【Although I don't know what the ultimate goal of the mysterious masked man is.】

【But as long as the tailed beast that the other party needs is with Uzumaki Naruto, then the mysterious masked man will not keep running away and will come to find him one day.】

【After coming up with this idea, Uzumaki Naruto arranged for people to look for the Six-Tails Jinchuriki Yugao.】

【Like all Jinchūriki, he was ostracized, suspected, suppressed and isolated in the village.】

【Therefore, the other party often escapes from people's sight and finds a quiet place to stay.】

【Of course, the overall situation is within the observation range of the Mist Shadow Village Ninja】

【It's just that sometimes, it takes some time to find each other.】

【In the dense forest, the Six-Tails Jinchuriki Yugao was dissatisfied with the Mist Shadow Ninjas who were following him.】

【He used his signature ninjutsu to blow bubbles that would explode and block the opponent's vision.】

【Under normal circumstances, those Mist Shadow Ninjas would not follow him so closely, but today, it was different.】

【This made Yu Gao feel something was wrong.】

【He even quickened his pace to escape.】

【But in the next moment, he suddenly saw several figures appear in front of him out of thin air.】

【The leader was tall and handsome, but he was still a teenager.】

【He has blond hair, blue eyes, handsome looks, and a lot of temperament.】

【Yu Gao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he recognized that the opponent was the recently famous Golden Flash, the hero who ended the blood mist.】

【Knowing that the other party was also a Jinchūriki, Yugao did not continue to stay away.】

【"You have something to talk to me about?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto nodded and said】


【"From today on, I need you to stay by my side"】

【"There is a very dangerous mysterious masked man who is planning to kill the tailed beast."】

【"That is to say, you may be in danger at any time. Staying with me will keep you safe."】

【As Yu Gao, he was used to that kind of lonely life. Now he was unwilling to hear the other party suddenly say this.】

【"Golden Flash, you are just a hero of Mist Shadow Village, you have nothing to do with me"】

【"I feel the same before and after you came. No one is friendlier to me, so I won't appreciate your kindness."】

【"Besides, you are also a Jinchūriki, you know that there are many people who want to attack us, so I don't care about this."】

【"Sorry, I can't obey your order"】

【As for Jinchūriki, Uzumaki Naruto is the one who understands their complicated personalities best. 】

323【It is not enough to just explain things to them and appeal to their emotions.】

【You have to suppress them with force, make them admire you, and then persuade them, only then will it be effective.】

【This kind of people are sensitive by nature.】

【Only by controlling Yu Gao first, the other party will be willing to listen to you.】

【Uzumaki Naruto smiled and said softly,"I won't let that mysterious masked man get the tailed beast easily, so you must stay with me."】

【"Water Style Water Mirror Technique"】

【Just use Yugao to test the results of my ninjutsu】

【The fourth generation Mizukage, Karutagi Yagura and the others silently took a step back. He didn't want to experience the power of this ninjutsu.】

【At the same time, in my heart, I mourn for Yu Gao】

【"This guy is going to suffer next."】

【Uzumaki Naruto's move made Yugao a little panicked】

【He directly used his strongest move and blew many exploding bubbles.】

【I want to take advantage of the chaos and quickly escape from here.】

【However, in the next moment, six Yugao figures jumped out from the six water mirrors cast by Uzumaki Naruto.】

【They blew out bubbles that exploded in unison with Yugao's movements. In an instant, the scene exploded like thunder.】

【These bubbles, front and back, left and right, up and down, directly blocked every path of Yu Gao】

【The power of the explosion made Yu Gao numb.】

【Fear surged in his heart. This time, I was going to hit myself?】

【Oneself fighting against yourself, or six selves fighting against one self?】

【This is a complete abuse】

【Yu Gao was shocked. He had never seen such a killer move before.】

【Naruto Uzumaki's fear of the golden flash was even more lingering. He just wanted to escape, but there was no way to escape.】

【In desperation, he could only transform into a tailed beast.】

【The anger inside】

【Yugao becomes the strongest form】

【His movement speed was several times faster than his human form.】

【Attacking Uzumaki Naruto madly】

【However, the opponent could not get close to him. From the six water mirrors summoned by Uzumaki Naruto, the figure of Yugao in tailed beast form appeared again.】

【They rushed towards Yugao from all directions.】

【The movements of the clone produced by this mirroring technique are exactly the same as those of the original body.】

【Yugao attacked one of the mirror clones, and was attacked by the remaining five clones.】

【Under the huge power of the tailed beast, Yugao was immediately seriously injured and smashed to the ground.】

【The harder he attacks the opponent, the more force he will receive back.】

【Uzumaki Naruto was very satisfied with the power and effect of this Water Style Water Mirror Technique.】

【This is totally a lazy ninjutsu】

【I retreated behind the scenes and just watched quietly, and the enemy defeated himself.】

【"In some ways, the effect of this technique is better than the Flying Thunder God Technique."】

【After just performing it for a while, Uzumaki Naruto felt that he had fallen in love with this technique.】

【The fourth Mizukage, Karujutsu Yagura, silently took another step back.】

【I was secretly shocked and felt numb, but I was also glad】

【Fortunately, when he was fighting against the enemy, Uzumaki Naruto didn't know this move yet, so he didn't use it against himself.】

【Otherwise, you will be so frustrated that you will end up defeating yourself after fighting for so long.】

【"The water jutsu I used is only effective for defense."】

【"But the ninjutsu that Uzumaki Naruto performed can attack"】

【"This is definitely a super S-level ninjutsu. It will be a nightmare for the enemy to face him in the future."】

【As a person who has experienced this, Yu Gao is of course extremely aggrieved.】

【It can even be said to be almost hopeless. How can we fight?】

【Yu Gao immediately had no intention of resisting, and he struggled to get up from the ground and tried to escape.】

【However, the Water Mirror Technique enveloped him from top to bottom, left to right, front to back, and cut off all his escape routes.】

【In desperation, Yugao had no choice but to withdraw from the Tailed Beast Transformation.】

【Uzumaki Naruto looked at him with a smile】

【"Now we can calm down and talk, right?"】


【He said he didn't want to say anything.】

【I can’t win the fight, and I can’t escape either. What else can I do?】

【At this moment, the fourth generation Mizukage, Karutagi Yagura, also understood Uzumaki Naruto's philosophy of winning people over with virtue.......】

【Look, Yugao is obviously more convinced than at the beginning! 】

Senju Hashirama,"This Water Style Water Mirror Technique, when used by Uzumaki Naruto, is really terrifying!"

"Even, it will make the enemy feel desperate."

"When attacking, there will be 6 complete attack channels, leaving no room for defense."

"Even when escaping, there will be a Water Mirror clone blocking the escape route"

"It can be said that as long as the enemy encounters Uzumaki Naruto and uses this Water Mirror Technique, the opponent will have no chance of turning the tables." (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Senju Tobirama,"I think this technique should not be called Water Mirror Technique, but should be called Water Cage Technique."

"Or the Art of Despair!"

"Because once you encounter it, it will be like a cage, controlling you, with no possibility of escape, making you despair."

"Now, I just hope to be resurrected. I also want to understand this technique. He is too powerful."

"The main body does not need to participate in the battle, and will not be hurt at all, and can capture the enemy, which is so terrifying."

Uchiha Madara,"If I meet it on the battlefield, how will I break it?......"

Uchiha Madara began to think seriously

"The only solution that can be thought of at present is to use space-time ninjutsu to directly leave the battlefield."

"Or simply don't attack at all."

"Apart from these two, nothing else seems to be able to stop it"

"No, think about it again, there must be other ways"

"In other words, the attack he used was beyond the range that the Water Mirror Technique could simulate, making it impossible for him to clone himself."

"But it seems that it won't work. After all, the amount of chakra of Uzumaki Naruto is really too terrifying."

Uchiha Sasuke," At least at present, there is basically no solution."

Nara Shikamaru," If you can learn this technique, you can basically say that you are invincible."

Kakashi,"Perform it again. This time I will use the Sharingan to copy it."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Haha, everyone should not imitate it easily, don't think about it."

"Warm reminder, Naruto's improved version of the Water Mirror Technique requires a huge amount of chakra support"

"Especially you, Kakashi, your chakra is easily depleted."

"If you use this technique, your own chakra will be drained away before your enemy dies."


【Uzumaki Naruto knew that he had convinced Yugao through his power.】

【After completing the first step, the next step is to empathize with the other person.】

【Uzumaki Naruto didn't need to make up this story. As the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki, he had been looked down upon by people in the village since he was a child, just as much as Yugao.】

��"We have a similar fate......"】


【"However, I have taken control of my destiny and have many sincere friends around me."】

【"But look at you, Yu Gao, you are still alone, the world is your home, no one really cares about you"】

【"Now I am willing to provide you with a place and a platform to make friends, but you refuse"】

【"It's you. Instead of saving yourself, you push your fate to the edge of a cliff."】


【These words touched Yu Gao's heart.】

【He had already considered Uzumaki Naruto as a fellow human being, and envied his reversal of status.】

【There was a voice in his heart calling out, he also longed to no longer be targeted like this, no longer be so lonely】

【Suddenly, Yugao looked at Uzumaki Naruto with a different look. The other person was as dazzling as a ray of light.】

【After pondering for a long time, Yugao finally defeated his inner struggle.】

【He stood up and shook hands with Uzumaki Naruto.】

【"I agree with your philosophy and I know we are the same kind of people"】

【"After that, I am willing to cooperate with you to uncover the conspiracy of the mysterious masked man."】

Uchiha Madara:"Naruto Uzumaki's strength lies not only in his personal strength, but also in his charm and his understanding of human nature."

"If someone like Uzumaki Naruto appeared in our time, I would follow him."

"I am also willing to entrust the future of the Uchiha clan to him."

"He is indeed a person who can give people hope."

Senju Hashirama,"Yes, Madara, I agree with you."

"If Uzumaki Naruto existed in our era, he would definitely be the first Hokage."

"The two of us are more suitable to be guards."

Senju Tobirama,"Brother, add me."

Namikaze Minato,"If Naruto is willing to be Hokage, I am willing to abdicate."

Uzumaki Naruto,"I am so excited now, I want to record all the words I said in the parallel world."

【In the Hidden Mist Village, Uzumaki Naruto gained a lot. He learned the Water Style Water Mirror Technique, which he thought was quite desirable.】

【And proved. This ninjutsu is very powerful, even surpassing the effect of Flying Thunder God in some aspects.】

【This is one of them. In addition, he also tied the Three-Tails and Six-Tails Jinchuriki to his side.】

【Never mind if the mysterious masked man has some conspiracy against the tailed beasts. At least, Uzumaki Naruto is now in control.】

【After that, they learned some other water escape techniques. Uzumaki Naruto, Terumi Mei, Uchiha Sasuke and others set out on their journey back to Konoha.】

【The sharpening of the knife has been completed. Back to Konoha, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke are ready to achieve their first goal.】

【Kill Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo】

【the other side】

【Because of a headache, Uzumaki Naruto's mysterious masked man did not stay near the Hidden Mist Village.】

【When he got the information about the Hidden Mist Village, many days had passed.】

【It was sent by a white guy, and the message made the mysterious masked man frown even more.】

【The mysterious masked man was horrified】

【"Uzumaki Naruto was able to create such a powerful momentum, completely suppressing the Fourth Mizukage Karatachi Yagura."】

【"His strength has improved a lot since the last time he hurt me."】

【"What a difficult little devil."】

【"If I were to fight him with my own ability, I would easily suffer a loss. I must get other members of the organization to help me."】

【Besides being shocked, the mysterious masked man was naturally extremely angry.】

【"After working so hard to build the Hidden Mist Village for so long, Uzumaki Naruto came and destroyed it."】

【"It will be more troublesome to capture Sanwei and Liuwei."】

【Soon, the white guy passed another message to the mysterious masked man.】

【It just made him dumbfounded.】

【"What? Uzumaki Naruto, that little brat, actually took away the Three-Tails Jinchuriki and the Six-Tails Jinchuriki!"】

【If these tailed beasts are together, the difficulty of capturing them will be greatly increased.】

【The mysterious masked man was so angry that he was swearing and almost depressed.】

【However, the mysterious masked man can only vent his anger】

【Because at the moment, he really can't do anything to Uzumaki Naruto】

【"Damn Zabuza Momochi, who told you to bring Uzumaki Naruto and the others back to Kirigakage Village?"】

【"Wait, I'll make you pay."】

Uchiha Madara,"He is anxious"

"But it seems he can only rage helplessly."

Uzumaki Kushina,"Hahahaha, so funny, I like to see him can't stand Naruto, but can't get rid of him."


Suddenly, I thought this little thing was a little cute.���What is his identity? Just now, he said that he also has an organization"

"They want to capture the tailed beasts, and I don't know what evil plan they are preparing to accomplish, but the danger level of this organization must be very high."

Gaara,"Will I also be their target?"

"Reveal their identities, I want to kill them like Uzumaki Naruto before they target me!". Hạnh

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