Uzumaki Kushina,"Hahahaha, I'm dying of laughter"

"This old guy is quite angry. Why should he be angry?"

"You come here just to be scolded."

"They have no brains at all."

Uzumaki Naruto," It really seems to make me feel better. I'm so domineering."

"The old man Sarutobi Hiruzen's tricks are not enough for me in the parallel world."

"Just a child's play"

"I just thought that the me in the parallel world would turn against him on the spot, but I didn't expect that I didn't."

Uchiha Madara,"With Uzumaki Naruto's meticulousness, he wouldn't turn against him at that moment."

"He will definitely find the most appropriate time to tear Sarutobi Hiruzen's face first."

"Let everyone see through his evil deeds, spit on him together, and then kill him."

"So I think that Uzumaki Naruto will take action at the Chunin Exam venue, when everyone will gather together."

Nara Shikamaru,"Yes, I think that should be the case."

"Sarutobi Hiruzen made Uzumaki Naruto suffer so much when he was a child, the other party must trample Sarutobi Hiruzen's face under his feet"

"I won't kill him so easily."

Terumi Mei,"Shimura Danzo and Sarutobi Hiruzen are plotting against each other."

"They don't even know that neither of them is a match for Uzumaki Naruto, and they are still fantasizing."

"I am looking forward to seeing the scene where they get slapped in the face later."

【What happened yesterday was pointed out by Mei Terumi when she met Sarutobi Hiruzen again the next day.】

【Mei Terumi said sarcastically】

【"It seems that this time, Konoha is not very sincere in inviting us."】

【"The so-called taking part in the Chunin Exam together is just Konoha's way of putting pressure on us, right?"】

【"Sarutobi Hiruzen, I didn't expect your methods to be so despicable"】

【"I didn't expect him to avoid me,"Five, Six, Seven", and go to the Fourth Mizukage in private, and say such disgusting words."】

【"Although our Hidden Mist Village has gone through the Blood Mist Village and lost many talented people, we don't mind another battle. We are always ready to fight."】

【After saying this, Mei Terumi left coldly.】

【"By the way, Sarutobi Hiruzen, we are always welcome, Uzumaki Naruto goes to Kirigakage Village"】

【"I believe that our villagers will give him the highest treatment."】

【Mei Terumi's words made Sarutobi Hiruzen's face darken again. This was a face-to-face threat and ridicule.】

【His heart tightened again. Thinking about his attitude towards Uzumaki Naruto】

【"If we push too hard, what should we do if Uzumaki Naruto really defects and goes to the Hidden Mist Village?"】

【"It's a huge joke."】

【"By that time, it would be a disaster for Konoha to lose the Nine-Tails."】

【Sarutobi Hiruzen suddenly felt as if a huge mountain was pressing down on him, and he could hardly breathe.】

【The conversation here was also seen by the Kazekage who was also leading a team to participate in the Chunin Exam.】

【A mocking smile appeared on Fengying's face.】

【"It seems that your conversation with the new Fifth Mizukage of the Hidden Mist Village was not very pleasant."】

【"In this era, young people are less and less respectful of the elderly, which is not good."】

【"But speaking of it, in our ninja world, it seems that there is no such courtesy. Whoever is strong will be respected."】

【Fengying said a few words and left with a smile.】

【This made Sarutobi Hiruzen's face turn pale.】

【"Konoha is the largest ninja village. How dare they disrespect me like that? Damn it!"】

【"Are you saying that I'm old?"】

【"Don't give me a chance, or you will suffer the consequences."】

Orochimaru,"Teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen, you are indeed old."

"If you were younger, at least you would have noticed that there was something wrong with the Kazekage I was pretending to be."

"At that time, you were very good at performing the Five Ninjutsu, and your perception was also very strong."

Mei Terumi,"It turns out that at this time, the Kazekage was already Orochimaru in disguise."

"Orochimaru, don't be so arrogant. If it was Uzumaki Naruto, he would definitely notice that something was wrong."

"But of course, even if he finds out that you have a problem, he won't expose it."

"He will silently watch you from behind and observe you"

"Then when it's time to treat you as prey, they will eat you up in one bite."

Yamanaka Ino,"Yes, Orochimaru, you have your own calculations, but in front of Naruto, you can only be calculated by him and used by him."

Uchiha Sasuke,"It feels good to see the old man Sarutobi Hiruzen's face blackened by their anger."

"The Chunin Exam is about to begin, and the trial of Sarutobi Hiruzen will also come soon."

【At night, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, the Fourth Mizukage, Yugao and the others came out for dinner.】

【I just happened to run into the Sand Village ninjas who were out for dinner.】

【Uzumaki Naruto frowned slightly. His strong perception allowed him to detect that something was wrong with this group of people.】

【Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke were talking privately】

【"I found that Fengying's breath of life seemed a little strange, and seemed to reveal a kind of coldness. This feeling seemed familiar."】

【"The same goes for the guy with black eye sockets and a big gourd on his back."】

【Uchiha Sasuke opened his Sharingan and observed the people in the Sand Shadow Village more closely.】

【"You're right, those two guys do look strange."】

【"But I couldn't tell where the problem was."】

【However, this has made the two of them more cautious.】

【Later, Uzumaki Naruto slapped his head and thought of the Wind Shadow. He had seen that cold feeling before.】

【"The last time we followed Danzo Shimura to meet Orochimaru,"】

【"The aura of that Kazekage is very similar to that of Orochimaru"】

【Uchiha Sasuke has never questioned Uzumaki Naruto's judgment.】

【"Orochimaru? Since you have such a feeling, it is very likely that he is here."】

【"What is that guy doing here pretending to be the Wind Shadow? There must be a big conspiracy here."】

【"Could it be that they want to use this opportunity to overthrow Konoha?"】

【"After all, as a traitor, Orochimaru must have resentment towards Konoha."】

【Uzumaki Naruto nodded and said,"At the moment, I also have this guess, but I'm not sure. Let's follow them."】

【The appearance of a suspected Orochimaru made Uzumaki Naruto feel that the current situation in Konoha was very chaotic.】

【He needed to understand the other party's dynamics, so as to avoid any changes when he was killing Sarutobi Hiruzen.】

【"As for the guy with dark circles under his eyes and a big gourd on his back,"】

【"Nine-Tailed Fox said that he could sense the aura of One-Tailed Fox from him."】

【"The other party is very likely the Jinchūriki of the Sand Village"】

【"It is interesting that a Jinchūriki from one village appeared in the Chunin Exam of another village. There must be something fishy going on here."】

【Uchiha Sasuke said,"This time it's quite chaotic, it seems that many people are targeting Sarutobi Hiruzen."】

Orochimaru,"As expected of Uzumaki Naruto who possesses the Kagura's mind, you saw through my disguise at a glance."

"At present, he has not yet officially learned the training method of Kagura's mind eye, but has only some abilities that are naturally opened."

"If he could really open this completely, he would be horrible just thinking about it."

"With such a careful and calm mind, any conspiracy will be exposed in front of him."

"Don't ruin my plan, Uzumaki Naruto, we have a common goal."

Uchiha Madara,"If I were Uzumaki Naruto, I would kill you first, Sarutobi Hiruzen, only I can kill you."

"Anyone who tries to sabotage my plan is my enemy."

Senju Tobirama,"So there is a reason why I hate the Uchiha clan."

"Not only are you evil, you have no brains, or in other words, you are just sick in the brain, a radical killing machine." (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Uzumaki Kushina,"Based on my understanding of Naruto, Orochimaru, don't expect to have an easy life for you either."

"The final result is that your conspiracy was crushed, and you and Sarutobi Hiruzen were both eliminated."

Jiraiya,"This day has finally come."

"I don't know whether Orochimaru will succeed or fail in the future."

Sarutobi Hiruzen,"Jiraiya, what do you mean by that? It seems like you are looking forward to it, right?"

"Traitors, teach some traitors"

【After finishing his meal, Uzumaki Naruto happened to meet the people from Sand Village again.】

【The eyes between the two sides】

【Then he walked past】

【After the people from the Sand Village had gone far away, Uchiha Sasuke suddenly said to Uzumaki Naruto:】

【"Did you notice that Fengying looked at me in a strange way, as if he was a little greedy?"】

【"It seems that the other person is very interested in me, just like I want to eat three-color meatballs"】

【Uzumaki Naruto frowned slightly and said】

【"It turns out you have the same feeling. I also discovered that this person is just not right."】

【"Is Orochimaru targeting you?"】

【"This guy is a bit weird. He does some messed up human research every day."】

【"Do you want to use your body to do something? Are you going to study your Sharingan or something?"】

【Both of them felt that Konoha was undercurrent at the moment. 】

Uchiha Fugaku,"Haha, Orochimaru, I'm afraid your idea of using Sasuke as a vessel will fail."

"Just by meeting them, they have already sensed your intention. Moreover, they are so strong that if you dare to think about it, they will definitely kill you."

Uchiha Mikoto,"Sasuke in this world is weak, so maybe you can succeed, but the Sasuke in the parallel world will never give you this opportunity."

"If you really show your fangs to him, I guarantee that you will not have a good ending."

Orochimaru,"Then come and give it a try. It's not that easy to kill me."

"I want this body of Uchiha Sasuke"

【Originally, with the current strength of Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sawada, there was no need for them to participate in this Chunin Exam.】

【Their original plan was not to participate.】

【But now it suddenly appears that Konoha is undercurrent, and there may be some conspiracy in the Chunin Exam.】

【Just join in and have some fun】

【However, at the moment of registration, Jiraiya appeared and stopped Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke and others.】

【The other party was as obscene as always, and said with a smile】

【"Naruto, Sasuke, the Chunin Exams are no fun for the two of you."】

【"I have a very difficult task here, let's just do it"】

【"On the way to execution, I can also teach you the art of spiritualism"】

【"Naruto, your father is also a contractor of Myoboku Mountain"】

【Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke did not respond to Jiraiya's words, but just looked at him calmly.】

【Jiraiya was so frightened that he kept scratching his hair.】

【"What's going on between you two? Are you going or not?"】

【Uzumaki Naruto looked at Jiraiya seriously and said】

【"You knew something was going to happen, so you didn't want us to get involved and deliberately sent us away."】

【"It seems that the man is indeed Orochimaru, and he is going to take action."】

【"Teacher Jiraiya, you have been tracking Orochimaru for so long, you must know some information about him."】

【"Let me guess, Orochimaru is going to���Sarutobi Hiruzen, you actually have complaints against Sarutobi Hiruzen"】

【"You don't want to watch Konoha decay like this anymore, and hope to use Orochimaru's plan to give Konoha a new life."】

【"But you are also afraid that because of our existence, something has changed."】

【Uzumaki Naruto spoke out word by word, and after Jiraiya heard it, the expression on his face changed visibly.】

【Jiraiya shouted in his heart】

【"What's wrong with this little devil? How can he know what I'm thinking?"】

【"Could it be that he has developed a new secret technique that can help him understand other people's thoughts?"】

【But on the surface, Jiraiya did not respond to this topic, just laughed it off.】

【"You two brats, don't think too much. I just think that it's meaningless for you to take part in the Chunin Exam."】

【"Okay, okay, if you change your mind, come back to me."】

【Jiraiya could only leave helplessly】

【He really didn't want to get involved in Konoha's mess.

Kakashi,"The Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world is simply a monster. How could he guess so many things?"

"He was able to deduce the whole situation based on only a few clues. If he was an enemy, he would be terrible."

0.8 Uzumaki Naruto,"So Jiraiya-sensei is so disgusted with Sarutobi Hiruzen?""

"This Sarutobi Hiruzen is really bad, no one stands on his side."

Tsunade,"Me too, I have long lost faith in Konoha. Watching him continue to decay, I was finally disappointed."

"Although I don't think highly of Orochimaru, he is too extreme and too evil."

"However, I think it is a great thing that he came back to overthrow Sarutobi Hiruzen's rule. Konoha needs a new life."

Namikaze Minato,"Teacher Jiraiya is afraid that if he stays in the village, he will be in a dilemma when Orochimaru launches an attack."

"That's why you want to leave the village, right?"

"He had long been dissatisfied with Sarutobi Hiruzen, but he still remembered their old friendship."

"He also hopes that Orochimaru can change all this"

"So the best way is to not help either side and just leave."

【With the joint announcement of several Kages, the Chunin Exam officially began.】

【In the first written test, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke were too lazy to answer the questions.】

【In the process, the two also discovered the existence of another person.】

【Pharmacist Kabuto】

【They discovered each other and secretly observed Uchiha Sasuke】

【In view of the increasingly chaotic situation, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke discussed and decided to take the initiative.】

【They followed the pharmacist in turn.】

【On this day, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke discovered that Kabuto Yakushi sneaked into the dense forest under the cover of night.】

【The two immediately followed behind, and finally, they followed Kabuto Yakushi to see Orochimaru.】

【Kabuto Yakushi is reporting information about Uchiha Sasuke to Orochimaru】

【Before Kabuto Yakushi could finish his words, Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke appeared openly.】

【"If you have anything to say, just tell me in person, no need to be sneaky."】

Say goodbye: Hạnh

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