Although Yakumo Murasaki is usually used to fighting elegantly from a safe position, she fully expresses her name as a ‘sage’.

But in fact, as a great monster that has existed since the Warring States period, it is impossible for her not to have the same violent fighting style as the flower tyrant Kazami Yuuka.

What’s more, Yakumo Murasaki is on good terms with the Oni clan.

And if you are a guy who can only hide behind your back and do dirty tricks, those ghosts will not recognize you!

Therefore, facing Wu Su’s direct attack, Yakumo Purple almost immediately switched back to the state when fighting other monsters after suffering a slight loss. boom!.The terrifying demon power flows in Yakumo Purple’s body.

Driven by the demonic power, she almost immediately made movements that were too exaggerated for humans while wearing a Taoist robe that was not very convenient for movement.

As she took a step forward, her claw-shaped arm exerted force like a heavy hammer.

Then, with the protruding front foot acting as a pull, her right leg, which was passively pulled because of the protruding foot, almost immediately came to the side of Wu Su’s head! boom!

Compared to Yakumo Murasaki’s weird power-generating mode, Wu Su’s side looks…well, actually weirder!

Faced with Yakumo Purple’s sudden surge, there was no distance to exert force, and he first stabbed and then swept over the kick. Wu Su just raised 420 with one hand and easily blocked Yakumo Purple’s attack.

For many people, they have a misunderstanding.

That is, when faced with an attack, you only need to raise your hand and defend with the right place such as your forearm, and then you will be considered to have accepted the attack.

But in fact, everyone who knows the art knows that the essence of receiving is not that you block the attack.

It’s about how you can neutralize the opponent’s force after blocking the attack with the right place.

Either twist it away or borrow it.

Even if you have to resist this force, it must be something you thought about when you blocked the attack.

It’s not as simple as just raising your hand casually.

But Wu Su, who had a terrifying will swelled in his body and was obviously a martial artist of the Mind Technique style, used this pure action.

Are you also a user with some weird devil fruit ability?

Perhaps it was because she had fought too many people from the pirate world, so when Yakumo Zi saw Wu Su like this, she subconsciously thought of such a thing and took precautions.

And the facts prove it.

Although the situation was different from what she thought, precautions were really needed!

Wu Su blocked Yakumo Murasaki’s kick with one hand, and then planned to use the strength of this move to directly complete the reversal. Then he used all the strength of his body to reverse the environment, and at the same time, he smashed the handle from top to bottom. Wu Su’s head.

But in fact, after this kick hit, Yakumo Zi felt as if there was something on Wu Su’s body, and the force that hit her was completely absorbed!

While she didn’t get any strength from her, Wu Su actually used the strength he absorbed from her to press against her!

Because she kicked out, the foot that landed was the one that stepped out before.

So the location is within Wu Su’s chassis.

Now Wu Su’s legs came up in small steps, clamping Yakumo Purple’s calves with his calves. Then in such a short distance, his upper body leaned back slightly, and his hands rotated forward and backward. Make full use of the fist rail as much as possible in such a small short hitting space!

What Bo Liling had dreamed of seeing before was now seen by her.

At such a close distance, even if Yakumo Purple has fully mobilized the demonic power and is working hard to reverse the realm, these things are useless to Wu Su!

The power of Yakumo Purple’s realm cannot directly act on Wu Su, who has a huge will swelled all over his body.

Then she couldn’t retreat if she wanted to, because her legs were clamped, so she couldn’t get into the gap. In addition, Wu Su also had certain records of her behavioral patterns during the previous fight.

So in this situation, when Yakumo Zi couldn’t pull back the leg that Wu Su had on his shoulder due to the distance, she could only use her hands and her demonic power to block Wu Su’s attack.

After all, Yakumo Purple has lived for so many years, and she also knows all kinds of fighting techniques.

When she fought against people from the pirate world before, although she didn’t have to fight in close combat, she could still understand the opponent’s attacks.

The only one who was blinded was the sun god who had been sitting there from beginning to end, controlling the darkness, as if he were the incarnation of a solar eclipse.

So this is probably how Yakumo Purple’s impression of a warrior with great mental skills and body is.

This caused her to suffer a big loss when facing a master like Wu Su!

Yakumo Murasaki was already working hard on defense.

But facing Wu Su’s attack, Yakumo Purple’s defense soon turned into what she occasionally showed when being beaten by the vampires in the Scarlet Devil Mansion – holding her head with both hands!

It’s not that Yakumo Murasaki is being cute.

But this indecent action is already the best defensive action she can do!

In addition, no matter how she tried to defend herself, Wu Su would always be able to circumvent her, or use a flurry of attacks to knock off her defense, allowing the attack to fall directly on her face!

At the same time, Yakumo Zi also realized how terrifying a master like Wu Su was in terms of strength training skills.

When she tried to fight back, Wu Su would only use unknown means to take over her own power, making his power even more terrifying!

This is Wu Su after being strengthened thirty times!

His body was strengthened thirty times.

This means that the container used to hold water is thirty times larger!

After he got used to it, his Qi quantity naturally increased tremendously!

When he was fighting against Whitebeard before, he couldn’t use his energy to completely borrow Whitebeard’s power when faced with Whitebeard’s power. Some of the power would still take effect on him.

But now facing Yakumo Murasaki, who has a lower attack force, Wu Su can already calmly borrow all her power!

At this moment, Yakumo Purple realized it while holding her head.

She was betrayed by Wu Su… This was probably her biggest mistake!

If there is a second battle, then there is no way Yakumo Purple will let Wu Su catch him at this distance!

No… he shouldn’t even be allowed to lunge this far!

You should try your best to maintain the distance between each other to enhance your strategic depth!

But it’s too late to regret now.

Now she has fallen into Wu Su’s advantageous distance, so if she doesn’t pay some price, she may not be able to reverse this situation!

Yakumo Purple thought so.

The audience in Gensokyo no longer had the joyful atmosphere just now.

Although they were still happy to see Yakumo Purple get beaten. but…

They no longer have the same calmness as before!

Because even if they weren’t the ones actually fighting, they should understand now.

Although Wu Su followed the same path as the warriors of the mind skill body like those emperors in the pirate world, but… no matter which aspect of the mind skill body, this guy was beyond the reach of those emperors!

Put aside the words of the sun god who acted strangely and calmly.

Wu Su is undoubtedly the strongest warrior in this big brawl so far!


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