“You’re back.”

The moment Wu Fengshui and Wu Huiliyang were distracted by the tester shouting ‘Liberation rate 100%’, the next moment, Wu Su’s voice rang behind them. After hearing this voice, Wu Fengshui and Wu Huiliyang quickly turned around, and then found that they were distracted for a moment. Wu Su actually followed the gap where they were watching the test and came behind them!

And at this moment, the meridian representing liberation slowly began to move. It faded away from Wu Su’s body.

Seeing this scene, Wu Huiliyang made a judgment in her heart.

After he started liberation, not only was his strength and foreseeable ability to resist blows, but his speed was also so outrageous!

“Well, Asu, I brought the clan leader to see what’s going on here.”

Wu Fengshui reacted, then walked between Wu Su and Wu Huiliyang with a smile, and introduced Wu Huiliyang to Wu Su

“It turns out that the leader of the Wu clan is you, hello.”

Although there was no expression on Wu Su’s face, he still briefly said hello to Wu Huiliyang.

He had known Wu Huiliyang for a long time, but it would be fine as long as he knew these things, so Wu Su followed Wu Fengshui. He was speaking in a rhythm.

When Wu Huiliyang looked at Wu Su like this, he slowly smiled.

“Ah Su, let me call you that – I heard Feng Shui say something about you before, but before I came here, I really didn’t expect that your situation would be like this.”

Wu Huiliyang’s eyes swept from Wu Su’s head to his feet.

“Wu has a superhuman physique, and the liberation rate has reached 100%. Even in our 1,300-year history, you are the first. In the past, even the tribesmen who had a liberation rate of 100% without using the secret technique of nine-death escape have reached 100%. It’s very rare, let alone someone with a superhuman physique like yours.”

“So in terms of physical talent alone, you are probably the strongest among the Wu clan in the past 1,300 years.”

Although Wu Huiliyang is the leader of the Wu clan with a notorious reputation, when facing Wu Su, he is more like the kind grandfather next door.

“So since you followed Feng Shui and returned to Wu Zhili, and you don’t reject the clan, it’s natural that you want to learn the clan’s techniques.”

While saying this, Wu Huiliyang’s eyes turned to Wu Fengshui.

“Feng Shui, when the time comes, you can take my warrant and lead Ah Su to learn the technique. By the way, you can also arrange a place to live, and you will be responsible for all the daily life and other things during your stay in Wu Zhili. There is no need for money. Worry, just send the bill to me.”

Wu Huiliyang has made arrangements.

“Then go over there. It will definitely be a little awkward to be with an old man like me. It is you young people who have more common topics.”

Hearing what Wu Huiliyang said, as a woman of the Wu clan, Wu Fengshui naturally understood his underlying meaning instantly. This made Wu Fengshui blink his eyes, then scratched his head and answered with a smile. Then he took Wu Su and left.

Before leaving, Wu Su said”Thank you” to Wu Huiliyang. Seeing Wu Su’s quite polite look, the smile on Wu Huiliyang’s face became more obvious.

Until Wu Su Feng Shui and Wu Su disappeared from his sight. The smile on his face did not disappear, but became even more exaggerated.

“With such talent and character, he is a good boy just like Garuda.”

Wu Su’s character is the same as Wu Su’s talent, which Wu Huiliyang never thought of before.

After all, think about it.

The genius of the Wu clan before Wu Su was Wu Lei’an!

Although Wu Lei’an’s physical talent is not as good as Wu Su’s, he Compared with other clansmen, even looking at the history of the Wu clan, you can’t say that his talent is not good!

But his arrogant, cruel and murderous character makes Wu Huiliyang feel helpless when he thinks about it.

Besides, in addition to In addition, he himself was not a fuel-efficient lamp when he was young. He was even rebellious to the point of severing ties with his family for a while, and then returned home after losing to others outside.

Compared to the two of them, Wu Su What a great character!

“Asu, Garuda…Lei’an will probably be able to change his character to some extent after he loses once. After all, his current appearance is quite similar to that of me back then, and he will probably be like me in the future. road”

“If there are three of them in the next generation, it is destined to be a golden age that surpasses my generation, and even surpasses any generation in the past 1,300 years.”

Thinking of this, Wu Huiliyang was suddenly stunned.

“But in this case, should we bring Asu and Garuda together?”

He didn’t take it seriously when Wu Huiliyang hinted at Wu Fengshui. After all, Wu Huiliyang was a special case like Wu Su, and Wu Huiliyang would be happy to see it if he could leave more seeds.

If Wu Su’s lineage is the same in the future , It would be great if a superhuman Wu could appear from time to time!

This means that ‘Wu’ has evolved again!

But if they get married, then the main wife will still be…

“No, no, no, Garuda is still too young, not yet old enough to consider such things!”

Wu Huiliyang, who was still looking forward to the future before, is now entangled with this kind of thing.

He is stuck here, which makes the testers in the test site a little helpless.

But no one came to disturb him. He.

After all, Wu Huiliyang, the patriarch, usually has no problems, but once it involves Garuda, the great-granddaughter, he will become like this from time to time!

They are… used to it!

“This is my home, Asu, you won’t stay in Wu Zhili for too long, so you can stay with me during this period.”

Wu Fengshui understood Wu Huiliyang’s hint before, so she took Wu Su directly to the���At home.

She is not exclusive about this kind of thing.

After all, the only XP for Wu’s women is to be strong!

Not only did Wu Fengshui not reject it, he even felt that he was lucky to have been able to contact Wu Su first!

She hasn’t considered being the first wife, but it would be nice to get a share besides that!

As for monogamy… it can only be said that in most cases, the Wu clan will abide by this system, but after all, the Wu clan is a clan that advocates breed improvement, and has been doing this for 1,300 years.

It can be said that while the Wu clan strongly supports Wu Su, it does not require Wu Su to take on assassination missions, does not require Wu Su to live in Wu Zhili, and does not require Wu Su to become a thug of the Wu clan… Under such circumstances, The Wu clan’s request for Wu Su is – have more children if possible!

It doesn’t matter what kind of woman you want to find. The family will help you find a way in other aspects. In short, you’d better expand the number of people in your lineage as much as possible!

Harem! A ruthless harem!

The family is begging you to open a harem!

“I also have a crazy brother, but that guy doesn’t live with me, so there are only two of us at home. Just treat this place as your own home in Wu Zhili, don’t be too formal.”

When Wu Fengshui said this, she also focused her eyes on Wu Su’s face with great interest.

She knew that Wu Su hadn’t graduated from high school yet.

So when a boy of this age suddenly encountered such a There should be some reaction to the matter, right?

That’s what she thought.

But in fact, Wu Su still had that plain expression on his face, not shy or evasive at all, and he even faced her directly. Looking at it, and nodding naturally

“Okay, then I’ll trouble you during this period.”


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