What is the Emperor-level decree?

An agreement signed by the strong above the Emperor level.

The peak of powerlessness in this world is the Emperor level. People at this level can no longer be described as human. They can easily destroy one side, and those below the Emperor level can't compete at all. If an Emperor-level strongman goes crazy, it is simply lawless and destroys the world.

So there is this Emperor-level decree, the Emperor-level strongman shall not interfere in the affairs of the Warrior Alliance, and shall not attack the Warrior Alliance.

Of course, if the Warrior Alliance provokes the Emperor-level strongman, then no one can say anything.

But Shenyuguo believes that he did not provoke Fang Chen, but he killed his own people at the beginning, which must have violated the Emperor-level decree.

Violating the Emperor-level decree will naturally be sanctioned by the Emperor-level. Of course, no one knows what kind of sanction this is, because there has been no similar incident.

The Emperor-level is so high and mighty, how can he care about the ants below, and the people below will not dare to anger the Emperor without thinking.

Although the Shenwu Alliance and the Fengyu Alliance coveted Su Xinyi's status as the successor, they did not dare to force it, and it was precisely because of this layer of reason.

I didn't force it, she took the initiative to marry into the family and then passed it to us, this is not considered coercion or contempt for the majesty of the emperor, right?

In this world, once anything involves the emperor, people will be extremely cautious, at least you have to stand firm in reason and morality.

However, Fang Chen's words"I didn't sign" immediately made the Shenyu Kingdom feel cold.

Regardless of whether Fang Chen really didn't sign it, his attitude in this statement was already very clear, that is, the emperor's law cannot restrict him, and you should be killed.

""Senior, if we have offended anyone, you said that we should apologize immediately and make corresponding compensation, but you want to deal with us because of Su Xinyi's matter, which is unreasonable! Our Shenwu Alliance has not done anything to them at all, we just sent people to investigate the Yuhua Alliance!" Shen Yuguo explained in panic.

Having confirmed Fang Chen's identity, Shen Yuguo had no other extra thoughts. The most important thing now was to save his life.

As for resistance, he didn't even dare to think about it.

He was going to reason with Fang Chen now!

We have no ill intentions, you can destroy us if you want, are we still human?

"That makes a lot of sense." Fang Chen showed an expression of approval.

However, his expression was even more frightening to Shen Yuguo. He had no idea what Fang Chen was thinking.

"It makes so much sense, why did you notify the emperor-level masters? Are you afraid that I will be unreasonable?" Fang Chen asked with a smile. Shen

Yuguo's face trembled, and he was so scared that his whole body was shaking that he didn't know how to answer.

He did notify the emperor-level masters just now. As one of the ten major warrior alliances, the Shenwu Alliance must have the presence of emperor-level masters behind it.

Emperor-level masters basically don't participate in the affairs of the Warrior Alliance, but the Warrior Alliance has to hand over many rare treasures to the other party every once in a while in order to seek protection.

Sometimes, an emperor-level master even protects several warrior alliances at the same time. The materials they need for cultivation are very terrible, and it is impossible for them to do everything by themselves. The Warrior Alliance becomes the best tool.

"What? Can't talk?" Fang Chen smiled slightly.

He saw through the little tricks in Shen Yuguo's heart at a glance.

He dared to bet that Shen Yuguo definitely did not tell the emperor-level strongman who protected them about the inheritance of the Sword Emperor.

After all, the inheritance of the Sword Emperor Qin Tian, the emperor-level heavenly people would also be jealous.

"Senior, you abolished our deputy leader right away and attacked us. It is not too much for us to inform Senior Ren to save our lives, right? It is not easy for everyone to cultivate to the current strength, and no one wants to die."A governor stood up and said.

Fang Chen looked at the other party and nodded in agreement:"That makes sense. The protection fee has been paid, so you must work."

"Senior, we are willing to withdraw from any incident related to Su Xinyi, and never mention it again. I can give you a copy of the video immediately! Please give me a way out for the Shenwu Alliance!"Shen Yuguo said as he took out a USB flash drive from his arms.

This thing is extremely hot, and it can also save lives at critical moments, so Shen Yuguo has always kept it by his side.

"No backup?" Fang Chen asked

"There is no backup! And you must use a 16-digit password in three languages to open the USB drive. It cannot be cracked by any other means!"Shen Yuguo said in a firm tone

"As long as you promise to let us live, I will give you this thing immediately! And if Senior Ren comes later, I can find other excuses to get away with it, and I will never cause you any trouble."Shen Yuguo saw Fang Chen was interested and spoke again.

Fang Chen glanced to the right and smiled,"Okay, since you are so sincere, I will promise you."

"Agree? Agree to what?"Just as Fang Chen finished speaking, an old and majestic voice reached everyone's ears.

Shen Yuguo was stunned for a moment, then his face was overjoyed, and he shouted in the direction where the voice came from:"Senior Ren, save me! This man wants to destroy my Shenwu Alliance! He wants to take away the secret of the inheritance of Sword Emperor Qin Tian! Capture this man quickly!"

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