【The Mist Shadow Ninja Ghost Brothers were instantly angry at Kakashi's obvious contemptuous behavior.】

【The other party really looked down on me and actually sent a little girl to play】

【Looking at the other three Konoha ninjas, the two little kids didn't even bother to raise their heads.】

【Then, Kakashi, a ninja wearing a mask and revealing one eye, went even further and turned around, exposing his back.......】

【The two ghost brothers shouted,"We're going to kill all of you damned fellows."】

【Uzumaki Naruto was a little bored and dug his ears】

【"Xiaoying, you have been training with us for a while, so you should have no problem fighting these two guys. Let's end the fight quickly. They are too noisy."】

【"Yes! Naruto-kun"】

【Kakashi turned around and looked at Dazna with a bad look.】

【"Give us a reasonable explanation. You reported for a C-level mission, so how come a ninja appeared?"】

【"This should be at least a B or A level task."】

【"Do you know that your false report may very likely kill our partner?"】

【Dazna's face changed. He started to speak with tears in his eyes.】

【The story is about how the country of waves is now controlled by the evil merchant Cardo, and how miserable the people are.】

【The people were forced into a desperate situation and could only rely on building bridges and opening up channels to the outside world in order to achieve economic vitality.】

【It was not easy for them to finally raise the money to build the bridge.】

【In the end, I was really out of money, so I had to lie about the mission level.】

【Dazna was in tears as he spoke, with a pleading expression on his face.】

【"You are all from Konoha and are the ninjas with the best reputation. You won’t ignore me, right?"】

【When these words were spoken, both Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke frowned.】

【Originally, this false reporting of the difficulty of the mission had already touched upon the ninja's taboo.】

【Even if I kill Dazna, it won't matter.】

【Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke had no interest in killing this kind of rubbish, so they didn't plan to pay any attention to him.】

【Decided to end the mission directly and go to other places to gain experience】

【But the other party is looking for death and trying to use moral kidnapping】

【Moreover, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke both have special perceptions.】

【It's easy to tell that this Dazna is lying.】

【Uchiha Sasuke took out a kunai and put it against Dazna's neck】

【"Are you threatening us?"】

【This real murderous intent frightened Dazna so much that he peed his pants. He never expected that this twelve or thirteen-year-old child could be so vicious.】

【Uchiha Sasuke 847 used the Sharingan to cast an illusion on Dazna, and he immediately told the real reason】

【Originally, the money for hiring ninjas to go on missions was enough, but this Dazna was too greedy and spent a lot of money on drinking and partying.】

【He wanted to spend more, so he came up with a stupid idea, lying about the mission level, and then using moral kidnapping】

【I didn't expect to run into a tough guy this time.】

【Uchiha Sasuke looked at Uzumaki Naruto and asked,"Are you going to kill him?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto glanced towards the depths of the forest and said,"Don't dirty our hands."】

【"Someone is waiting for him"】

【Uchiha Sasuke understood immediately and kicked Dazna away】

【With fear on his face, Dazna bypassed the fighting area and fled to other places.】

【But not long after running, I heard his screams.】

【In the dense forest, Zabuza's beheading sword stabbed into Dazna's stomach, ripping him open. 】

Uchiha Madara,"I admire Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke even more."

"You can't be soft-hearted to those who have hurt you."

The Fourth Raikage,"I got angry when I saw the story of Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Kakashi and others escorting Dazna back to their country in this world."

"I don't understand why Uzumaki Naruto and his gang are so soft-hearted and put themselves in danger."

"Now, I finally see the parallel world's Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke, killing the hypocritical guy Dazna, how refreshing."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Is it really okay to kill your employer?""

Uzumaki Kushina,"Naruto, you are just too kind"

"I hope you can remember one thing from now on. Don't let anyone hurt you in any way."

"There is nothing wrong in being a good person who protects your companions, but you must never be soft-hearted."

"Otherwise, you will end up hurting yourself and your companions."

Orochimaru,"Uzumaki Naruto, think about how kind you were when you were a child, but how did those ignorant villagers treat you?"

"You just accept your fate and don't know how to resist."

"If so, you should also show your teeth to those ignorant villagers like you did in the parallel world."

"You will have a friendlier childhood and find that everyone will smile at you."

"So, Naruto, go subvert Konoha, don't protect him, what the hell is this Will of Fire?"

【After killing Dazna, Momochi Zabuza was ready to leave, after all, the mission had been accomplished.】

【And he instinctively felt that Kakashi and his group were a little weird and dangerous.】

【I didn't want to meet them face to face】

【But before he left, he found that his ghost brothers were knocked down and tied to the tree with their own weapons, the iron chain.....】

【Kakashi has begun to torture the ghost brothers for information】

【I also learned that there was a rebel ninja from the Mist Shadow Village, Zabuza Momochi, behind the scenes.】

【Momochi Zabuza saw it. His existence had actually been discovered by the two children, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke.】

【Failed to hide】

【No longer hiding, Momochi Zabuza and the boy Haku beside him appeared in front of Kakashi and the others.】

【After the formal meeting, Momochi Zabuza immediately frowned.】

【He found that it was difficult to deal with just a copy of Ninja Kakashi.】

【For some reason, Momochi Zabuza felt that the other two twelve or thirteen-year-old children were unusually dangerous. It was an inexplicable intuition.】

【Looking further, Momochi Zabuza discovered that this group of people seemed to be led by the child with blond hair.......】

【This made it difficult for him to analyze the opponent's strength.】

【Since he had already killed the target, there was no need for him to fight with the ninjas from Konoha.】

【Moreover, the opponent's strength is unknown, Momochi Zabuza is ready to negotiate to exchange the two ghost brothers.】

【If that doesn't work, then use tough measures. 】

Onoki,"The Momochi Zabuza in the parallel world still has some vision."

"I think that next, he will most likely be able to avoid the tragedy of being torn into pieces."

Zabuza Momochi," suddenly felt relieved......."

"I hope my attitude in negotiation can be more sincere, so that this matter can be settled, and then I can leave here immediately."

Bai,"That's right, Master Zabuza, you must stay away from these two people."

"Otherwise, if you don't die now, you may not have a good ending in the future."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Zabuza, you are so polite all of a sudden, I don't recognize you anymore."

【The appearance of Momochi Zabuza and Haku attracted the attention of Uzumaki Naruto, Kakashi and others.】

【Kakashi's expression became serious, and he introduced Zabuza Momochi's identity to Uzumaki Naruto and the others.】

【"This is one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, Zabuza Momochi, the rebel ninja of the Hidden Mist Village"】

【"The opponent is an elite jonin, who is good at water escape ninjutsu, very powerful"】

【"I'm afraid if I really confront him, I'll need to negotiate."】

【Kakashi's words did arouse the interest of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke.】

【Momochi Zabuza was just about to speak and tell the purpose of his trip when he found that Uchiha Sasuke had already lit up the Chidori in his hand.】

【The opponent's vigorous fighting spirit gave Momochi Zabuza and Bai goosebumps instantly.】

【Momochi Zabuza's reflex is to draw out his beheading sword to fend off the enemy】

【Bai even raised his hand to prepare to seal and activate his bloodline limit. 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【However, just as they started, they felt a chill on their necks.】

【Judging from the touch of the sword against their necks, it was a kunai that could kill them at any time.】

【Momochi Zabuza and Shiro's pupils dilated, their faces filled with shock.】


【Looking back at Kakashi and the others, I found that the blond-haired, blue-eyed boy was no longer there.】

【At this moment, he was holding two sharp kunai (abei), holding their lives hostage.】

【"yes......When did it arrive?"】

【"Are we under an illusion?"】

【"It's not a genjutsu, it's the other party's space ninjutsu"】

【Bai and Momochi Zabuza thought about it carefully."Got it!"】

【"It was the moment when the boy's hand lit up."】

【"Our attention was drawn to him, and at this moment, this blond boy shot something at us......."】

【The Flying Thunder God Technique was activated in an instant, leaving Zabuza and Haku unable to react and they became his captives.】

【Uzumaki Naruto looked at Kakashi with a questioning look.】

【"Is this the elite jonin you mentioned who can compete with you?"】


【"Or why don't you just not use Flying Thunder God and fight them again?"】

【"Forget it, forget it. If they don't use Flying Thunder God, they will die even more miserably."】

【Peach land will never be cut again,"......"】


【Uchiha Sasuke seemed a little excited and said】

【"Naruto, you've had enough of the limelight, let me try it, my Chidori is already thirsty"】

【Uzumaki Naruto actually put away his kunai and returned to his original position in a flash.】

【"Be careful not to beat them to death. I have something else to do later. I need them to do it."】

【Uchiha Sasuke responded and rushed towards Momochi Zabuza and Haku.】

【Momochi Zabuza and Haku felt that their dignity had been trampled upon.】

【But they still don't have any temper】

【The situation at the scene was clear. The two of them didn't even have the qualifications to escape.】

【Momochi Zabuza's heart was shouting】

【"Just now, the blond kid used the Flying Thunder God Technique."】

【"That is the famous skill of the Fourth Hokage of Konoha, the Golden Flash"】

【"In the ninja world, there has always been a rule that if you encounter a golden flash, running away does not count as a mission failure."】

【"Even if you can escape from the golden flash, you will be regarded as a powerful person by others."】

【"Seeing it today, it really makes me feel suffocated"】

【"The other person is not Golden Flash, but judging from his appearance, could he be the other person's child?"】

【"No matter who it is, you must never make an enemy of such a person, otherwise you will never have a peaceful life in the future."】

【"Since the opponent can use Flying Thunder God Technique, such a high-level ninjutsu, he must have other more brutal methods."】

【Many thoughts flashed through Momochi Zabuza's mind, and he was shocked.】

【"Although it is extremely unpleasant to feel like a cat playing with a mouse, my life is still useful."】

【"I also want to kill the Fourth Mizukage and restore the glory of the Mist Shadow Village!"】

【��It was too late, and it was too fast. At the moment when Uchiha Sasuke used Chidori to attack】

【Momochi Zabuza made the most shameful decision in his life】

【He dropped his beheading sword, indicating his surrender and no intention of fighting.】

【Uchiha Sasuke naturally stopped his actions and returned to Uzumaki Naruto with a depressed look on his face.】

【"You should have let me make the first move. Look, once you made the move, they didn't even have time to resist."】

【"An elite jonin, a defector at that, very hard to come by"】

【Uzumaki Naruto,"Next time I will hold back and let you come first"】

【Uchiha Sasuke,"That's more like it."】

Momochi Zabuza,"I was worried about myself just now. Seeing that my parallel world self is so sensible, I feel relieved."

Bai,"It was a close call. I was afraid that Zabuza-sama would resist."

"Fortunately, Master Zabuza put the overall situation first."

Ohnoki,"I really can't stand you glorifying yourselves. If you are a coward, just say you are a coward."

The Fourth Raikage,"If I were Zabuza Momochi, I would definitely not choose to throw down the sword at this time. Even if I die, I will fight with honor."

Kakashi,"In fact, if I fight hard, it will not be too glorious. On the contrary, I will die quickly and it will be more shameful."

"Mainly Uzumaki Naruto's Flying Thunder God, who appears out of nowhere and can cut your neck in the next moment......"

"There is no such thing as a desperate fight with the opponent and hurting the opponent."

"We were slaughtered one-sidedly, and we couldn't even say a harsh word. There was no talk of glory."

The Fourth Raikage,"......"

"Momochi Zabuza, I can only say that you still need to become stronger."

Orochimaru,"It is really disappointing that Zabuza Momochi, one of the famous Seven Ninja Swordsmen, a rebel from the Hidden Mist Village, behaved like this."

"It seems that there is really no talent in Wuying Village. With your level, you can become a legend."

Momochi Zabuza,"Haha, don't talk without any hesitation."

"Wait until Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke kill you, then come back here and tell me."

【Momochi Zabuza quickly explained his purpose】

【"I want to redeem my two men. Please name a price. After all, there is no life-and-death conflict between us."】

【Uzumaki Naruto thought for a moment and said】

【"You two brothers, 5 million taels each"】

【"The young man next to you looks impressive."】

【"As for you, after all, you are one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, and a traitor from the Hidden Mist Village. You have a bounty on your head, right? Even if your bounty is 40 million ryo,"】

【"Oh, by the way, there is also your beheading sword, which is also worth 10 million taels."】

【"The total is 80 million taels."】

【Momochi Zabuza's pupils widened when he heard what Uzumaki Naruto said.】

【This blond boy looks innocent, how could he have such a dark heart?】

【The reward for carrying out an S-level mission is only 1 million taels.】

【Over the years, Momochi Zabuza has been on the brink of death and carrying out missions non-stop, and has only saved more than 30 million.】

【In this encounter, not only did all his years of accumulation go down the drain, but he also owed the other person 50 million taels???】

【If I had known that robbery could make so much money, why would I have done such missions?】

【Beside them, Uchiha Sasuke, Kakashi, and Haruno Sakura all looked at Uzumaki Naruto in shock, and then gave him a thumbs up.】

【He is capable of achieving great things and has a first-rate ability to make money! 】. Hạnh

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