Cong Xi Yi Ren Kai Shi Mang Chuan Zhong Gu

Chapter 70 The Dark Sun Ends (End)

[Renovation successful]

[Current potential development degree: 75]

[Current affixes: rebirth, heavy armor, negative status immunity, deoxygenated life form, abundant physical strength, extraordinary agility, rest until death, high-density body, fire resistance, magic resistance, swift as wind, resistance to impact, killing rage]

When Lin Qi woke up, the first thing he did was to pick a new affix.

"Killing Fury" is different from every reinvention before it, it's more of a burst state.

Lynch can actively enter this state and let his bloodthirsty desire occupy his brain in exchange for more powerful power.

The noisy cry of the skink sounded in his ears. Lin Qi opened his eyes and found that he had been carried to the settlement in the Huangqi Gate.

Lin Qi swatted away the charging skink, stood up and walked out of the temple to the square.

The night was about to pass, and when the clear Kotago appeared on the sky again, Lynch knew that the cold-blooded species had won and once again defended the planet entrusted to them by the Ancient Saint.

The soldiers from Moon City have left. After the war, they need to return to their posts in the city.

But there are still a large number of lizardmen left. The settlements they live in have been destroyed, their leaders have been killed, and they no longer have a home.

Normally, these lizardfolk would find themselves in a nearby city, pledge allegiance to the local ruler, and continue their never-ending work, tirelessly advancing their grand plans.

Clearly, they have now found a leader worthy of their allegiance.

In fact, Lynch already had enough supporters after several wars.

From time to time, lone cold-blooded species come to the Huangqi Gate, and this small temporary supply place becomes more and more prosperous.

All the Skinks were looking at Lynch, hoping that Lynch would give his orders like the Slann did, the orders from the ancient saints Kortegor and Taebok.

No skink leader who believes in Huangqi will question this chosen one, because Huangqi, who hides in the darkness, and Koteg, who represents the light, are twin gods.

They are brothers and deserve equal respect.

Like all lizardfolk settlements, the first thing Lynch must do is to build the Temple of the Ancient Saint.

Before that, Tigris found Lynch.

The elven princes missed their hometown, and Obamun did not return to Ulthuan for a long time.

But the Archmage himself wished to continue his adventures, determined to travel the world like his ancient ancestor, the great adventurer Aenarion.

Only ten Hoth swordsmen stayed to accompany the mage. The archmage hoped to watch the process of the lizard people establishing the town and was also willing to provide magical help.

Under Lynch's command, the skink lizards, who were restless because of having nothing to do, became active again, and all the cold-blooded species had new tasks.

The lizards, led by Scar, formed a patrol and established a station in the canyon.

Although there are fewer than a thousand, the survivors of these wars are all the best soldiers.

The skink led the giant lizard to begin planning the location of the building and coordinating the powers of the different Old Ones.

The buildings of the lizardmen are always grand, because it is necessary to ensure that the giant lizards as high as two stories can pass unimpeded in the temple.

Koteg's temple will be built in the direction of the rising sun. The magnificent temple needs to be rebuilt. He will turn his back to the light, stare at the direction of sunset, send his brothers away, and then take over the supreme throne. Theocracy.

The temple of Tebok the Thinker rose on the site of Sotek's temple, and dragons and skinks labored day and night to pay the highest praises to the Old Ones.

The snake god occupies the rock wall where the predator god once stood, and it will become the snake cave where blood will last forever.

The square in the center of the temple is wider, because according to convention, every settlement must have at least one patron saint and a central temple.

This is no longer superstition. When the skink carvers inscribed the knowledge left by the ancient saints on the pyramids, these pyramids that strictly corresponded to the celestial phenomena also possessed a certain mystery.

Just like the ancient saints walking from the stars, the pyramid has become a node of some invisible power, and the mages can even see the bright energy tide.

Unlike the Temple Cities, these pyramids cannot fly. They are just some kind of energy obelisks, not miraculous creations of the Old Ones.

On the hundredth starry night, this new settlement took shape.

Starlight falls on the pyramid, making its texture light up in patches, just like the echo of the ancient saint at the end of time.

Lynch listened to Tigris's admiration for the ingenious ancient knowledge and walked to the center of the large square.

There is a lack of a central god here, and the most important central pyramid. After a long period of testing, Lynch determined that the Skink's support for Ashoranka.

But we can't rush forward yet. Although the Skink has respect for the Ancient Saint City, it has different respect for different Ancient Saints.

The lost Ashoranka has long been far away from the cold-blooded species, and his influence is weak.

Rather than this lost man, the skinks wanted to respect the ancient saint Iqi, because Itaza was nearby, and many lizardmen came from that city that revered the cold-blooded beast lord.

Lynch needed to find what Ashoranka left behind, and he already had a target.

Following the drawings in the data stream in front of you, even if you can't find any magic weapons, as long as you can gain something, you can use the artifacts left by the ancient saint to persuade Shi Lan.

He is not like the chosen one of the snake god. The ancient saint Ashoranka has already recorded it. If Lynch can find the forgotten items that Slan can recognize, everything will go smoothly from now on.

You must know that this ancient saint also taught magic to the Slann people. The first Slann in the hidden city of Zetland in the southern rainforest on the other side of the vast ocean were his students.

In other words, Lin Qi cannot stay at the Huangqi Gate comfortably!

That was pointless, he couldn't repair the hatching pool, and he didn't have a stable ability to replenish his troops.

Moreover, staying in Lustria will not affect the world structure, it will only end like that destined ending.

No one knew about it, and they were fighting quietly in Lustria, using the extinction of the race to delay the final arrival for several years.

Under the eager gaze of the lizard people, Lynch announced to the cold-blooded species that his legion was officially established, and the "Light of the Breaking Army" legion would stand at the Gate of Huangqi.

All cold-blooded species have the right to join the legion, but they must be prepared to sacrifice their lives for the Ancient Saint. Lynch needs the bravest warriors to defend the way of the Ancient Saint.

Lynch will follow his ancient sage, Ashorankar "The Lost One".

He will continue the impossible mission of the "Lost One". He believes in himself, just like all cold-blooded species believe in the ancient saint.

The lost Ashoranka will eventually return, after completing his mysterious and hopeless mission.

When the twin-tailed comet streaks across the sky, the evil moon hangs high, and darkness falls again.

Lynch will return from his lost journey, following the light and shadow left by the "Lost One", carrying Kotago's eternal fire, and leading the cold-blooded race against the ancient enemy.

The roar of tens of thousands made the stars shine brightly, and the Skink leaders wrote down Lynch's declaration on the golden tablets, believing it to be a prophecy.

The stone tablet recording Lynch was enshrined in a small shrine, which will temporarily replace the pyramid of Ashoranka and accept the worship of the cold-blooded species in the central square.

Thirteen! Praise the horned rat!

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