The ground within a radius of ten miles was completely cracked and exploded. With Fang Chen as the center, the surrounding buildings collapsed and shattered instantly. Shen Yuguo and others were directly blown away a thousand meters. Those with weaker strength vomited blood and fainted on the spot.

A layer of light golden halo ripples continued to surge in all directions, and then turned into a strong wind that ravaged everything around.


There was another earth-shattering sound.

A figure flew quickly from the ground and then floated in the air.

It was Ren Yidao.

At this moment, Ren Yidao's face was ferocious, his eyes revealed incomparable anger, his whole body was boiling with murderous intent, and the space around him was faintly twisted and trembling.

His entire right face was sunken by three points, and a bright red palm print was striking, and even the corner of his right eye was covered with bloodshot, occupying half of his pupil.

The dust and fog that was floating around suddenly stopped, and the next moment it sank to the ground, and everything around it appeared.

A huge 100-meter pit appeared in sight. With the pit as the center, cracks spread in all directions, like a spider web, which looked very shocking.

Fang Chen was standing in the center of the pit with his head raised, with his hands in his pockets and smiling, looking up at Ren Yidao in the air. Shenyu

Kingdom and several governors also crawled out of the ruins, and everyone's face showed extreme fear and horror, and they didn't even know what was going on.

With their cultivation, they couldn't see Fang Chen's move just now, and it suddenly exploded, and then they were blown away


Shen Yuguo spat out a mouthful of blood and hurriedly used his true energy to protect his heart.

The shock wave just now injured even a grandmaster at the stage level, and several governors beside him vomited blood continuously, and their injuries were not light.

""What happened?" Shen Yuguo muttered to himself, and quickly looked around.

His Shenwu Alliance's headquarters, Daxia, had disappeared, replaced by a huge ruin.

"Alliance... Alliance leader... Look……"A governor with a pale face stretched out his right hand and pointed tremblingly at the sky ahead.

Shen Yuguo looked in the direction of the finger and took a breath of cold air.

Although the distance was nearly a thousand meters, it was still clear to the Grandmaster.

The deep red slap mark on Ren Yidao's face and his violently heaving chest were really seen clearly.

Ren Yidao was fooled by Fang Chen?

This thought instantly emerged in Shen Yuguo's mind.

How is this possible?

Boundless fear surged in Shen Yuguo's heart, making him feel as if all the strength in his body had been drained.

For him, Ren Yidao is his only hope!

Isn't it said that he is only a Grandmaster of Guishen?

Isn't it said that he is not an emperor?

Why is this so?

"Boy! Who are you? Are you an emperor? I know all the emperors in this world, why have I never seen you before?"

Just when Shen Yuguo was stunned by the scene in front of him and didn't know what to do, Ren Yidao's angry roar spread throughout the world, like thunder rolling across the sky, shaking people's minds.

Ren Yidao's roar made Shen Yuguo even more frightened.




The strong will not have such behavior and emotions!

That means that Fang Chen is really an emperor! He even made Ren Yidao suffer a great loss at the beginning! After all, the red handprint on his face can't be faked.

This emperor...

Is a slap this powerful?

The area within a radius of ten miles was destroyed?

In an instant, Shen Yuguo felt infinite bitterness and powerlessness surging in his heart.

Fang Chen slowly floated up from the deep pit and looked at Ren Yidao at eye level. The two were about five hundred meters apart.

""You are just an emperor-level celestial being. Why are you trying to show off to me?" Fang Chen asked with a teasing smile.

An emperor-level celestial being... just that?

This"just that" made Shenyu Kingdom and several governors want to vomit blood again, especially Shenyu Kingdom. Now he can't even touch the realm of returning to the gods as a grandmaster. His lifelong dream is to become an emperor-level celestial being.

But in Fang Chen's mouth, this is just"just that"."!

"I have never encountered your aura before, and there is absolutely no one like you in the human race! Are you a demon? The Demon God Futian?"Ren Yidao's face changed drastically and he said in horror.

Although the world is big, there are only so many emperor-level strongmen. Even those who are hidden from the world have heard of them. It is impossible for them to be completely unaware of them. It is even more impossible for the newly promoted emperor-level celestial beings to be unknown.

Every time someone is promoted to the emperor-level celestial being and appears, they will definitely absorb the spiritual energy in the range. This kind of spiritual energy fluctuation cannot be hidden from the emperor-level celestial being.

Wild grandmasters may exist, but wild emperor-level celestial beings will never exist. They must have certain power and background.

Otherwise, when you are promoted, other emperors will come to kill you. They will not let a person become emperor easily. Who knows if they will be enemies?

Therefore, Ren Yidao immediately thought of the demon god!

The one who can successfully sneak attack him must be stronger than him! And with such a perfect ability to hide the aura of demons, Ren Yidao confirmed Fang Chen's identity without hesitation.

"Demon God? Futian Realm?"

Shen Yuguo, who was standing next to him, was stunned as if struck by lightning when he heard Ren Yidao's words. The others had the same emotion. The

Futian Realm of the Demon God is the Divine Realm of humans, while Ren Yidao is only in the Heavenly Realm.

In other words, Ren Yidao might be killed?

Would the other party expose his identity as a demon god?


Wouldn't their fate be to be killed by Fang Chen?

When he thought of this, Shen Yuguo's strength was drained out, and he staggered and fell to the ground.

(Seeking flowers, comments and monthly tickets!)

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