Choji,"Although it looks weird, I know, this is what is called a bond."

Nara Shikamaru,"I seem to understand why Naruto developed the erotic seduction technique, such a boring technique is coming"

"Do you think there is a possibility that he did it for Sasuke?"

Sasuke,"Shikamaru, I'll come to see you after the movie is over, so be prepared."

Nara Shikamaru,"Hahahaha, I'm just kidding, don't be so serious."......"

Mei Terumi,"The little Naruto in our world has finally unleashed the power of the Nine-Tails. It makes people feel a little relieved.""

"It would be better if he could develop Kyuubi faster."

"There wouldn't be a tragedy like today."

"The Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world is proving all the time that his thoughts are correct."

"Only with power can you control your life and prevent many tragedies from happening."

Uzumaki Naruto clenched his fists. He agreed with this statement.

If he was like Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world, he would have realized that he had sealed the Nine-Tails and could also extract its power.

Then, in the mission of Wave Country, Sasuke would not have been seriously injured.

"When the movie is over, I will communicate with the Nine-Tails in my body and steal his power."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Naruto, don't, your power at the moment is not enough to convince the Nine-Tails."

"If you fight him, you may end up in trouble, so be careful."

Ohnoki, this world's Uzumaki Naruto scene should be about the same, right?"

"It's time to switch to the parallel world's Uzumaki Naruto."

Mei Terumi,"I really want to see him quickly unleash the power of the Nine-Tails and rule the entire ninja world."

"Perhaps, when that day comes, I will be the one who becomes the consort."

Uzumaki Kushina,"......"

Yamanaka Ino,"There are always some women who are wishful thinking, haha"

【Just when Kakashi was about to kill Zabuza with Raikiri, Bai blocked the fatal blow for him and died.】

【The crazy Zabuza had his hands broken by Kakashi, and Uzumaki Naruto also told Zabuza about Haku's loyalty and friendship to him】

【Zabuza's position was shaken. Because of Cardo's betrayal, he gave up the battle with Team 7 and turned to kill Cardo. He was also seriously injured by many of Cardo's men.】

【Cardo's men attempted to start a riot, but were scared away by Naruto and Kakashi's shadow clones, as well as the people of Wave Country who came to the scene.】

【Afterwards, Kakashi followed Zabuza's last wish and buried him together with Haku.】

【Mr. Dazna named the newly built bridge Naruto Bridge to thank Naruto for his help.

Kai,"Although Zabuza and Haku are villains, the friendship between them is still very touching."

"It also reminds me of running in the sunset."

Rock Lee,"Teacher, I cried."

"Now I really want to go out and run to release this emotion."

Bai,"Master Zabuza, the last......"

Momochi Zabuza,"Haku, don't say anything."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Naruto Bridge? Hahaha, Naruto has left a name for this world after all."

Namikaze���"Naruto is gradually becoming better and better, and he is no longer the last one."

The screen with a white border began to dim.

The screen with a black border lit up.

The story of Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world continued to play.

Terumi Mei,"Here it comes, the exciting scene is about to begin!""

"If Zabuza from this world met Uzumaki Naruto, he would be crushed to pieces in seconds without saying a word."

Ohnoki, after Hinata Hiashi met with Uzumaki Naruto, he asked him to go find Kakashi."

"So next, Naruto should go to meet Kakashi."

Uzumaki Kushina,"I'm still looking forward to what he'll look like when he meets Kakashi."

"I don't know what interesting things will happen."

Yamanaka Ino,"Based on what I know about Naruto-kun in the parallel world"

"The first thing they did when they met was to persuade Kakashi to quit the Anbu and join them."

"The second thing is to learn all the skills of the other person."

Haruno Sakura,"Hey, you say that as if you know him very well, what makes you say that?"

"Also, I can guess that Naruto-kun in that world would do this, how could you say it first?"

Hinata Hyuga,"You'd better not have some illusions."

"Let your father meet Naruto-kun first."

Tsunade,"Sure enough, some little girls would get jealous over such a relationship."

"The Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world is indeed very good, but he is just a child. He will be good when he grows up."

Mei Terumi,"So, you are ready to join us?"

Uzumaki Kushina,"......".........

【Happy National Day to everyone! 】

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