“I’m back.”

Facing the dark and extremely quiet house, Wu Su didn’t know when he started to whisper this sentence while turning on the light every night when he came back. It was as if adding a little more sound would make the house seem less so. The same as empty.

This house was directly matched to him when the system matched his identity.

Wu Su is still very satisfied with having a house in a prosperous area close to the school. Even though this house is a typical 1R apartment , it’s the same type where you can see the bedroom as soon as you enter the door.

“It’s time to work.”

After coming back, Wu Su hung up his coat, tidied it up a little, then sat in front of the computer and started today’s work.

Although he had been matched with an initial capital when he traveled back in time, it would definitely not work if he had no follow-up income at all.

So Wu Su, who was a full-time writer in his previous life, simply became a copywriter in this life.

If you asked him to copy down the novels he read in his previous life verbatim, he wouldn’t be able to do it. But remember the plot and just copy it. There is no problem in writing these plots according to the process.

Although this approach only made a little money at the beginning, Wu Su wrote it every night for a year and a half, sometimes twice a month. Volume, he has already copied a light novel that has more than 20 volumes, and now the book in his hand is the second one. He has a certain fan base, and is used to the market and writing mode. His editor also teaches He learned a lot, which led to this book���It became very popular as soon as I posted it.

Compared with the fact that he directly took 50% of the shares of the new company from Yukinoshita Haruno today, writing novels is definitely not very profitable, but if he doesn’t box, then writing novels will not be very profitable. Just one thing can make him live a pretty good life.

But now Wu Su has no intention of giving up writing novels.

Because writing novels is not troublesome for him now.

Although he speeded up the update of the last”God Killer” after discussing with the editor because he was not familiar with many things at the beginning, for this”A Certain Magical Index” he originally slowed down the pace of writing, and it became a month. Even one volume every two months, basically based on the market conditions here, it would be enough for him to go home and write a little bit after training on weekends.

For him, this is just like taking time to play games on weekends. It is already a habit and there is no need to throw it away.

“But now that I think about it, I feel really sad. If you had asked me to go out during the day to exercise during the day and come back to code at night before time travel, then even if you asked me to be a copywriter, as long as I was not asked to copy and paste, I would never be able to do it, right? —Maybe it doesn’t take long to code in a serious day, but as long as the coding time exceeds six hours, you basically have to do only this whole day and just think about this one thing at work.”

Wu Su was much more casual at home than when he was facing Yukinoshita Harano. He even wrote part of the novel and when he went back to check it, he still had the leisure to complain about the things in his previous life.

At this time, he He saw the pop-up message prompt.

When he clicked on it, he found that it was a Line message sent to him by Yukinoshita Haruno.

People in this country do not have the habit of saying”Are you there” before sending a message, so Yukinoshita Shimo Yono also directly sent him the relevant matters related to the boxing match between their ‘United Investment Company’ and Ren Tiantang, and then said

【Yukinoshita Harano: I have sent you the specific arrangements. Regarding the name of the fighter, how should you state it when applying? Do you need to include the fact that you are ‘Wu’?】

【Wu Su: I actually don’t care, but since you said before that publicizing the fact that I am ‘Wu’ was your back-up, then you don’t need to add it, because there is no need for such a back-up. I will win】

【Yukinoshita Harano: Okay (smiley face) (cute)]

Unlike the emoticons Wu Su saw on chat software in his previous life, Yukinoshita Harano’s emoticons are basically cute.

In other words, this country does not have the concept of fighting pictures, so this kind of emoticon package is basically used. This also helped Wu Su get rid of the habit of occasionally sending an emoticon package.

【Wu Su: Just declare my name ‘Su’ when applying, and there is no need to add anything else.】

【Yukinoshita Harano: I understand (thumbs up)]

This matter was settled so simply.

As for the fact that Yukinoshita Haruno could investigate, and that Niten Tendo and Yoshitake Real Estate could also investigate, they both did not mention it and ignored it together.

Because this is a stupid topic.

According to the investigation, it must be possible, but Wu Su himself has not come out to play with the surname”Wu”, so the other party will not be stupid enough to publicize this matter, right?

Does this do them any good?

Wu Su himself did not bear his surname, but they were promoting it, so no matter whether they won or lost, they would be hostile to the Wu clan.

If they lose, that’s fine, but if they win… If they want to step on the Wu clan to improve their reputation, they are looking for the wrong person!

But… just like when the eldest son of Emperor Yamashita provoked the Wu clan during the Quan Yuan elimination match.

There is no shortage of such self-righteous fools in this world.

On the side of Rentian.

Kono Akio held a copy of Wu Su’s information in his hand with a sarcastic smile on his face.

The information in his hand was more than what Yukinoshita Yono had collected before meeting Wu Su. He even had Wu Su’s fitness data in the Baiyin Gym, but even so, he still had a lot of interest in Wu Su. Su is very disdainful!

“Although they are distant relatives, they are still part of the Wu clan. It would be so embarrassing if they couldn’t even do this.”

“But for a guy of this level, it’s okay to deal with others. To deal with Haruo…heh, he really doesn’t know how to live or die!”

When he thought of his adopted son, Kono Akio felt a little proud.

Although his adopted son now has no trace of the Himalayan God of War, he is still a terrifying monster!


“The Gurkha tribe where Haruo used to belong was originally the strongest mercenary tribe in the world!”

“So the Wu clan, and a distant relative…heh, that’s okay too”

“Originally, this time it was just a business plan, but since there is such an opportunity, let’s emphasize the identity of the opponent’s Wu clan, and then let Haruo defeat the opponent fiercely!”

“The Gurkha tribe should be above the Wu clan, so this time I will give a world-class shock to Quan Yuan who only knows the Wu clan, and then let them fully understand the power of Chunnan!”

Having never thought that he would lose, Kono Akio, who didn’t think much of the Wu clan after learning about the Gurkha tribe, had this thought in mind, and easily made both Yukinoshita Harano and Wu Su agree. He did what only a fool would do!


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