In the meeting room of the Shenwu Alliance,

Shenyu Kingdom is waiting for news.

Heluocheng and others are rushing to Tiannan Nanlong at full speed. According to their speed, they will be able to arrive this morning.

However, no news has been received so far.

In this world, means of communication such as telephone prestige still exist, but as long as it is related to the Internet, not to mention the grandmaster, even the master can block a large area.

So if the enemy really attacks, the first thing to do will be to block these things, turning modern communication equipment into bricks.

Shenyu Kingdom sent a message to inquire, but there was no reply. This made him feel a vague sense of uneasiness in his heart, but then he thought of Heluocheng's ability, and felt relieved.

If you can't beat them, at least you can run away.

""Leader, Vice Leader He, have they not sent back any news yet?" A governor asked with a worried look on his face.

The other governors present also looked unhappy, with worries between their brows.

Shen Yuguo glanced at the phone on the desk and shook his head,"Not yet."

"The signal from Nanlong must be blocked, so it can't be transmitted. But don't worry, don't you know how strong Deputy Alliance Leader He is? Even if he encounters an emperor-level celestial being, he may be able to escape."Another governor spoke to comfort him.

Everyone nodded in approval.

Suddenly, Shen Yuguo's eyes flashed with a murderous intent, and he looked towards the door of the conference room. The other governors were also stunned and stood up.

""Leader! Deputy Leader He is back!"

A subordinate ran in in a panic, his face was extremely panicked, almost rolling and crawling.

Shen Yuguo's figure was ethereal, and the next moment he appeared outside, and the other governors hurriedly followed.

In the lobby on the first floor of the Shenwu Alliance Building, He Luocheng was carried on a stretcher by someone. His face was pale and bloodless, and his breath was very weak.

His lower body was bleeding, and half of his body looked very scary.

When Shen Yuguo saw this scene, his eyelids twitched violently, and he came to He Luocheng and put his palm on his abdomen.

The power of true energy was continuously injected into He Luocheng's body, which made He Luocheng's face look much better, and his face was Shang's painful expression also eased a little.

Other governors also arrived, and when they saw the miserable state of Heluocheng, they all gasped.

After learning that the Yuhua Alliance was destroyed without hesitation, they actually knew that Nanlong must have a master, but they never expected that the other party's skills were so advanced!

Can Heluocheng be cut in half?

Moreover, the tendons connecting Shang's lower body were all broken, so that Heluocheng's own true energy was not enough to stop the bleeding and heal his wounds. It was constantly worsening and was already very serious at this moment.

If he is not treated, he will be directly disabled.

"What a cruel method!" Shen Yuguo's face was livid, and boundless anger swept through his heart.

Anyone who dared to touch his Shenwu Alliance would be declaring war on his Shenwu Alliance!

What is the Shenwu Alliance?

One of the top ten warrior alliances in the world!

In other words, it is an existence that jointly controls this world with the other nine warrior alliances!

Whether in terms of strength or background, it is not something that ordinary forces dare to provoke. Even the other nine warrior alliances have to weigh themselves if they want to offend them.

But now, Heluo City has been cut in half. As for the two governors Chen Yuxiang and Liu Wenshan who followed, plus some other masters, Shenyuguo knows that it is in great danger.

""What happened? Who did it?" Shen Yuguo asked coldly.

A mouthful of black blood gushed out of Heluocheng's mouth. Just as he was about to speak, another mouthful of black blood gushed out.

Seeing this, Shen Yuguo immediately poured in his own true energy again.

It's useless!

Heluocheng is completely useless!

All the tendons in his body are broken, and they are constantly melting and merging with the flesh and blood.

In the end, even if he doesn't die, he will be a waste without tendons.

"The father and daughter of the Su family... have found a backer! Very... very powerful! I can't escape! Alliance leader, be careful, he... he is likely to kill me!" He Luocheng said with difficulty.

He was about to collapse.

When Fang Chen just let him go, the tendons and veins in his upper body were still fine, but when he came to the Shenwu Alliance, his whole body suddenly felt like it was burned by fire, and then the tendons and veins broke and melted.

Originally, he was severely injured at most with half of his lower body cut off, and even if he couldn't reconnect it, he would not die.

But now, his life is hanging by a thread.

"Backer? The other party is very powerful? Why don't you run away?"Shen Yuguo's face turned black and he asked with gritted teeth.

He was heartbroken!

How could a great master and loyal deputy leader be so easy to find?

If something happened in Heluo City, it would be bad news for the Shenwu Alliance!

Shen Yuguo is not only angry with Nan Longyou's masters, but also Heluo City!

You are known for your speed, but you can't run away if you can't win?

The reason why he was sent there was for this reason. Now, he is useless!

"I...I can't outrun him……"

He Luocheng said this and recalled the fear he had just felt when he was dominated by Fang Chen.

"He might...maybe he is really emperor-level...strong...too strong……"

"What did you say? Do you think the emperor is a dumpling? Is it available in every restaurant?"Shen Yuguo raised his eyebrows, his face full of disbelief

"Don't let him talk anymore, or he'll really die."

Just then, a mocking voice came from the side.

(Seeking flowers, comments and monthly tickets)

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