Below Lynch's familiar panel layout, skip the looming racial illustrations.

Symbols that seemed to be coded languages ​​were glowing. They were scattered under the starlight and reorganized into a map.

Many symbols were scattered on the map. At the location of Itaza, the head of the cities, the rays of light reflected and swept across all the runes.

After the twilight passed, the symbol in the same position as the Star City Asroto bloomed with dreamlike brilliance.

Huta, the city of awakening, was also lit up at the next moment, but there were still many dim symbols.

Some are in Lustria, some are at sea, and some are in the Old World.

All the runes are vaguely connected, and the colorful light projects a key.

The illusory key was engraved with ancient words left by the ancient saint:

"The Godslayer."

Lynch looked carefully at the puzzle of the ancient saint. It was obviously not a mathematical problem.

Based on the two locations that were lit, Lynch believed that he had to go to the cities marked by all the symbols to activate the key.

As for the "God Killer"? Lynch guessed that it was some kind of weapon, maybe a biological weapon, or maybe a special device made by the ancient saint.

Those who can be regarded as the primary enemies by the ancient saints are probably the dark gods.

There is a high probability that this is a secret weapon specially made to restrain Chaos. Even if this thing is completed, I don't know. If it is really effective, all the ancient saints will not disappear.

But no matter what, this provided Lynch with an idea.

What if?

Lin Qi planned to stop by and activate the key after the war to see what treasures the Ancient Saint had hidden.

More and more living creatures fell asleep, and the elves took turns keeping vigil. Neither race completely believed in the other.

When dawn came, the magic swordsman did not wait for the revelation from the moon goddess Lilith.

On the second day, we only encountered some wandering greenskins, and there was not even a warlord to unify them. The soldiers cleared them away without any effort.

Getting closer to Itaza, and walking for another seven days, we need to pass through a canyon, which is a good place to set up an ambush or be ambushed.

There are usually chameleons standing guard in the canyon, and Lynch just hopes that there is no problem in this important place.

You know, 50,000 greenskins once tried to pass through the canyon to attack a lizardman settlement around Itaza.

Less than ten chameleons, taking advantage of the terrain and fighting and retreating, wiped out all the greenskins outside the settlement.

Swapping out the Chameleons for more numerous Skaven or Daemons will do the same thing.

Once the canyon is lost, it will completely cut off the support from the temple city to the east of Itaza to the head of the cities.

At night, with the evil moon in the sky, the terrifying light of Morsrib fell on the jungle.

The birds and beasts became quiet, as if they were also avoiding the light of the evil moon.

After being stationed, the soldiers strengthened their protection.

The evil moon interfered with the horoscopes of Aubamon and the priest, and no one could judge the bad luck of this night.

During the boring wait, some sea guards inevitably missed their hometown.

Asul picked off the leaves and played the tune of his hometown, and a strong nostalgia enveloped the hot-blooded species.

Lynch looked at the demoralized Asul and did not stop his behavior that would disturb the morale of the army.

He is not the commander of the elves, and Aubamon does not seem to intend to roughly disturb the nostalgia.

The magic swordsman also hummed along with the country ballads of Itain, and when the song ended, it changed to a sea boat song.

Asul was influenced by the commander-in-chief and sang barcarolles sporadically.

Then, a song about the war of resistance sounded distantly in Lynch's ears. Although he couldn't appreciate it at all, he could only judge the emotion based on the changes in the sound.

The tune of suppressed anger ended, and the soldiers cheered up again.

The cold-blooded ones only felt that they were noisy, and the skinks had been discussing it for a while.

From time to time, Skink consults Asur in Elvish language. They are curious about the changing emotions of the hot-blooded species.

Ever since Asur formed an alliance with the cold-blooded species, every time they were stationed there was lively.

The vivid behaviors and emotions of the hot-blooded species dilute the indifference and boredom of the lizard people.

But this can only affect Skenk. The lizardmen and monitor lizards have never paid attention to Asul and only cooperated with the elves in the battle.

Compared to active-thinking skinks, they are more like tools than living beings.

Lynch knew that Thoros had negligible emotions, and they would also be angry when the land they guarded was violated.

They will even take the initiative to retaliate against the invaders after the city is destroyed.

There was a famous example 8,000 years ago.

After Obamon dealt with the soldier's problem, he climbed on the back of the Triceratops to find out some hidden history from Lynch.

Lynch recalled the past of Ku Jia, Lord of Scars, and casually told the story of the last guardian.

The holy name of the ancient Saint Ashoto is also the name of a temple city.

As the Skinks interpret the Old One, Ashhotol is the birthplace of those destined for greatness.

The lizards born in this city are extremely powerful and bear the divine mark of the ancient saints. Most of them can survive the training of the battlefield and become commanders of the legions.

They even have subtle telepathy with the Tyrannosaurus and can communicate with each other on a spiritual level. Kuga is the strongest one among them.

The great city was eventually destroyed by the demon invasion. Although the guardians won countless legendary victories and destroyed many demon legions, it was just like the fate of other cities.

The devil can lose countless times, but the lizard man will face a devastating ending if he makes one mistake!

The tide of demons forced the guardians back into the city, relying on Slann's guardian magic to resist the tide of demons.

In Lynch's calm tone, Obamon fell silent and recalled the suffering Ulthuan suffered during the Cataclysm.

The story continues, and some elves who can understand the language of the lizard people are gradually approaching.

The power of magic is not stable, especially when a demon named the Changing Demon Lord appears on the battlefield.

The turbulent power of chaos was controlled by the big demon, tearing open the space, allowing the demon to bypass the lizard man's defense and rush straight to Slan, who was concentrating on maintaining the protective barrier in the Great Pyramid.

The lizards had no time to react. The temple guards guarding Slann shed all their blood. After the big demon broke through the defense, he easily killed the Slann mage.

The army of Chaos cooperated internally and externally, flooding this ancient city.

But Slan's souls are different from mortals. Even if it is death, their strong will can stubbornly push it away.

With Slann's last blessing and the lizard people's furious anger due to the city's fall, Ku.Jia led the lizard people to fight a bloody path.

For centuries to come, this last legion of Ashoto roamed the rainforest, never-endingly wreaking brutal revenge on the raging demons.

When the Maelstrom was established and the demons were banished, only Ku-Ghar and his tyrannosaurus Quimok survived.

For the last guardian of Ashoto, the battle has never ended, and it still fights the ancient war to this day.

Lynch slowly recounted the unknown history, and the increasingly thick unclean smell in the air disturbed the tranquility of the story.

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