With the comparison of Uzumaki Naruto's similar experience, everyone is more convinced of the bad behavior of Sarutobi Hiruzen, the old coin.

Uzumaki Kushina,"Sarutobi Hiruzen, let's see how you can wash it this time."

"You've been beaten to this point, and you're still trying to argue?"

Mizuto Menyan,"It's unreasonable to infer the process and starting point from the result, okay?"

"Who could have thought things would turn out like that?"

"Besides, Hatake Sakumo's psychological endurance is too poor. How could he commit suicide after being criticized by others?"

Utatane Koharu,"Yes, this can't all be blamed on the Third Hokage."

"This is totally unexpected."

"Also, at that time, it was a war time, and many people died."

"Take Hatake Sakumo for example, how many people has he killed?"

"His death is not that hard to accept, it was just an accident"

"Who among us who are alive now did not fight our way out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood?"

"So many people have died around us, haven't we gotten used to it?"

Kakashi,"Hey! Old man, what are you talking about!"

Orochimaru,"Hahaha, look at it, you finally revealed the mentality of the Konoha high-level officials, what they think"

"The sacrifices of your people are taken for granted in their eyes, and they are not curious about it."

Red Sand Scorpion," Haha, what a mockery!"

"Konoha White Fang, you killed my parents, you deserve to die"

"Now that I'm dead, I found out the truth is this, hahaha, I'm so happy"

"This is what they call killing someone."...

【Naruto continued to think,"Sarutobi Hiruzen is really cruel. He used the life of a talented ninja who had made great achievements in the war to achieve his own goal."】

【"Otherwise, if Sarutobi Hiruzen really wanted to save the life of Konoha White Fang, wouldn't it be simple?"】

【"All we need to do is send him out to carry out the mission secretly and not let him return to the village for the time being, isn't that enough?"】

【"Give Hatake Sakumo some encouragement regularly, recognize his contribution to the village, and give him honor."】

【"Hatake Sakumo will never commit suicide because of guilt or other people's opinions."】

【"This old thief, Sarutobi Hiruzen, has really figured out how to kill someone with a borrowed knife."】

【"As expected, ginger is experienced, and I must be extremely careful when facing him in the future."】

【"Or, Sarutobi Hiruzen might have another idea."】

【"At that time, Hatake Sakumo was too popular and famous, so he was inevitably suspected by the three generations of people in power."】

【"I am afraid that I can't control him and it will bring trouble to myself."】

【"Therefore, we should believe what is said, but not what is not said. This is how the people in power are."】


【Uzumaki Naruto thought a lot and finally threw these ideas away.】

【Because he understood that in the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies would be useless.】

【"I need more time to improve my strength until the moment I master unparalleled power"】

【"The truth will exist forever in my hands"】

Kakashi:"What Uzumaki Naruto said makes so much sense, if the Third Hokage really wanted to save someone's life, wouldn't he be able to do it?"

"Anyone who can become Hokage must have some brains and strength."

"How can we let a person be killed by words?"

Uchiha Sasuke,"Teacher Kakashi, I am very relieved to see that you have come to your senses. It's very good."

"The movie is over, let's kill that old thief together"

"If it weren't for this old thief, the two of us would have had a very happy childhood and family."

"Why has it come to this?"

"If we replace him with someone with a broader mind, our Konoha will be at least twice as strong as it is now!"

Kakashi,"I agree."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's forehead began to sweat. If he continues to watch the movie like this, he doesn't know how many people will rebel against him when the movie is over.

Beside him, there is also the disguised Orochimaru, who is eyeing him covetously!

This time, I'm afraid it's more dangerous than good.

【Uzumaki Naruto took the initiative to find Kakashi】

【Kakashi had a complicated expression on his face regarding the young man who appeared before him.】

【Uzumaki Naruto said,"On the night when Sasuke's family was destroyed, you were also present with the Third Hokage as a member of the Anbu, right?"】

【Although Kakashi was wearing a mask that day, his aura was recognized by Uzumaki Naruto.】

【Kakashi nodded and said,"Yes."】

【The first time Uzumaki Naruto saw Kakashi, he could tell what he was really thinking behind his expression.】

【Uzumaki Naruto,"You actually already know that I am the son of the Fourth Hokage, right?"】

【Kakashi said,"When you used the power of the Nine-Tails that night, it was basically confirmed."】

【Uzumaki Naruto nodded calmly and said,"The relationship between you and my father is not good, right?"】

【Kakashi shook his head and said,"No, the teacher is very good to me."】

【"In order to help me get out of the haze, he even let me wait by your side on the day you were born."】

【"The birth of a new life makes me feel a kind of strength and joy from the bottom of my heart"】

【Kakashi smiled bitterly, opened his mouth and closed it again, as if he wanted to explain something, but in the end he didn't say anything.......】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled and said】

【"Kakashi, you are my father's disciple. When something happened, you failed to take good care of me. Are you feeling guilty?"】

【Kakashi,"Yes......Sorry, I have been living in a daze all these years......."】

【"In fact, I was not sure it was you until you used the power of the Nine-Tailed Fox."】

【from now on......】

【Uzumaki Naruto interrupted him and said,"After that day, you focused on checking my past."】

【"You found out that I had a very miserable life when I was little, and you felt even more ashamed to come and see me, right?"】

【"After that, I began to practice hard, showing extraordinary talent, and entered the Ninja Academy. When everything was going smoothly, you felt that it was even more inappropriate to come and see me."】

【"Because you feel that I no longer need you at this moment, and if you appear again, it will only arouse my hatred, right?"】

【Kakashi was stunned. He didn't expect that his mind would be broken by the boy opposite him.】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled and said,"I won't blame you, you have no obligation to take care of me."】

【"Besides, your condition isn't that bad, you're still a teenager who needs to be cured."】

【"If you really come to take care of me, I might be led astray by you."】


【He looked at Uzumaki Naruto for a long time without saying a word.】

【But the words that the other party said made him feel relieved and not so heavy.】

【as if......A knot in my heart has been untied】

【Uzumaki Naruto,"However, there is still some friendship between you and me left by our fathers."】

【"Moreover, we most likely have a common enemy."】

【"Let me analyze the cause of your father's death?"】

【"The truth may be very different from what you think."】

【Kakashi's pupils contracted. This has always been a thorn in his heart.】

【"you say"】

Yamanaka Ino,"Here we go, Naruto-kun is going to teach Kakashi a lesson!"

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