He Luocheng had just given the order to kill Fang Chen, but he turned around and ran away. This was something that no one present had expected.

Even Fang Chen was stunned for a moment.

The Grand Master's reputation was thrown away by you guys!

What does it mean to turn around and run away without even fighting?

Besides, can he run away?

"Deputy Alliance Leader He is going to find help! Everyone, come on, hold him back!"

Liu Wenshan was also confused when he saw this, but he quickly came to his senses.

Fang Chen must be a strong man to make He Luocheng escape without a fight!

He also wanted to run, but someone had to hold Fang Chen back.

As soon as he said this, his men didn't have time to think too much, and they all rushed towards Fang Chen.


Fang Chen chuckled, a golden light flashing in his eyes.

"Boom boom boom!"

The bodies of all the strong men of the Shenwu Alliance exploded instantly, without any hesitation.

Liu Wenshan was so scared that his soul flew away, and he turned around to escape.

But the moment he turned around, his body also exploded.

"Pack up, I'm going���Let's talk to that guy." Fang Chen disappeared after saying this.

The scene was dead silent.

The scarlet blood mist began to slowly dissipate, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood, which was nauseating.

How many people came from the Shenwu Alliance this time?


Six masters, one grand master, and the rest were all eighth- and ninth-grade warriors.

It can be said that the show was quite grand, and it was worthy of the reputation of the Shenwu Alliance.

But in an instant, except for He Luocheng, the rest died instantly, and there was no room for fighting back.

After practicing hard to reach the master level, now he died as if it was a joke.

""Yier... this... is this son-in-law really just a grandmaster?" Su Yaotian swallowed hard and asked carefully.

Although he already had the power of a ninth-grade grandmaster, he had not yet entered the grandmaster stage, so he had no idea how big the gap between grandmasters was.

But despite this, he didn't quite believe that Fang Chen was just a Yuhua grandmaster.

He Luocheng was a Yuhua grandmaster, and you see, he just turned around and ran away!

This must at least be the stage of the stage, right?

Or even higher?

When Su Yaotian thought that Fang Chen might be a Return to God grandmaster, his breathing began to quicken.

Su Xinyi was also confused at this moment, and shook his head bitterly. Is he really at the stage of the stage?

But he said he was almost there last night...

This guy, is he lying to me again?

"Never mind, whatever happens, the sky has been pierced, and I don’t care about offending the Shenwu Alliance."Su Yaotian sighed and waved his hand.

Anyway, his daughter's identity as the inheritor of the Sword Emperor has been exposed, and it can't be worse than this.

On the other side, He Luocheng fled from Nanlong frantically and rushed towards the Shenwu Alliance.

When Fang Chen suddenly appeared in front of him just now, he felt a feeling he hadn't felt for a long time-the breath of death!

Fang Chen's cultivation is definitely above his own!

He Luocheng is still very confident in his premonition, so he decisively chose to sell out his teammates and run away!

The Su family father and daughter really found an extremely powerful backer!

He wants to tell the Shenyu Kingdom this news! He dare not say anything else, but He Luocheng is very confident in the speed of escape! And he didn't dare to be arrogant at all. He fled at his fastest speed from beginning to end.

"Fang Chen! Su Xinyi! Very good! Wait!"

He Luocheng quickly looked back, his face ferocious and terrifying.

He knew that the others would definitely not survive, and anyone who dared to kill his Shenwu Alliance would surely die!

""What are you asking me to wait for?"

Suddenly, a teasing voice sounded beside He Luocheng's ears.

He Luocheng's eyes widened and he turned his head in horror.

He saw Fang Chen standing next to him, looking at him with a teasing expression.

His speed was actually the same as his?

The two were flying side by side now?


He Luocheng screamed in disbelief, and then lost his balance and fell directly into the mountains below.


The earth shook.

A huge gully dozens of miles long appeared in an instant, with dust and fog all over the sky, and gravel falling like rain, startling countless birds and beasts in the jungle.

He Luocheng's speed was so fast that he continued to"plow the field" forward after falling, and forcibly pulled out a long gully.

After the huge movement, there was silence, as if the world had stopped.

Under a pair of mountain-like ruins, He Luocheng jumped out, and his clothes were all torn to pieces.

But he was a grandmaster after all, and such a serious"rollover" incident did not cause him any injuries.

Fang Chen stood in front of him, looking at him with a smile.

"Are you still running?" Fang Chen asked.

He Luocheng's eyes were bloodshot, and his expression was ferocious and terrified. He shouted at Fang Chen in a timid manner:"Who are you? How can your speed be faster than mine?"

Fang Chen laughed and appeared in front of He Luocheng the next second.

He Luocheng took a breath and wanted to run away, but Fang Chen grabbed his neck and lifted him up.

"Are you fast? Do you know who is the fastest man in the world?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Chen felt that this was a little inappropriate, and added:"When I say the fastest, I mean the speed, not other things."

He Luocheng was so scared that he wanted to curse.

I am so scared that my guts are about to break, you explain to me what the fastest means? I just want to beg for mercy now!

(Please give me flowers, comments and monthly tickets! Do you feel frustrated and scared? That's fine, give me some flowers and votes and I will let the protagonist destroy the world!)

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