
In accordance with the first-stage requirements given by the system, Wu Su completed various seemingly exaggerated training steps step by step, and then sat down to rest while wiping his sweat and letting out a sigh of relief.

“This is already the middle of my second year in time travel. If it weren’t for this system, I would have already debuted as a high school student light novel writer and started thinking about which university to go to… As for now, I just completed the newbie task for this system today!”

There is no doubt that Wu Su is a time traveler.

He traveled through time at the beginning of last year. At that time, his body became 17 years old and strengthened. He also returned to the second year of high school, and the system directly matched him in this world. He has acquired an identity.

What Wu Su thinks is good about this identity is that he is no longer a gangster. Both of his parents are dead. He does not need to act with people close to him. Moreover, even if he changes to another country, his parents who have passed away in his previous life are still there. The only name he left for himself was still retained.

His name was Wu Su!

And the bad part… maybe it was to match the surname ‘Wu’, but in short, in this place that looked modern at first glance, Wu Su matched the identity But there is one of them – a distant relative of the Wu clan!

Wu Su watched a lot of anime in his previous life.

Anime such as Fist Wishing Asura and Blade Tooth are his favorite genres.

So this Wu clan , it immediately reminded him of Quan Yuan Asura!

Then in his understanding over the past year, he discovered that this Wu clan was indeed the Wu clan in Quan Yuan!

This made him just want to be a copycat in this world. , Wu Su, who made a little money and then lay idle, had some additional ideas.

If he were an ordinary person, then even in the world of Quan Yuan, he would be content with the situation in his daily life and not do dangerous things. Even if you are an otaku, you are generally not in danger.

But he is from the Wu clan… Although he is a distant relative whose even the whites of his eyes are not black, and he does not live in Wu, his surname is still Wu after all… The

Wu clan is not They will look down on him, and even regard him as a clan member. When outsiders look at him, they will also attach the label of the Wu clan to him. There is nothing to say.

Mainly because this identity has indeed brought him The blood of the Wu clan!

So even if his talent is lower and the degree of liberation is lower, he should be able to liberate if he works hard, right!?

If he is in a worldview where he cannot pursue power, Wu Su really will not have it Thoughts on practicing martial arts, but is it okay to pursue strength in Quan Yuan’s world view?

Wu Su originally had this idea in mind and planned to try to pursue this aspect a little while satisfying food and clothing.

But that is, in Wu Su When he had this idea, his system was officially launched!

His system is a very simple system, that is, the system will issue tasks, and he can complete them or ignore them. If he completes them, he will get a reward. If he ignores them, he will get nothing. It will happen that after the task fails or is completed, a brand new task will be refreshed.

And follow the system requirements to carry out the first phase of exercise. This is the first task released by the system.

Wu Su has also been in the past year and a half. I slowly completed this task

“I can only say that the transformation of the system is really something, and the fact that I am a distant relative of the Wu clan does bring something to the Wu clan bloodline that matches me. Otherwise, this kind of training would look like daily training for aliens. In my previous life, I wouldn’t have been able to hold on any longer!”

“But now that the novice mission is completed, let me take a look at what rewards are included in the novice gift package.”

Sitting on the bench in the lounge, Wu Su submitted the task directly on the system panel that only he could see.

Then the novice task was refreshed, and the reward of the task [novice gift package] entered his warehouse, and then the second Tasks are also refreshed

【Mission goal: Win a boxing match as a fighter】

【Reward: Six Styles·Finger Gun]

Before opening the novice gift package, Wu Su first saw this mission reward

“Navy Six!”

“There is such a thing among the system rewards! Then this newbie gift package is even more worth looking forward to!”

Wu Su directly opened the [Newbie Gift Pack]】

【Congratulations to the host for receiving the reward: 100% liberation (optimized: no additional physical consumption after turning on), physical fitness enhancement potion (large), talent·combat instinct】

【Liberation 100% (optimized version): Unlock the restrictions of the brain on the body, allowing the body to exert higher ability values. When it reaches 100%, the body can be completely liberated. This is the secret skill of the Wu clan, and is not available to non-Wu clans. Members will not be able to withstand the use of their bodies, and it will increase the consumption of physical strength when turned on (optimized)】

【Physical fitness enhancement potion (large): greatly enhances physical fitness】

【Talent·Fighting Instinct: Let you instinctively know how to fight with people, and always make the correct reaction in the battle]

Wu Su looked at the rewards of the three novice gift packs, he took out the potion and drank it, and then Liberation and fighting instinct received!

As the potion was taken down, Wu Su could clearly feel that his physical fitness was constantly improving, and after a year and a half of studying and training at the Baiyin Gym, Wu Su could clearly feel that this enhancement was not just for what he could train. section, and elsewhere!

Such as the internal organs, such as bones… Even Wu Su confirmed that his muscles seemed different from before after touching them a little!

“In Quan Yuan’s worldview, having muscle density that exceeds that of ordinary people is a characteristic of superhuman syndrome. However, this unscientific superhuman syndrome can actually increase strength by strengthening muscle density. If this aspect is strengthened enough, Then I suddenly became the so-called ‘Superman’!”

“And this fighting instinct…”

Wu Su stood up, took a stance, and then quickly punched a few times.

In the past year and a half, Wu Su certainly didn’t just do fitness. The distant relatives of the Wu clan brought him Among the things of the Wu clan are the lower-than-average sense of pain, strong physical adaptability, and talent for fighting skills, so Wu Su still learned some of the most basic fighting skills.

And these aspects of learning allowed him to At this moment, he realized very clearly how many flaws and flaws there were in the basic fighting skills that he felt were almost perfect!

And as long as he followed his instinct, he could make up for these!

This was undoubtedly a very powerful skill. Talent!

As for the final liberation…

Wu Su took back his posture and clenched it with one hand. At this moment, the whites of his eyes instantly turned black, and meridians like magic lines burst out and beat on his body, extending to his chin..

At this moment, Wu Su felt his strong heartbeat. He finally understood why Wu Lei’an abandoned the exquisite skills accumulated by the Wu clan during the boxing knockout competition!

Wu Lei’an’s liberation was also 100%, and Wu Lei’an’s Liberation requires additional physical exertion…but so what?

The power now is too strong!

Let the body exert 100% of its power!

Wu Su feels that as long as he follows his instinct and fights, he can kill quite a few people.!

But this thought only passed by for a moment, and then Wu Su also withdrew from the state of liberation.

“If there is no further hope, then this level of power is enough to be complacent. But there are still a handful of monsters in Quan Yuan’s worldview, and the next system rewards are all Marine Sixth Form, so what if? What a domineering reward!”

Just like the sentence said at the beginning of the earliest animation of Saba – From the day a man is born, no matter who he is, he has dreamed of being the ‘strongest man in the world’. The so-called fighter is a fighter who wants to become the ‘strongest man in the world’.

This sentence is implemented throughout the whole life of Blade Ya, and it is also one of Wu Su’s favorite lines.

He likes the animations of Fist Wan and Blade Ya, of course. He has a strong interest in becoming such a ‘fighter’.

He couldn’t help it in his previous life. Now that he has been reborn, he can still see hope… Then he also wants to become stronger!

Become stronger than anyone else!

Wu Su takes this My mind was racing with thoughts for a while, and then I allowed my body to cool down, took a shower, changed my clothes, and then walked out of the lounge.

“Coach Jiexiong is not here today, otherwise I would still be able to ask for advice, but let’s wait until next time when he is here.”

Wu Su searched around but couldn’t find Jie Xiongming, a fitness expert who can even control the size of his own muscles, so he planned to go home.

Although he had no family here who would urge him to go back early, there was no one… �The meal was ready and waiting for him to eat at home, and the hot water was boiled for him to take a bath, so he had to cook, boil water, and clean after he returned. But just as

Wu Su just walked out of the Silver Gym, even Before she could walk down the steps, a beautiful figure stopped in front of her.

It was already autumn, and the sky was getting colder. She was wearing a light-colored coat, with an elegant and calm demeanor, and she looked quite… Ranger’s demeanor, as if this was just a chance encounter, an encounter that just happened, but in fact Wu Su knew from the chill that followed the other party that the other party had probably been waiting here for a while.

“Who are you?”

Wu Su was a little confused.

“My name is Yukinoshita Harano”

“Mr. Wu Su, are you interested in becoming a fighter?”


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