Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 57 The Gate of Brilliance

Lin Qi thought about countermeasures and looked at the magic swordsmen.

These warriors who are proficient in swordsmanship and magic seem not to be affected much, after all, they have outstanding will.

As soon as the thought came to his mind, Lin Qi saw a magic swordsman suddenly take off his armor.

Several Hoth Sword Masters noticed something strange and rushed forward to hold down the abnormal mentor.

Lin Qi pushed aside Asul who was blocking the way and quickly approached the warrior who had taken off his scales and armor.

The magic sword fell to the ground, reflecting the sick and hungry face of the magic swordsman.

Suddenly, the soldier stopped moving and looked at his own ugliness in disbelief.

The elves began to experience strange changes one after another. Some elves chewed arrows, even if their throats were pierced by the arrows.

Everything they saw turned into delicacies, and their irresistible hunger made them swallow themselves to death.

Some of the soldiers suddenly rose up and attempted a blasphemous badgering of the hapless Skinks.

They were confused by the graceful figure flashing through the eyes of the Skink. In their eyes, the Skink was no longer an ugly lizard man, but an elven dancer with unparalleled charm.

Just a casual glance at each other turned the two Asurs into unrelenting enemies.

Opposites of the opposite sex come together in confusion, pounce on each other, and bite the flesh and blood of their admirers.

The dragon saw the figure of the devil in the Dragon Prince's eyes and almost tore his friend to pieces.

Dragon Prince Nui also discovered the devil in the dragon's eyes, and his comrades faced off due to suspicion.

In just a few breaths, everything was in chaos.

Lynch rescued the skinks that were almost crushed to death by a group of asurs, protected the painful Teclis, and ordered the leader of the red-crowned skinks to lead the cold-blooded species to prepare for battle.

If the will is completely defeated, the demons watching here in the Chaos Demon Realm can take the opportunity to descend in the bodies of mortals.

This is different from the legions summoned by the big demon. The demons that come in this way will not take up the energy of the big demon.

When Lynch was about to order the massacre, he vaguely heard a dog barking.

Like a dream, the terrible riot subsided.

No one knows what happened to make a great demon give up the soul on his lips.

Teclis' condition improved, and he summoned the wind of light to wake up the elves who were still a little psychedelic.

The soldiers did not dare to relax and marched at a faster speed under the leadership of Lynch.

Not far away, Lin Qi looked back.

The place where the army originally stayed was ignited with flames, and the vampires walked out of the flames and disappeared the next moment.

The indistinguishable screams of male and female are mixed with the loud barking of dogs. From time to time, the demon of desire comes to reality, fights with the vampire in the flames, and then both disappear.

It seems that the unlucky demon has met his enemy. The Prince of Darkness and the Blood God are mortal enemies.

Lynch was not attacked again for the next two days. The originally flat forest land became undulating, and they were not far from their destination.

When crossing a clear stream, Lynch saw the hideous-looking secret keeper reflected in the water.

It stood on the blood-red battlefield, and vampires pounced on it from time to time, and the secret keeper easily disemboweled it and took out its heart.

It seems that this big demon will be unable to get rid of the clingy Khorne demon for a while.

Lynch led the army across the stream and looked at the endless mountains ahead.

Like a city wall raised by mighty force, this mountain range is extremely steep, leaving only a "V" shaped gap for pedestrians to pass through.

Pterosaurs hovered on the lush mountaintops, where they built their nests.

These flying beasts will stop anyone who dares to climb the mountains and ridges. Only the bravest Skinks will climb the mountains and steal the pterosaur eggs.

Along the way, the skinks captured several deer, but they did not kill the prey directly.

The army gradually approached the canyon. Countless gazes from above the canyon made Asul alert, but Lynch paid no attention to it.

The red-crowned skink skillfully found the upward path and climbed up the rock along the vines. After walking about a thousand steps, the cold-blooded species arrived silently at the lizardman settlement built on the mountainside.

Lynch looked past the ferns and angiosperms that were used to cover the site. Behind the trees, there were Skink hunters handling their prey.

Most of them are yellow-crowned skinks, which means they are natural predators, and some of them are even blessed by the ancient sage Huang Qi who has been marked with a black mark.

This canyon is called the Huangqi Gate by the skinks. The jungle patrols wandering between Itaza and Slanwupek use the Huangqi Gate as a supply place.

Occasionally, skink trainers from the First City or the Mist City will climb to the top of the mountain to steal pterosaur eggs and use them to train pterosaur riders.

The chameleon's station is on the opposite side of the hillside. They will be the last barrier to ensure that the canyon does not collapse.

The Skink Legion is not permanently stationed at the Huangqi Gate. They need to patrol the rainforest, but the Chameleon is different.

The elves climbed up the mountainside one after another, passed through the trees, and came to the broad mountain settlement. The giant dragon and the dragon prince did not follow.

In the deepest part of the settlement, near the steep cliff, the skinks carved into the rock and built a temple dedicated to Huangqi, the predator and tiger god of the jungle.

In front of the temple is a wide square, where skinks will process their prey and at the same time offer sacrifices to the ancient sage Huangqi.

Opposite the Huangqi Temple is the Sotigo Shrine, which looks to be quite old.

The blood-stained rock of the Snake God's Shrine has not yet completely weathered, while Huangqi's temple has obviously been renovated several times.

Lynch believes that the snake god shrine was erected only in the past few hundred years.

When Lynch walked through the square, the hunters who were handling their prey stopped invariably and observed Lynch's weapons.

One by one, the Yellow-crowned Skink put away their flesh and blood, and the leader of the Yellow-crowned Skink hurried over, accompanying the other two Skink leaders behind the lizard man.

There seemed to be no residential areas for skinks to rest, but Lynch discovered that in the jungle on both sides of the square, there were caves in the thick tree trunks.

The cold-blooded people who came to the settlement paid respect to the ancient saint in Huangqi's temple.

Under the expectant gazes of the three Skink leaders, Lin Qi killed the prey with his own hands, witnessed by the ancient sage Huang Qi.

All the Stinks looked at the bloody scepter of Koteg in awe.

The hunt itself was a way of honoring the predator, and the dead prey was not wasted. Lynch then walked to the Sotek shrine and sacrificed Sotek with the skinks.

Countless Stinks whispered piously, and Lynch could only vaguely hear the holy names of "Kotago," "Huangqi," and "Sotigo."

It seems that these superstitious little guys have a different understanding of this act of worshiping gods than Lynch.

Perhaps in their view, this was the Ancient Saint meeting the Ancient Saint, rather than the lizard people simply wanting to join in the fun and experience the customs among the skink lizards.

For Stenker, the act of honoring the Old Ones must come first.

This is the rule of the lizardman society. Of course, Slann doesn't know that they are transcendent. This is just a law "created" for himself by Slank himself.

When this rule came up, Slan was still thinking about the big plan.

The smart lizards took the initiative to implement everything, and Lynch could not reverse their thousands of years of superstition. This is called doing as the Romans do.

After all the trivial matters were over, Lin Qi went to meet the embarrassed elf.

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