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In the past,

Wang Hao always found such comments in literature and history.

But in fact, his own feelings were not deep, at best they were just fantasies.

But since he traveled through time, Wang Hao has encountered eunuchs ruining the country twice in a row.

The first time,

Zuo Feng deliberately framed Lu Zhi for missing the opportunity to fight and colluding with the Yellow Turban Zhang Jiao.

And that time, Wang Hao used the method of breaking faith with faith to help Lu Zhi quickly eliminate Zhang Jiao.

And this second time , it was another reason for missing the opportunity to fight.

However, this time the protagonist became Huangfu Song.

In the late Eastern Han Dynasty, the only loyal ministers and famous generals in the court were framed by eunuchs one after another.

What's more shocking is that

Emperor Liu Hong actually believed it and changed generals before the battle.

This is a taboo for military strategists!

In the final analysis, it was the emperor's trust in eunuchs that was far greater than his trust in loyal ministers.

It's so sad!

It's so sad! How can such a court not be destroyed?......

Wang Hao didn't have time to think about that. He immediately made arrangements. He ordered Zhang He and Gao Lan to lead their cavalry, disguised as nearby bandits, to harass Huangfu Song's prisoner car along the way.

The purpose was simple, to delay his entry into the capital.

In addition, he sent someone to deliver a message to Lu Zhi, asking him to find out when the person sent by the court to take over would leave and arrive at the front.

At the same time, Zhang Nan, Zhao Feng and others set up various roadblocks to delay his arrival.

"Do you understand?"

Wang Hao took a deep breath and emphasized

"Got it!"

Zhang He, Gao Lan and others all bowed.

"Very good!"

Wang Hao nodded and ordered:"In this case, you go back to the camp and prepare."

All the soldiers nodded:"Yes."


They bowed and left the central army tent.

Wang Hao glanced at Lu Qian and other generals:"Captain Lu, do you have any questions?"

Lu Qian bowed and clasped his hands:"General, you are kind and magnanimous, how dare I!"


The reason why Wang Hao brought Gao Lan and others to the central army and gave them the task of intercepting Huangfu Song in front of all the generals was to tell these elite generals of Sanhe in the account!

He would not compete with them for the credit of counterattacking Liangzhou!

The soldiers under his command are doing these thankless jobs.

As for the attack on Liangzhou, you are still the main force!

In fact!

Wang Hao has made a great contribution by coming up with a strategy.

Even if no soldiers were sent out during the war, no one can bury his contribution.

Instead of caring about these trivial military exploits, which will lead to the team's disunity, it is better to give them for free in exchange for the stability and peace of the team, in order to plan big things!


Wang Hao swept his eyes over the generals and said in a sonorous voice:"Since you have no doubts, follow me to the city early tomorrow morning, and then give them a strong dose of medicine!".All the soldiers bowed and said,"Yes!" Wang Hao waved his hand and said,"In that case, go back to the camp and prepare!"

Immediately, all the soldiers bowed and left the tent.

Wang Hao took a long breath and frowned,"Brother Xu, what are you doing?......"

Xu Min smiled calmly and looked at Wang Hao with interest:"Brother Wang, to be honest, you really have the demeanor of a general."

Wang Hao saw through his intention at a glance:"Don't worry, I won't favor the elite of Sanhe! You are equal, you all have opportunities, and you can earn credit with your ability!"

Xu Min smiled:"I know you are in trouble, I won't make things difficult for you!"

Wang Hao bowed:"Thank you!"

Xu Min smiled calmly:"Fair competition, our Northern Army's Five Battalions have never lost to them!"

Wang Hao nodded:"That's right! No matter what others say, but Brother Xu, there will be no problem."

Xu Min raised the corners of his lips slightly, then bowed and clasped his fists:"In that case, I'll go first."

Wang Hao:"Okay!"


Wei County.

County Office.

Han Sui was very panicked.

He received news from Beigong Boyu.

He was told not to think too much and to come to Yicheng as soon as possible to discuss important matters.

In fact, Han Sui was not panicked at first.

But he had no choice!

His men were extremely uneasy.

Now, at this extremely embarrassing moment, he received news from Beigong Boyu.

Even if Han Sui was not panicked, he could not help but start to think too much.

"What exactly does Beigong Boyu mean?"

"Are you calling me back to take away the military power from me?"

"And he deliberately told me not to worry? Did he find someone else besides me?"

"The person stationed in Long County is Bian Zhang. Could he have also received news about Beigong Boyu?"

"This guy......"

Han Sui took a deep breath, his mind was in a mess:"What is he going to do? Should I go to Yicheng? Or stay in Weixian and wait for the situation to change?"

Han Sui was not worried about his family.


He had secretly sent a troop back to Jincheng County.

Unless Yang Aruo had thousands of rangers, it would not be so easy to kill his family. It only takes two hours to go from Weixian to Yicheng.

Even if it takes more than today!

Then tomorrow........., how to explain it?

Han Sui knew the current situation in Liangzhou too well.

In front of him, there were more than 100,000 elite soldiers of the imperial court.

What Wang Hao said was indeed correct.

Even if the soldiers of Liangzhou defended the city, they could not stop the 100,000-strong army.

The other side had not attacked, which was giving the soldiers of Liangzhou a chance to reform!

This opportunity......, should I catch him or not?

Huh~ He let out a long breath.

Han Sui felt really difficult.

He felt that he had come to a crossroads in his life. If he made the wrong choice, he would be doomed.

Fortunately, they were forced to surrender. Even if they were guilty, it was not a heinous crime in the eyes of the court.

But if he persisted in his mistake, then perhaps he would only have death waiting for him.

".∪What should I do?"

Han Sui stared at the flickering candlelight in front of him, unable to make up his mind.


A voice suddenly sounded outside the house.

It was Liang Xing.

His trusted and beloved general.

"Come in."

Han Sui called out. The door was pushed open. Han Sui was shocked. Liang Xing was not the only one who came in. In addition to him, there were Cheng Yi, Li Kan, and Zhang Heng.

"You are......"

Han Sui frowned, curious

"General, (Wang Nuo Zhao) please, save our family!"

Liang Xing knelt down, his head banged on the ground.


Cheng Yi, Li Kan, Zhang Heng, all knelt down


"Please have mercy"

"Please save our people!"

Han Sui stood up quickly and went forward to help the crowd:

"Get up quickly, we can discuss anything."

Liang Xing burst into tears:"General, why should we work hard for Beigong Boyu? The imperial army is right in front of us, can we really control Liangzhou?"

Cheng Yi also said:"Yes, if it wasn't General Huangfu outside, and if it was replaced by someone else, perhaps the brothers would have died in Wei County."


Zhang Heng was even more direct, he simply clasped his fists and bowed:"Let's surrender, go to Yicheng together, kill Beigong Boyu, and then surrender to the court, this way we can at least save the lives of our entire family!"

Han Sui was stunned!



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