【Uzumaki Naruto gathers the chakra of the immortal technique】

【When he thought that the energy was about right, he entered the Sage Mode for the first time.】

【Immediately, Uzumaki Naruto felt that his own strength had grown explosively.】

【Your own defense, recovery, attack power, perception, etc. are all greatly improved.】

【That is a completely different energy from regular chakra.】

【At this time, a yellow light lingered around Uzumaki Naruto, which looked very powerful.】

【His face has also changed.】

【Orange eye shadow appeared in the corner of his eyes, and Uzumaki Naruto's pupils became like the nine-tailed fox's pupils.】

【A kind of pressure with destructive power emanated from him, even making people feel breathless.】

【His body still maintained its original state and did not undergo the assimilation of the Nine-Tails, which meant that his Sage Mode was quite complete.

Jiraiya,"I am really envious, it's incredible, I am so excited that I don't know what to say."


"From the time Uzumaki Naruto began to come into contact with the concept of senjutsu, to the time he began to condense senjutsu chakra for the first time, and then entered sage mode, the whole process was very smooth."

"The point is, time is too short."

"At that time, I successfully learned the Sage 01 mode, but it took me more than half a year."

"I haven't mastered it yet, but I have mastered the Sage Mode more skillfully. After that, I have experienced many actual battles before I can do it."

"As for Uzumaki Naruto, he finished the journey in almost an instant, a journey that I have been walking for so many years!"

"It's so shocking, who among you can understand how shocked I am at this moment!"

Jiraiya was indeed shocked, and left a lot of words in the live viewing room.

Just like Orochimaru before.

He really felt the same way, comparing people to each other.

It can really kill people!

Kakashi,"Master Jiraiya, calm down."

"It seems that we are already used to the fact that Uzumaki Naruto is so terrifying and shocking......."

Uzumaki Naruto,"Teacher Jiraiya, you look so surprised when you see something new. It's a bit funny. Hahahaha...."

Jiraiya,"You don't understand at all."

"I simply don't understand how amazing it is that Uzumaki Naruto in the parallel world could achieve perfection in Sage Mode the first time he practiced it!"

"Even now, I still can't use the Toad Magic perfectly."

"When I enter the state of immortality, my nose will still change a little, just like a toad."

"If you are not careful, you still run the risk of turning into a toad."

"This risk is reduced with practice, but it still cannot be completely avoided."

"Not like Uzumaki Naruto now"

"The state in which he has mastered the Sage Mode is simply perfect. This is what I have been pursuing all my life!"

"But I also know that even if I reach the end of this life, I will never reach this level!"

Senju Tobirama,"No need to explain to them, I know what you mean!"

【Uzumaki Naruto was very interested in this Sage Mode. He immediately used this energy to condense a Rasengan.】

【The power of the Rasengan is already very strong, but this Rasengan is even more outrageous.】

【When using it, it seems that the space is distorted.】

【The next moment, Uzumaki Naruto threw the Rasengan directly out.】

【The Rasengan hit the ground, creating a huge explosion.】

【It was as if a mountain collapsed and the ground split, creating a huge hole on the spot.】

【If this hole is filled with water, it will become a large lake.】

【Regarding this effect, Uzumaki Naruto showed a satisfied smile.】

【"Sage Mode is indeed powerful"】

【At this point, the senjutsu chakra he had just gathered was also exhausted, and Uzumaki Naruto exited the senjutsu mode. 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【He closed his eyes and carefully recalled some of the feelings he had just had in the fairy mode.】

【"It seems that when I am in Sage Mode, I feel a sense of lightness when I fight."】

【"It's like, the more I fight, the easier it becomes. This is different from the chakra mode."】

【"In Chakra Mode, the more you fight, the more tired you will become. Eventually, when your chakra and physical strength are all used up, you will be unable to fight."】

【"This seems to be a reasonable rule that conforms to the characteristics of the human body."】

【"But in Sage Mode, this rule is reversed. It's really something against the will of heaven."】

【"Not only because in Sage Mode, the combat power is doubled"】

【"Instead, he was able to continue fighting, and the more he fought, the better his condition became, and the easier it was to fight."】

【"As long as the chakra of the immortal technique is sufficient, it can almost be said that it is invincible."】

【"Of course, there is a little difficulty in it, that is, it takes a certain amount of time to gather the fairy chakra."】

【"Sage Mode is not something you can enter immediately"】

【"However, this is not absolute."】

【"As I become more familiar with the Sage Mode, the speed of gathering Sage Chakra will become faster and faster."】

【"Eventually, you will be able to enter Sage Mode in seconds."】

【This also made Uzumaki Naruto excited. He found a way to become more powerful.

Senju Hashirama,"It is indeed Uzumaki Naruto, an absolute genius!""

"So quickly, you can find the right way to enter the Sage Mode"

"The opportunities on the battlefield change rapidly. If some moves need to be accumulated for a long time before they can be used,"

"Maybe it won't be that useful."

"But being able to enter instantly is completely different."

Hashirama Senju did not hesitate to praise him, even exclaiming in amazement.

"It won't take too long for Uzumaki Naruto to surpass me."

Senju Tobirama,"Surpass big brother, the god of the ninja world?!"

"Uzumaki Naruto......The Supreme Ninja?!"

"It seems that he is taking such a ridiculously strong route that no one dares to look him in the eye!"

"We are witnessing a miracle!"

Namikaze Minato,"That's right, I can also use Sage Mode"

"But it is used less frequently and is not as practical as the Flying Thunder God Technique."

"It's because he needs too long to accumulate"

"If there was that much time, perhaps a decisive battle would have been fought."

"After all, in the process of accumulating chakra, the main body needs to concentrate on accumulating"

"There will be certain restrictions."

Orochimaru,"I don't care about these restrictions, but......Why can't I learn Sage Mode?"

"But, this will not be a difficult thing at all later."

"As long as Uzumaki Naruto can perfect my curse seal and use it as a medium to practice Sage Mode and absorb the power of nature."

"Then the Sage Mode will become very common"

"Even if it is not perfect, it can greatly enhance the ninja's combat effectiveness!"

"It will be a greater era."

"Just thinking about it makes me so excited that I'm trembling all over. Is there anyone who can understand me?"


Say goodbye: Hạnh

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