Following Jin Caizi's low shout, the spirits floating on her shoulders suddenly stretched out, emitting a piercing scream, and the surrounding furniture shattered instantly.

Daqian Ya and Sang Yu were bleeding from all seven orifices, and they knelt on the ground with their heads covered in pain.

Just these two screams almost tore their souls apart.

After screaming, the two spirits suddenly entangled together and then began to spin.

The space began to twist and spin, constantly cutting everything around, and the entire Tongsou Wuqi Pavilion was instantly shattered.

A horizontal crack tornado devoured Fang Chen fiercely, and several demon-like creatures climbed out at the wind outlet. They were all black, constantly grabbing and dancing their arms to crawl forward. The big mouth roared and opened, stretching almost as long as a person's height. It looked like it could swallow a person in one bite. Fang Chen stood there motionless, his eyes glowed with golden light, and circles of golden blood lines appeared above his eyes.

A circle of golden runes suddenly appeared from Fang Chen's pupils.

The golden runes hit him fiercely. The ghost in the crack tornado suddenly screamed and was instantly melted.

When Jin Caizi saw Fang Chen's eyes, his face suddenly changed, and he was horrified.

"Who are you——"

Before she could finish her words, Fang Chen suddenly appeared in front of her. His handsome and noble face had a faint smile, and his eyes were full of mockery and disdain.

Jin Caizi reacted very quickly, and immediately gathered his mind and quickly made a hand seal with both hands.


Two ghostly spirits condensed behind her again and pounced towards Fang Chen's body.

However, at the moment when the spirit moved, Fang Chen's figure disappeared again and appeared behind Jin Caizi.

It was even more ghostly than her ghostly spirit!

It was no longer possible to describe it as elusive!

This speed was definitely not teleportation, but it really broke through the limit of infinity!

Jin Caizi's pupils shrank fiercely. She didn't dare to hesitate at all, nor did she dare to look back to confirm whether Fang Chen was behind her. Her body suddenly turned into a snowflake and rushed forward.

The next moment, the snowflakes quickly condensed and turned into the appearance of Jin Caizi again.

"I have learned a lot of Zhihuan's skills." Fang Chen said to Jin Caizi with a smile.

Jin Caizi's face became extremely ugly and gloomy. He stared at Fang Chen fiercely and shouted in a deep voice:"Blood-patterned golden pupil! Fang Chen! I didn't expect that Master Zhihuan has been looking for you! Hahaha! It seems that I have won this time! I originally wanted to just spar with you and test your foundation, but I didn't expect that I would discover your true identity!"

Fang Chen shrugged indifferently and said,"So what if I found out? Can you tell anyone?"

"You can't kill me! Even if you kill me, my second soul will pass the message! Then, humans and demons will look for you!" Jin Caizi said with a grin, his completely dark eyes flashing with excitement.

Jin Caizi is stronger than Youming!

She is not afraid of Fang Chen at all. If she can't beat him, she can just run away!

Even if she really can't run away, her second soul can also pass the message out!

Da Men Ya and Sang Yu, who were lying on the ground, were panting violently with painful expressions. They now felt that their souls were about to leave their bodies. They were even more confused when they heard Jin Caizi's words. They had no idea what Jin Caizi meant.

Fang Chen looked at Jin Caizi with sarcasm, and slowly said:"How many levels of strength do you think I need to kill Youming?"

Jin Caizi was stunned for a moment, not knowing why Fang Chen asked this.

Didn't you kill him?

Fang Chen took a step forward.

The next moment, he appeared directly in front of Jin Caizi.

Jin Caizi's hair stood on end. She was already prepared, but when Fang Chen appeared, she was still extremely shocked and frightened. It completely overturned her cognition.

Jin Caizi wanted to turn into snowflakes to avoid it again, but unfortunately she failed this time.

As soon as her body exploded into snowflakes and floated backwards, Fang Chen grabbed it with one hand.

The golden light in his hand flashed dazzlingly, and then he pressed hard on the ground.


A scream.

Then the whole land exploded in all directions with Fang Chen as the center. Jin Caizi's body floated on the ground, and her head was held down by Fang Chen.

The whole black market was affected, and countless strong men looked at this side in horror. Some strong men even came directly.

But soon they were shocked to find that a golden light ball with a diameter of 100 meters appeared in front of them. They could not see or hear anything inside.

Someone wanted to attack the light ball and force his way in, but was directly shattered into pieces.

For a moment, no one dared to move forward, and they all stared blankly.

Inside the light ball.

Fang Chen's right hand covered Jin Caizi's entire head and pressed her to the ground.

Jin Caizi was bleeding from all seven orifices, and blood was gushing out of her mouth. Her forehead was cracked like porcelain, and blood was gushing out of the cracks. Her eyes were terrified and desperate.

Daqian Ya and Sang Yu next to them were completely shocked. Fang Chen's move just now made them feel what power and fear are so clearly in their lives.


Fang Chen's strength was beyond their imagination.

They even couldn't believe that if they were hit by Fang Chen, would they still be alive?


Jin Caizi's eyes suddenly became extremely determined, her body began to tremble violently, and her eyes burst into a strong black light.

She wanted to leave her body and return to her second soul!

She already knew that she was definitely not Fang Chen's opponent! She had to pass the message on immediately.

But soon she despaired, because she found that her own soul could not leave this body!


Boundless fear swept Jin Caizi's heart.

"Impossible! How is this possible!"

Jin Caizi let out a shrill roar.

Fang Chen tilted his head slightly, looked into Jin Caizi's eyes, smiled and said:"Do you know why I didn't lock up the Netherworld Soul and completely wipe it out?"

"Because I just want to lure you out."

Fang Chen grinned, and then his right hand flashed


Jin Caizi's entire body instantly turned to ashes, and her life soul also completely disappeared.

Fang Chen slowly stood up and clenched his right hand.

Suddenly, the space in front of him cracked, and then a body flew out from it.

It was Jin Caizi's second life soul!

Then, the second life soul was also directly turned to ashes.

This is Fang Chen's real body, the first time he made a move!

He is a person who does not touch the cause and effect, and once he touches the cause and effect, he will cut the grass and root it out!

There is not much difference between having a second life soul and not having a second life soul for him.

If you want to completely erase it, then completely erase it!

The strength of the second life soul - the infinite demon god!

The strength of the life soul - the emperor demon of the heaven!

Fang Chen clapped his hands with a smile on his face, and then turned to look at the front teeth and Sang Yu who were already dumbfounded and completely scared behind him.

(Seeking flowers, evaluations, and monthly tickets for self-order! If you don't have any, please give some~)

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