Fang Chen stopped and looked at Qing Yan with a smile.

"Youming has never made a comeback. He planted a mark on Qin Tian, so he could see clearly when the inheritance happened. Some time ago, he came to me and asked me to do him a favor and spread the news that Su Xinyi was Qin Tian's successor."Qing Yan said

"Gone?" Fang Chen frowned slightly.

When it comes to Youming, this matter is a bit tricky.

This guy is still thief-minded. He was severely injured by Qin Tian that year, but now he has recovered and wants to make trouble again.

According to Qingyan, the Shenwu Alliance and Fengyu Alliance knew that the news was not spread by Qingyan, because the time did not match.

In other words, Youming revealed this news to the top leaders of the two major alliances a long time ago.

"No, you know me, I don't have much interest in the human world, I just like to sleep."Qing Yan said.

What Qing Yan said was the truth, Fang Chen believed it.

The title of the world's laziest demon god is not for nothing. It and Fang Chen are two oddities in the demon world, more Buddhist, and have no desires. This is why although Fang Chen and Qing Yan have fought several times, they are actually still friends. As for other demon gods, they are Fang Chen's mortal enemies.

Fang Chen wanted to swallow them, and they also wanted to kill Fang Chen, this oddity.

Why did he appear at the scene of the battle between Qin Tian and Youming?

Fang Chen just wanted to take advantage of it and see if he could take the opportunity to kill Youming and then swallow it.

In the end, he failed and was escaped by Youming.

"Fang Chen, why do you care so much about a little human girl? Do you really consider yourself a human being after returning to human society and want to protect humans?"Qing Yan asked in confusion.

Fang Chen laughed, then took out an invitation and threw it over. The red invitation floated in front of Qing Yan and opened automatically.

"Wedding invitation? Fang Chen and Su Xinyi?"Qing Yan shouted, and then stared at Fang Chen with a very shocked look.

"Humans are so ugly and so small, how can you eat them? Oh my god, Fang Chen, you are amazing! You simply refreshed my worldview!" Qing Yan screamed. Fang

Chen grinned:"Isn't it the same if the lights are turned off? Don't be so jumpy, you are much better than that female rat of yours. I wanted to invite you to my wedding, but when I thought about how lazy and stupid you are, I didn't invite you so that you wouldn't ruin my wedding."

"I won't go even if you invite me! How can the filthy place of human beings be better than mine? Next time, when you get married, I will lend you my palace for free. As a demon god, I have no dignity at all." Qing Yan said with disdain.

Fang Chen rolled his eyes at Qing Yan, turned around and said,"Let's go, my wife is waiting for me at home."

""Fang Chen." Qing Yan called out.

Fang Chen paused and turned back to look at Qing Yan.

"What? You wanna fight?"

""Youming seems to have been promoted. You should be careful. After all, you almost killed it that year." Qing Yan said with a complicated expression.

Fang Chen smiled coldly and left directly, saying as he walked:"It's the same as who can't be promoted. I was able to beat it into pieces fifteen years ago, and I can still do it now. When I kill it later, I will treat you to snake soup."

Qing Yan looked at Fang Chen's departing back and said,"Pah.""What's so delicious about snake meat? If you have the guts, go and treat me to dragon meat.……"


When Fang Chen returned home, Su Xinyi had already returned and had just come out of the shower.

""Where have you been?" Su Xinyi asked in confusion while wiping her hair with a towel.

She was wearing a pink pajamas robe, her hair was wet and steaming, her skin was as white as fat, and her face was exquisite and beautiful even without makeup. Fang Chen's eyes lit up again.

His wife was so charming that he could never get tired of looking at her.

"I'll take a shower, we'll talk after I finish it." Fang Chen said, and he ran into the bathroom impatiently.

Su Xinyi looked at Fang Chen's flustered appearance and couldn't help rolling her eyes.

An hour later, in the bedroom.

Su Xinyi snuggled in Fang Chen's arms.

"What did you talk about with my father? Are you hiding something from me?

Fang Chen patted Su Xinyi's back and said softly,"It's nothing. It's all a small matter to me. Just continue to be your female department head in Nanlong. I will handle the rest.""

"The Shenwu Alliance will find out sooner or later, right? By then, in order to maintain their dignity, they will definitely attack you, our Taiwu Alliance. Can you really compete with them?" Su Xinyi looked extremely worried. The

Shenwu Alliance was too powerful for her, like a mantis trying to stop a chariot, and she could not contend with it at all.

But every time she saw Fang Chen's confident and relaxed look, her heart was relieved again.

For some reason, she really felt very safe next to Fang Chen, and she was not afraid of anyone.

Fang Chen smiled and said,"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything. It's okay, go to sleep."


Su Xinyi raised her head and looked at Fang Chen


"I believe in you, you must be super awesome."

After saying that, he kissed Fang Chen on the cheek, then lay down and rolled up the quilt to sleep.

Fang Chen touched his face, looking at Su Xinyi who closed her eyes and pretended to sleep with a doting and gentle look.

"Good night."

(Please give me flowers and monthly votes!)

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