As a border fortress of the Empire, Helmgart not only shouldered border defense duties, but also served as a transit market between Bretonnia and the Empire.

Three walls made of granite form Helmgart's three-ring defense line, which lies in the Axbite Pass like a triceratops staring at the ground.

Any surface creature that attempts to pass through Axbite Pass will have to figure out how to cross this large fortress with only a single gate.

Of course, the underground and the sky are still accessible.

Judging from the knowledge of the ancient saints in Lynch's mind, this fortress is worthy of praise in a civilization that is trapped by gravity and has not yet completely gotten rid of cold weapons.

Helmgart overlooks the narrow passages to the west and east, and dozens of cannons on the walls can easily cover all areas in the canyon.

No wonder some greenskins would rather dig holes into the empire than have a head-on confrontation with the fortress.

Just when Eugen was approaching the city wall on horseback, Lynch, who was approaching first, had already seen the scorch marks near the city wall. They should be the embers left by the green skins.

From the outside, there is no hint of the prosperity inside Helmgart. Bretonnian brandy and wine are used in exchange for the empire's high-end grain and wine. Weapons forged by blacksmiths from both sides and cloth produced by farmers are exchanged every moment. There's going on.

Even the dwarves have traders here, selling minerals mined from the Gray Mountains in exchange for human grain.

The human nations were not united, and Lynch knew that this fortress was not only for guarding against the greenskins and beastmen, but also for guarding against the empire's neighbors who were ready to make moves.

Even the dangerous Chimera beasts in the Gray Mountains are not as harmful as the Knights of Palaon and Montfort.

Bastogne, which was also adjacent to the Empire, was not as aggressive as the Palavons or the Montforts, probably because they were separated from the Imperial Pass by a forest.

Lynch was not sure how much effort the Holy Grail Knights of Bastogne had put in - the capital of Bretonnia was not in Bastogne, but Gilles, the founder of Bretonnia, once ruled here.

Like the Imperial Reiks, they are proud of their birthplace and mark themselves as the moral standards of the kingdom.

According to legend, the number of Grail Knights reclusive in Bastogne exceeds three figures, perhaps even close to a thousand.

The abnormal number of Holy Grail Knights gave Bastogne an abnormal folk custom. Although the local nobles were powerless and only knew how to brag about the great achievements of their ancestors, Bastogne's corruption was the worst in all of Bretonnia.

The noble knights all fanatically admire the knightly qualities of Saint Gilles, and their stewards and officials will most likely do the same. Everyone who comes from Bastogne has told stories of corruption being exposed and the relevant personnel executed by the nobles. .

Although personal nobility cannot cover the entire territory, it does make Bastogne seem harmless. Their nobles are indeed useless, and they have not even dealt with the beastman tribe in their own forest, and have to guard against neighboring principalities. , there is no energy to look beyond the borders of Bretonnia.

Humans seem to have endless greed for land, and every lord is planning to annex their neighbors. Helmgart was built to block their neighbors.

As soon as Lynch left the west gate of Helmgart, he ran into the plunder of the Montfort bandits. A caravan that had just left the fortress was almost captured.

They were said to be bandits, but in fact they were noble knights. The peasants who were forced to rebel could not afford to equip themselves with full plate armor.

They didn't make it because Lynch happened to be passing by.

To this day, the guards in the caravan are still thanking the gods because their powerful enemies suddenly fainted and became prisoners.

It wasn't until he entered the Duchy of Montfort that Lynch realized how barren the land was.

The rulers here may have to rely on collecting tariffs to survive, because the soil within Lynch's perception is better than nothing suitable for farming.

No wonder they eventually evolved into a band of bandits.

The xenophobia of the locals is something Lynch has rarely seen since he entered the old world. The weak and weak Eugen Road has been repeatedly ostracized and even almost robbed - no one dared to do this after he showed his spellcasting skills. .

It was as if he was avoiding a cannonball that was about to explode. Ever since they found out that he was a mage, people had deliberately distanced themselves from him.

Lynch knew what passers-by were worried about. The mage was more unstable than a cannonball.

The worst mage apprentice can cause catastrophe.

The villages along the way were equally rare. They were almost all concentrated near the castles of nobles, and the entire duchy showed a depressed scene.

Unlike the Empire, Eugen sighs inconspicuously every time he passes by the Bretonnian village because he has to pay customs duties.

Every noble set up a pass to collect taxes. Just as Lynch guessed, the place was so poor that they could only collect toll taxes to make ends meet.

Perhaps not all of Bretonnia was like this, but what happened here left a bad impression on Lynch. Even Kislev was richer than this duchy.

The test comes when night falls, and since the Oracle is still a mortal, he needs sleep.

As the Kingdom of Bretonnia with an extremely backward system, hotels hidden from the sight of nobles do not exist. Even if there were, they would be destroyed by beastmen.

People would rather pay more taxes than flee to the woods, because the forests are full of man-eating monsters. Although the nobles devoured their flesh and blood like tigers, the nobles did drive away the monsters who tried to knock their bones and suck their marrow.

If you are lucky and find the untouched shrine of the Lady of the Lake, the traveler may have a place to stay.

Rare and clean shrines usually house Holy Grail Knights. Even if a shrine is found, passers-by must seek permission from the temple guardian knight.

The easiest way to spend the night in Bretonnia is to find a village to stay overnight. As mentioned before, the people of the Duchy of Montfort are too exclusive, and it is not wise to spend the night in their homes.

In order to reduce the trouble, Eugen is mainly afraid that Lynch will have an overreaction. He does not want to go all the way and burn the whole road, which will make him a legendary disaster. Others may not be able to see Lynch, and will only shift the responsibility to him. .

Eugen chose to sleep directly in the open. The journey from Altdorf to Montfort tempered his courage, because he was protected like a baby, with a sleepless and extremely powerful companion, and not even a poisonous insect could get close to him. body.

Fortunately, the two discovered an inn before the Oracle hesitated to give his opinion.

A hotel isolated in the wilderness.

If it were a normal development, a group of ignorant and unlucky people should have accidentally entered the hotel at this time, and they all died tragically after a night of shock.

Lynch was destined to develop abnormally here, and the one who died tragically was the monster that had just opened in the hotel.

In just a blink of an eye, the lizard man crushed to death two unknown monsters in the store who were dressed in human skin and disguised as humans.

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