Fang Chen had come to the market to sell vegetables happily, but after receiving a call from his wife, he was no longer happy.

This was really a good deed with bad intentions. He had to be more careful in the future and make sure to handle it without anyone noticing.

If he had just killed Jin Changhe, his wife would be waiting at home for him to come back from selling vegetables!

"Mistake! It was really a mistake!"

Fang Chen sighed.

It's not like he hadn't killed a Grandmaster before, and even a Grandmaster before. Back then in the Wild Land, he killed two Grandmasters and one Grandmaster. The commotion at that time shook the entire Blue Star.

But it had no effect on Fang Chen, because he hadn't entered human society back then.

He was free and unrestrained.

He just killed, not buried.

Now it's different. He has a wife, so he must be careful in the future and kill quietly.

"Hey, have you heard? The Grandmaster died in the Gray Water Lake outside the city!"

"Holy shit! Is this true? A real master?"

"I heard that, too. Just now, someone beheaded him.���!"

"Oh my god! Is it so easy for a master to die? That's amazing! Is this fake?"

"It can't be fake! I just confirmed with my son that he is a guard of the Taiwu Alliance. This news is absolutely true! His head was twisted off, and he died with his eyes open. It's terrible! You can't tell others, or you will be beheaded!"

"I heard from my friend that it seemed to be a great master who killed him with one move! The area within dozens of miles of Huishui Lake was reduced to ruins! It was a brutal fight!"

"Oh my God, those masters were killed ten years ago, and later the relevant local leaders were killed to atone for their sins. Will it be the same for us Nanlong this time?"

"Who knows! The killing of the Grandmaster is a big deal. You see, our Nanlong managers will be in trouble next."

The old man and old woman at the vegetable stall next to them suddenly began to whisper. They looked sneaky, but their voices were actually very loud. They immediately attracted the attention of the people around them, and then gathered together.

Sometimes, rumors can still be true.

Now the news of the Grandmaster's killing has been leaked. It was leaked from the black market, and then it became the version they are discussing now.

Killed with one move.

The Grandmaster made a move.

Except for the ruins for dozens of miles, everything else was exaggerated.

Fang Chen frowned.

If the Grandmaster is killed, will the regional director be held accountable?

When he killed those Grandmasters, he didn't He just ignored it. After entering the human society for these years, he hasn't killed many people, and he has no interest in understanding the rules of warriors in human society, so naturally he doesn't know.

Fang Chen is very depressed now. How the hell is this thing going to be done.

Doesn't it mean that not only has his wife been cheated by him, but she has also been cheated to the point of being ruined by him?


It must be remedied!

Fang Chen looked at the vegetables in his hand, and then left the vegetable market quickly.

When I deliver dinner to my wife tonight, I will secretly understand the situation.

If it is really as those old ladies and old men said, then he will have to turn Nanlong into a forbidden area.

Anyone above the Grandmaster will be killed!

Grandmaster Anyone who comes must be killed!

Even if an emperor-level celestial being comes, Fang Chen dares to kill him for his wife.

The grandmaster killed Jin Changhe?

Who the hell is he looking down on!

Fang Chen is a demon god! The corresponding human level is an emperor-level celestial being!

For this world, an emperor-level celestial being is a god!

Fang Chen was regretting that he had just killed someone and did not bury the body, while Su Xinyi on the other side was about to explode.

The news has been reported to the alliance.

There was no difference from what she expected. The Taiwu Alliance sent people over immediately.

The people from the Yuhua Alliance were also on the way, followed by people from the ten major alliances.

In terms of level, the Taiwu Alliance and the Yuhua Alliance are at the same level. Dependent on the Shenwu Alliance.

The sudden death of a deputy leader, a second-grade grandmaster, the Shenwu Alliance must intervene.

In short, this small Nanlong will soon gather countless top powerhouses.

Their purpose is only one, that is to find out how Jin Changhe died and who killed him!

Sitting in the conference room, Su Xinyi's face was cold.

The expressions of the eight men below were all filled with fear.

For them, now is no different from the sky falling.

Even if the murderer is found, the people of the Yuhua Alliance will definitely hold them responsible for dereliction of duty.

In a world where the strong are respected, there is no such thing as so many reasons. Someone will always be buried with him.

"You all pack up and start your vacation now. I will ask the logistics department to advance your vacation by one week. I will handle this matter alone."Su Xinyi suddenly said.

When the eight people heard Su Xinyi's words, they were stunned and shook their heads violently.


"I disagree!"

"Minister, if they really investigate, our fabrication will certainly be discovered, but you can! We eight people will carry it, you go back!"

"Right! The eight of us will take the blame, and you can still take your vacation time!"

The subordinates' first reaction was to refuse, and then they wanted Su Xinyi to get away with it.

They were right.

Something happened, and eight leaders suddenly asked for leave in advance? Even a fool would know that there was something fishy.

But Su Xinyi could, because she did ask for leave, and she also had the leave approval letter from the Taiwu Alliance. As long as the Taiwu Alliance protected her, she would be fine. If they were to be held accountable, they would be held accountable to the eight of them.

Su Xinyi looked at her subordinates with some emotion in her eyes.

This group of people came to Nanlong with her, and developed Nanlong into what it is today step by step.

They are all her most loyal subordinates.

How could she bear to let them take the blame for her?

If they were to take it, they would die, and if she took it herself, at most she would be severely punished, and her life would not be harmed.

Compared with life, no matter how terrible other punishments were, they were nothing.

"I have made up my mind, let's adjourn the meeting!" Su Xinyi shouted in a deep voice, his tone leaving no room for doubt.


Eight people stood up at the same time.

At this moment, the door of the conference room was opened.

"You are still the same, so naive. If you let them go, will they be able to survive?"

A man in a white suit appeared at the door of the conference room.

Su Xinyi saw him and his face darkened.

(Seeking flowers, comments, monthly tickets and rewards...)

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