Compared with the world of Quan Yuan and the world that Wu Su lived in in his previous life, the most outrageous thing is that there are many technologies, phenomena, talents and black technologies in this world that can be called ‘immortal arts’.

For example, the Wu clan can unlock the limitations of the brain on the body and fully unleash the body’s abilities.

Another example is… Haruo Kono in front of me!

There is no doubt that he has basically lost consciousness.

But the ‘warrior instinct’ hidden in this guy’s bones drove him to stand up and raise his fists again!

To describe it in this world’s parlance – this is the resurgence of the will of the strongest warrior in the Himalayas who was not a fat man, and is expelling the poison brought by the luxurious life in this body!

The manifestation of this phenomenon is that the 600-pound fat man in front of him is losing weight in a way that can be noticed by the naked eye!

His face was obviously a little thinner, and his breathing rhythm immediately changed essentially. At the same time, his speed became faster and his strength became stronger!

Facing such Kono Haruo, Wu Su also raised his hands and no longer chose to dodge, but used a normal posture to resist the opponent’s attack.

Seeing this scene in the arena, Wu Fengshui in the audience obviously frowned.

“Has the entire breathing rhythm changed? And it seems that as the other person ‘gets thinner’, his breathing rhythm is still changing… This is troublesome.”

Wu Su is also Wu after all, so Wu Fengshui was naturally on Wu Su’s side when watching the battle.

So she was also worried about Wu Su at the moment.

After all, Kono Haruo, his strength and speed are nothing to say. , if you can’t dodge his attack by controlling his breathing, but have to fight him head-on, then this guy’s physical advantage should be revealed!

On the other hand, Wu Su, although he is also Wu, but the Wu clan The physical advantage is mainly reflected in the point of ‘strongness’!

It is more adaptable. Even if the brain’s restrictions on the body are released, the body will not collapse, and the brain will secrete more pain-regulating secretions than ordinary people. These secretions flow in the spinal cord, making the Wu people feel less pain than ordinary people, and even become more and more excited the more they fight!

Based on this, then the physical fitness of the Wu people is stronger than that of ordinary people, but it is only That’s all.

The real strength of the Wu clan is technology.

Not to mention the Wus from other places, the technology accumulated by the Wu here can make it possible for there to be no technology in the world that the Wu clan’s technology cannot completely crack. Yes!

With such a technical foundation, the physical strength of the Wu clan is normally enough.

If it is really not enough, then it needs to be liberated!

But can Wu Su be liberated?

As a distant relative, will his degree of liberation be high?

No Speaking of others, it’s like Wu Fengshui, whose liberation rate is only 28%. Under such circumstances, even if she starts liberation, she can’t fight against the current Haruo Kono!

Wu Fengshui was thinking like this, and then Then she saw a scene that shocked her.

That is, without being liberated, Wu Su not only resisted Kono Haruo’s storm-like attack, but even while resisting the opponent’s attack, he still had Yu Li counterattacked at the opponent with a punch speed that surpassed the opponent!

Even if Kono Haruo lost a little weight, he still looked so much bigger than Wu Su! With such a physique, he would get the result of punching like this. Even though the attack was all blocked by Wu Su with his forearm, Wu Su was not allowed to take even half a step back!

In turn, he was beaten hard by Wu Su because Wu Su punched faster than him. He stepped back a little!

This means…

Wu Su’s physical fitness is no worse than Kono Haruo!?

Wu Fengshui was shocked by this conclusion.

And Wu Su himself was actually the same.

He was originally unable to grasp Kono Haruo’s strength After regaining his breathing rhythm, he planned to block a few times and then directly open his arms and hammer back!

But when he blocked the opponent’s first attack, he realized one thing.

That is, the opponent’s attack… didn’t seem that heavy!

After realizing this, Wu Su suddenly thought that when he tested his weight before participating in this competition, even though his body shape had not changed, it showed that his weight was 120 kilograms!

He had not done so before. So heavy!

As for the reason for the weight change, it was the bottle of [Physical Strengthening Potion (Large)] he drank when receiving the novice gift package!

At that time, he felt that his muscles seemed to be training. Changes have also occurred outside the local area!

It seems like this now!

Although he is definitely not as good as the fierce tiger Wakatsuki Samurai, a monster whose muscle density is 52 times that of ordinary people, his sudden increase in weight and his current situation are just the same. It means that he must be one of the patients with superhuman syndrome now!

The muscle density is also several times to dozens of times that of ordinary people!

He hadn’t tested it specifically before, so he never had the most subjective understanding he has now, just some ideas.

But now when he and Haruo Kono were having a head-on fight, he didn’t feel anything when he hit the other person, but the feeling of being hit twice by the other person was very obvious!

This made Wu Su become interested in another thing.

That is… if Wu, who suffers from superhuman syndrome, activates liberation, how powerful will he be?

He opened it once when he just received the novice gift package.

Wu Su still remembers the feeling of being omnipotent at that time.

So he looked at Kono Haruo, who was instinctively starting to defend himself as he continued to retreat with his fists that were getting faster and faster, and the smile on his face became a little more obvious!

Just let me try it~!

With this idea of his,���The whites of his eyes instantly turned black!

Then the meridians like magic lines covered his whole body. At this moment, his body strength was fully exerted!

Liberation (100%) is on! boom!

As Wu Su started his liberation, when his fist struck Kono Haruo’s face again, it was obviously a collision between people, but under the loudspeaker equipment, there was a dull and loud sound like an explosion!

With just one punch, Kono Haruo’s offensive was completely stopped.

Then Wu Su, who saw this, kicked Kono Haruo upwards directly in the face!

Then the big fat man’s feet were kicked off the ground, and he flew backwards for a while before falling to the ground!

After completing this blow, Wu Su let out a long breath. The beating magic patterns on his body and the darkness in the whites of his eyes faded like a tide, and he closed the liberation.

When the referee came again this time, Kono Haruo failed to get up after all, so the referee directly announced the result.

“The winner of this competition is Wu Su from United Investment Company!”

With this sound, Kono Akio in the contestants’ tunnel felt as if his bones had been removed in an instant, and his whole body softened.

Wu Fengshui, who was stunned in the audience, seemed to still have the image of Wu Su’s activation just now in front of his eyes. The look of liberation!

If it was just a normal liberation, then Wu Fengshui would not be surprised.

After all, Wu Su is also Wu, so it is normal for him to be able to activate liberation.

But the feeling of liberation just now…

Although Wu Su’s physical strength is extraordinary, so She couldn’t determine specifically what Wu Su’s liberation rate was.


“The liberation rate is at least 80%, it may even be 90%, it’s hard to say!”

“Wu Su is also a high school student. Although he is a little older than Garuda, if his liberation rate is now 90%, then isn’t his talent in this area higher than Garuda’s!”

Wu Fengshui never expected that the liberation rate of Wu Su, a distant relative, could reach such a level!

“I need to report it to the clan… No, it’s not right to drag him back to Wu Zhili… It’s better to get in touch first and ask him what he thinks. After all, we are all a family, and we still need to have the respect we deserve.”


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