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【The Uzumaki Naruto in this world is still focusing on training and improving his strength.】

【Last time, he realized that he should learn more techniques, so he went to ask Sarutobi Hiruzen for the methods.】

【First of all, the precise control of chakra is the basis of all techniques.】

【Gather the chakra at the soles of your feet and climb the tree step by step......】

【Calmly step on the water and walk over】

【These trainings, which at least require senior Genin to complete, are nothing more than child's play in Naruto's eyes.】

【Just like the three-body technique, all successful at once】

【"Do we need to learn such simple things as treading water and climbing trees?"】

【"Is it true that some people fail because they cannot learn successfully?"】

【"Isn't this a natural byproduct of learning how to refine chakra?"】

【"Of course, this thing can indeed train the ability to control chakra."】

【Naruto muttered to himself, losing interest in these two gadgets.......Then, he began to practice physical training.】

【His eyes were so determined, his movements were so serious, and sweat was running down his forehead and cheeks.】

【Uzumaki Naruto's taijutsu has made further progress, and his endurance has increased again. 】

Uzumaki Naruto's self-talk.

But it broke the defense of Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Kakashi and others in the original world.

Uchiha Sasuke was speechless and said angrily

"Hey, this Naruto is too arrogant, what is he saying?!"

"Is this a piece of cake?"

Uzumaki Naruto's eyes were filled with resentment.

Tears welled up in his eyes.

He still remembered that not long ago, when they were fighting against Zabuza Momochi,

Kakashi had just taught Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto this technique.

You have to know that they were already twelve years old at that time.

Not to mention that they were six years older than the Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world.

They didn't know how many times they fell when climbing trees. When they were stepping on water, they didn't know how many times they stepped into the water.

Finally, they were able to have a more refined control over chakra....

Only then can they step on the water with both feet, not fall down, and walk normally.

Haruno Sakura has witnessed the growth of the two step by step.

At this moment, I can only say silently,"Comparing yourself to others is really annoying......."

"The Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world is only six years old, he is still just a child, how can he be so strong?!"

Uchiha Madara,"I have to say, this kid is really capable." Senju Hashirama

,"You’re right, it seems that I didn’t learn to climb trees naturally at that time, I also went through a little bit of trial and error." Senju Tobirama,

"I like this extremely talented and hardworking child very much, but I’m afraid that he will destroy the village, I love and hate him."

Kakashi,"Ahem, the Naruto in this world is a bit annoying, what kind of words are he saying, is he going to let other ordinary people live?......"

Ohnoki,"Is there any way to send a message to Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world? Quickly defect from their Hokage Village and come to our village. We will give him the best treatment!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"You old man, you poached people and dug them into the parallel world?"......

【After completing his training and taking a break, Uzumaki Naruto would sit on the grass slope and think about something.】

【"The Sandaime seems to want me to become stronger."】

【"As my strength improved, his intimacy with me increased significantly, and he became more and more concerned about me."】

【"Before, he never asked me how I ate, but now he brings me some nutritious food......."】


【This also made Uzumaki Naruto more certain that Sarutobi Hiruzen did not really wish Naruto the best, but that he just wanted to use him.】

【"Is he trying to tap into the powerful force deep within my body?"】

【"Is that red chakra filled with murderous intent the legendary nine-tailed demon fox?"】

【"It should be"】

【After feeling the red chakra for the first time, Naruto felt it many times during the process of refining chakra.】

【However, every time he only tried it briefly, he did not go too deep. He thought that his current strength was not strong enough, and it would be dangerous if he made any contact rashly.

Orochimaru,"Hahaha, teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen, your hypocritical mask is nothing in Naruto's eyes."

"I really like this smart kid, I must find a way to go to the parallel world and take over his body!"

Ohnoki,"Sarutobi Hiruzen, you are too goal-oriented and too utilitarian."

"What an old conspirator."

Mei Terumi,"This child is very clear-headed. I didn't ask you to instill the will of fire in him."

"I won't be sold out anymore, and I'll count the money for you."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen, your old shamanic plot is going to fail, hahahaha."

Orochimaru,"My dear teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen may not be able to beat this kid."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"All of you shut up and stop slandering me!" Uchiha

Madara,"So you are angry?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Evil Uchiha clan, don't talk!"

Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato did not speak.

But the favorability of Sarutobi Hiruzen has basically dropped to zero.

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