Fang Chen drove his electric donkey to the location that Su Xinyi had sent him.

"Taiwu Alliance Nanlong Martial Arts Administration Bureau."

Looking at the big words on the door of the tall building in front of him, Fang Chen sighed.

He really didn't give it a chance!

His wife is basically the female minister of Nanlong.

No wonder the woman didn't come to their wedding. With this status, is she afraid of scaring herself?

The two of them got married in a low-key manner. No one was invited to a banquet, just a meal.

Su Xinyi doesn't like formalities, and doesn't want to show off, but Fang Chen really doesn't have many friends.

If there are, they are also monsters.

Can't let those ugly guys come, right?

Other people's bridal chambers can only tear down their homes at most, but those ugly guys will destroy Nanlong if they make a bridal chamber.

It's not appropriate.

So the wedding was kept simple.

But Fang Chen still had some regrets in his heart, not for himself, but for his wife.

A girl only has one wedding in her life, and it's not good to just let it go so simply.

Fang Chen planned to hold it again when the conditions were sufficient in the future.

He couldn't let his wife suffer.


Fang Chen tried to walk into the Armed Forces Management Bureau with the incubator, but was stopped by the guards.

The two guards stared at him with extremely vigilant eyes.

"I'm here to bring dinner to my wife. Fang Chen said with a smile.

It was his duty to stop him, so Fang Chen naturally wouldn't be angry.

"Who is your wife?"The guard's expression eased a little. He has been working overtime recently, and some of the leaders' husbands and wives in the unit have come to send food, which is not uncommon.

"Su Xinyi. Fang Chen said

"Who? The guard didn't react for a moment.

"Su Xinyi." Fang Chen said again

"Is there such a person?"The guard looked at his colleague beside him with a puzzled look.

The guard next to him looked at Fang Chen in shock.

"The Su Xinyi you are talking about is not our minister, right?"

"Minister?" The guard looked at Fang Chen suddenly, his eyes changed instantly.

Fang Chen smiled slightly and nodded:"Yes, it's your minister. If you don't believe it, go and inform her that her husband Fang Chen is here to deliver dinner. I'll be waiting here."

The two guards looked at each other.

"Do you know that impersonating our minister's husband is punishable by death?" The guard swallowed hard and said.

The Ice Queen who made countless men dream about her is actually married?

And her husband is an ordinary person?

The guards did not dare to drive Fang Chen away immediately. The other party was too calm and asked them to report first.

And in terms of figure, appearance and temperament, he is still worthy of the Ice Queen.

The most important thing is that pretending to be a warrior's family member is a capital crime!

Judging from Fang Chen's dress, he doesn't look like a lunatic or a person who is looking for death.

"You wait, keep an eye on him!" The guard said quickly to his colleague, and then immediately ran into the sentry box.

Fang Chen was not in a hurry either. He stood by and waited with a smile. The guard who was watching him glanced at him from time to time with a strange expression.

Fang Chen glanced at the office building and said in a relaxed tone:"Is a big leader here?"

"Yes, a leader from the headquarters just arrived." The guard nodded.

Fang Chen smiled slightly:"It looks like he is a very important leader."

"Looks like? Have you seen it?"The guard was stunned.

"Guessed." Fang Chen glanced at the building again and said,"Your guard uniforms are a bit thin and not cold-resistant."

""Ah?" The guard was confused, not knowing what Fang Chen meant by what he said suddenly.

At this moment, a strong cold pressure swept out from the office building, and the ground began to freeze instantly.

In an instant, the temperature around dropped directly to zero degrees, and the exhaled breath could be seen.

The guard looked at the building with horror. The fear in his heart and the coldness in his body made him shiver and his legs shook.

Fang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and a golden light flashed from his eyes, and then turned into circles of golden ripples that vibrated and spread in all directions.

The next moment, everything around seemed to be still.

The guard kept turning his head to look at the building, covering his arms with both hands. The guard in the sentry box was holding a walkie-talkie and looked in the direction of the building with a horrified expression. The people and cars walking around suddenly stopped.

Even the floating cold air stopped moving.

The picture looked extremely weird.

Fang Chen slowly tore open the hands of the guard next to him who was hugging his arms, then hung the insulated box on his arm, patted the guard on the shoulder and said,"Help me get it."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Chen's body instantly disappeared from the spot.

The next second, he appeared in front of Su Xinyi.

The purple Qi vortex protected Su Xinyi in the center, and the subordinates beside him also gathered their internal energy, with angry faces, and their eyes were fixed on the front.

Fang Chen looked over.

Li Rubin half of his foot was suspended in the air, his face was ferocious and resentful.

It seemed that he was about to move forward when he was stopped.

Fang Chen walked in front of Li Rubin, dragged his chin with one hand, covered his left cheek with the other hand, and straightened his head which was a little crooked because of the ferocious anger.

Looking at Li Rubin, Fang Chen smiled slightly, and suddenly slapped him.


With a crisp sound,

Li Rubin's head instantly broke into pieces.

"If you dare to threaten my wife, I will beat you to death!"

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