【Regarding the fact that he was held hostage, the Fourth Mizukage Yagura Karatachi was quite open-minded.】

【Anyway, he couldn't beat him, and he really couldn't stay in the village anymore. He felt infinite guilt towards the village.】

【If he was with Uzumaki Naruto, he could go together to stop the mysterious masked man and get revenge.】

【The point is, if it is true that according to Uzumaki Naruto's analysis, the mysterious masked man has coveted the tailed beasts, then he, the fourth generation Mizukage Yagura, would be safer if he followed Uzumaki Naruto.】

【The opponent's strength was so strong that it really scared the Fourth Mizukage.】

【This made him doubt again, are Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke really only 12 years old?】

【Are Konoha's Genin so ridiculously strong?】

【However, these humiliations are nothing to the current Fourth Mizukage, Karatachi Yagura.】

【He put on a black cloak and a mask to disguise his identity.】

【Another master with supreme power in the Mist Shadow Village announced to the outside world that the former Fourth Mizukage, Karutagi Yagura, had important matters to attend to and would step down as Mizukage.】

【The new fifth Mizukage, Zabuza Momochi, will be the new fifth Mizukage】

【In fact, regarding this point, at the beginning, Yuanshi and Mei Terumi were somewhat reluctant.】

【Although Momochi Zabuza has a high reputation in the village, he once even became the third most prestigious person in the village.】

【But then, he became a traitor, which was a bit of a stain on him. During that period, Terumi Mei's prestige slowly caught up.】

【And the master is sure that Mei Terumi is also devoted to the village.】

【It is obvious that Zabuza Momochi has a kind of obedience to Uzumaki Naruto, an outsider.】

【Both Yuanshi and Mei Terumi were afraid that Zabuza Momochi would become a puppet of Naruto Uzumaki, and eventually their Kirigakure would become a vassal of Konoha.】

【Of course, under the threat of Uzumaki Naruto and others, Master Yuan and Mei Terumi also tactfully proposed to discuss】

【Uzumaki Naruto was naturally determined to let Momochi Zabuza become the fifth Mizukage. 】01【If he didn't agree, the Hidden Mist Village was already in a mess, and he didn't mind making it even more chaotic.】

【Uzumaki Naruto also told them his development philosophy】

【"Peaceful, open, friendly"】

【As soon as this theme was spoken, it immediately struck the hearts of Terumi Mei and Yuanshi.】

【When Uzumaki Naruto said that his ultimate goal was to bring world peace, Mei Terumi and Master Yuan were shocked.】

【"I didn't expect that this young child had such great ambitions."】

【Mei Terumi and Master Yuan were discussing with each other, and both saw the surprise in each other's eyes.】

【"If the other party thinks this way, then we don't have to worry at all. He will enslave us"】

【"Because we are just a cornerstone of his great cause. He probably doesn't care about a village like the Hidden Mist."】

【"It turns out that our own vision is too small"】

【"I believe that if we follow the development concept just proposed by Uzumaki Naruto, it won’t be long before a large number of strong ninjas emerge among our ninjas, and the village’s economy will become more and more developed."】

【After the conversation, Mei Terumi, the master, admired Uzumaki Naruto very much.】

【Finally, the decision to support Zabuza Momochi as the fifth Mizukage was confirmed.】

【In fact, everyone's ultimate goal is to have a good development. In Uzumaki Naruto's opinion, this is a place for him to pilot.】

【Ultimately, we hope that this will spark a spark that will spread like wildfire and eventually unify the ninja world. 】

Uchiha Madara,"With the threat of powerful means, and the ability to persuade with reason and emotion, Uzumaki Naruto's way of handling this matter is really sophisticated."

"He is a natural leader, and I believe more and more that he will be able to lead the ninja world in the future."

Senju Tobirama,"It's a pity that I couldn't live in the same era as Uzumaki Naruto." Senju Hashirama

,"Tobirama, if your position as the next Hokage could be passed on to Uzumaki Naruto, I'm afraid Konoha's status would definitely be extraordinary now."

Ohnoki,"Haha, Uzumaki Naruto doesn't care about the position of Hokage. He wants to be a great man who creates his own era."

Mei Terumi,"At this moment, there is a light shining on Uzumaki Naruto. At this moment, he exudes infinite masculine charm.""

"The me in the parallel world should have felt something strange in my heart."

"But he is only 10 years older than Uzumaki Naruto, not that much of a difference."

"I hope that I in the parallel world can seize the opportunity."

Uzumaki Kushina,"......"

"I don't know what to say, it depends on Naruto's own choice."

Yamanaka Ino,"Auntie Terumi Mei, please don't be so excessive"

"It's better not to let an old man eat young grass."

Hinata Hyuga,"No matter what, I am the legal wife."

【The abdication of the Fourth Mizukage Karatachi Yagura caused a collective outcry in the Hidden Mist Village】

【This incident was too sudden and shocking for them.】

【"Did the Fourth Mizukage abdicate? This is definitely a good thing for us. If he continues to do this, everyone in the village will die."】

【"So, just this morning, there was a huge commotion in our sea area. In fact, it should be someone fighting with the Mizukage."】

【"I know Zabuza Momochi. He definitely cannot display such power, so who is it?"】

【"The opponent's tactics were so shocking that I almost lost my courage when I only watched from a distance."】

【"I also noticed that it was a man with blond hair, who beat the Fourth Mizukage without any resistance at all."】

【"I saw what that man did, and I just wanted to kneel down before him. He was so powerful."】

【Many villagers cried with joy because they heard the news that Momochi Zabuza announced the end of the blood mist policy.】

【The new era of Wuying Village begins.】

【On this day, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke and others also saw a lot of blood.】

【Some people who already pursued a brutal system attempted to rebel, and naturally they were killed by Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sanesuke.】

【The two became even more murderous because of this bloody baptism.

Orochimaru,"Now these two children look more ferocious, like wild beasts that choose their prey, they have lost their immaturity."

Uchiha Madara,"I have begun to feel a sense of danger."

"I'm afraid that if I'm not careful enough, I'll suffer a loss if I face these two people now."

Senju Hashirama,"These two children, from the beginning, were laughed at by the villagers and were powerless, but they walked step by step.���Have you made this step today?"

"Now they are worthy of being regarded as our opponents"

"As for Uchiha Sasuke, I still need some time, but for Uzumaki Naruto, even if I face him, I need to use all my strength and cannot be distracted at all."

Senju Tobirama,"That's right"

"Especially the other party's persistence and control over their own lives really make people feel very moved. There is a huge spiritual power bursting out of them."

【For the next period of time, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Kakashi, Haruno Sakura and others continued to stay in the Hidden Mist Village.】

【Based on the principle of being here, I went to the Hidden Mist Village and learned their unique skills.】

【Better increase your enemy experience】

【Uzumaki Naruto first learned the famous Water Style Water Dragon Bullet Technique from Momochi Zabuza.】

【Then Momochi Zabuza raised his hand and began to make seals. He made 44 seals before stopping.】

【A water dragon that looks extremely powerful appears, rising up from the waves, with great power.】

【This is Zabuza Momochi's famous move, and it is very dangerous. 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【As a copy ninja and Konoha technician, Kakashi would not miss such an opportunity.】

【After observing with his Sharingan, he quickly copied Zabuza's movements, and executed the 44 seals perfectly.】

【The next moment, a water dragon flew up into the sky. The Water Style Water Dragon Bullet Technique was completed. 】

Senju Tobirama,"Do we need to make so many seals for this Water Dragon Bullet Technique?"

"I doubt it. Momochi Zabuza mixed a lot of useless stuff in it. It's only necessary to have 4 seals."

"By the time you finish making the hand seals on the battlefield, the opportunity will be gone."

Senju Hashirama,"Isn't this a ninjutsu that can be performed directly by clapping your hands?"

"Do you need to make a seal?"

Kakashi said,"You guys make me look stupid......."

"I seriously suspect that it was Zabuza Momochi who made the wrong seal, and I was led astray by him."

Zabuza Momochi," I now understand a truth, people cannot be compared with each other......"

【Momochi Zabuza was quite surprised. As expected, he was learning from Kakashi, who was known as the copy ninja. His ninjutsu was really fast.】

【Next to him, Mei Terumi had the same feeling. She still remembered that it took her quite some time to learn this ninjutsu.】

【It was Uchiha Sasuke's turn. He also copied it without any pressure. After all, his Sharingan had now reached the level of Mangekyō.】

【It's just a copy of a ninjutsu, no pressure for him】

【"This Water Dragon Bullet Technique is not practical at all. It takes too long to seal the enemy."】

【"Although the power is good, I think there is no need to learn it."】

Uchiha Madara,"Boy, there are no useless ninjutsu, only people who can't use it."

"Although I don't want to admit it, I have to say it. The Water Dragon Bullet Technique, in the hands of Senju Tobirama, can exert a very strong power."

Senju Tobirama,"As long as it can restrain your Uchiha clan's technique, I can perform it very well."

【Then it was Sakura Haruno's turn. She was not very talented, and she was not a combat type, so it took her some effort to learn this ninjutsu.】

【Everyone's eyes then turned to Uzumaki Naruto】

【Uzumaki Naruto doesn't have the Sharingan, but that doesn't mean his observation ability is bad. On the contrary, he has the Uzumaki clan's Kagura Mind's Eye, which makes his perception ability even more outstanding.】

【He did not do anything, but simulated all 44 seals.】

【Instead, he was thinking in his heart about how to mobilize the chakra to make these seals.】

【The next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes, clapped his hands, and shouted:】

【"Water Style: Water Dragon Bullet Technique"】

【A water dragon far stronger than the one they had just unleashed appeared.】

【Everyone was stunned when they saw this scene.】

【Especially Momochi Zabuza, who completely refreshed his worldview and shook his position】

【"this......This Water Dragon Bullet Technique......Can it be performed without forming seals?"】

【He suddenly felt very stupid. 44 seals, they were performed one by one!】

【Mei Terumi was shouting in her heart."As expected of a genius boy, he learned this technique right away, and it was instantly unleashed without any seals."】

【"No,���He didn't learn anything at all, just took a look and was able to simulate it immediately and make improvements. It's really unbelievable."】

【Uchiha Sasuke,"I take back what I said just now"】

【"Naruto, teach me your improved version, which can be instantly released by clapping your hands. I think it looks very cool and practical."】

【Kakashi:"If you can, please teach me too."】

【Mei Terumi's eyes seemed to have hooks, and her head poked over.】

【Momochi Zabuza coughed softly, and his legs moved uncontrollably towards Uzumaki Naruto.......】

【Uzumaki Naruto was speechless and said directly."This is the basic skill of fine control of chakra."】

【"Go back and practice the basic skills first, then I will tell you the other tricks. Otherwise, even if you know them, it will be useless and you won't be able to use them."】

【Everyone was speechless and could only keep quiet.】

【Next, Uzumaki Naruto continued to learn other water-style ninjutsu. He was still very interested in the water-style ninjutsu of the former Fourth Mizukage, Yagura Karutagi.】

【After performing this Water Mirror Technique, you can create a clone of the enemy from the mirror and fight with the opponent. The clone will also use the enemy's skills.】

【This is a very powerful ninjutsu. As long as the chakra is sufficient, it can play a great role on the battlefield.】

【What Uzumaki Naruto lacks the most is chakra. 】

Senju Tobirama,"This is called accumulation of strength for a burst of power. Only if you learn chakra control very well in the early stage, you will be able to use various ninjutsu easily later."

"The reason why Uzumaki Naruto can achieve what he has today is that he can basically learn ninjutsu in one go. This is inseparable from his talent, but it is also inseparable from his basic skills and diligence."

Senju Hashirama,"I agree with this point."

【This time, Uzumaki Naruto and his crew were out on a mission, and Sarutobi Hiruzen was naturally worried about the Jinchuriki leaving the village, so he arranged several teams of Anbu personnel to follow them.】

【At the same time, when Sarutobi Hiruzen saw the information that Uzumaki Naruto had turned the Mist Shadow Village upside down, he was completely stunned.】

【"Didn't this kid accept a C-rank mission? How did he suppress the Fourth Mizukage of the Mist Shadow Village?"】

【"Unexpectedly, the opponent turned out to be the Three-Tails Jinchuriki"】

【"What's more unexpected is that now Uzumaki Naruto is able to suppress the Three-Tails Jinchuriki without any effort."】

【"His current strength really makes people feel happy and a little panicked......."】

【After thinking for 5 minutes, Sarutobi Hiruzen finally came to terms with the information and began to think about what to do next.】

【"Uzumaki Naruto has kidnapped the Fourth Mizukage, which is a good thing. When the time comes, bring him back to the village, and we will form an alliance with the Hidden Mist Village. Other villages will no longer dare to make any moves."】

【"During this period, our Konoha will be able to develop rapidly......."】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen, unfolds his beautiful fantasy】

【On the other side, Danzo also received this news】

【Almost the same emotion as Sarutobi Hiruzen, first shocked, then with some smug joy】

【"I didn't expect that the current Nine-Tails Jinchuriki Uzumaki Naruto has grown so much."】

【"It can be said that this is a great weapon of Konoha. It will be no problem to sweep through other villages in the future."】

【"I just need to give him more warmth, instigate the relationship between him and Sarutobi Hiruzen, and let me become Hokage in the future.......Ha ha ha ha"】

【"I will be invincible!"】

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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