A golden blue rain fell in Shenwu City.

It was heavy and cold.

The frost on the ground was washed away by the rain and continued to melt.


The ground shook again, and the raging wind and waves followed.

Within a hundred miles, no grass grew, and it became a huge wasteland, a place without life.

This is why the imperial decree must be signed. The destructive power of the imperial war is too great! There is no distinction between friend and foe, and everyone around will die! Moreover, the city in this hundred-mile area was completely destroyed, not even broken walls and ruins, and there was nothing complete at all.

Ren Yidao lay on the ground dying, his hands were all cut off, and there was a bloody cut on his forehead, blood kept gushing out, and blood was all over his face.


Ren Yidao vomited blood again, and this time he even vomited out his broken internal organs.

Fang Chen slowly fell from the air, his expression indifferent.

The gap in strength was too big.

"You...you...how could it be possible……"Ren Yidao was dying, his eyes full of despair and fear.

It was not that he didn't want to escape, but he couldn't.

The complete suppression of speed and strength left him with no way to go up to the sky or down to the earth.

When entering the level of the emperor, the life span is very long, and even for them, this life has just begun, and they have never thought about dying.

But now Ren Yidao is facing death, which makes him unwilling to accept, but the fact is in front of him, he knows that Fang Chen will never let him go.

"Isn't it better to practice in seclusion? Why do you like to pretend to be dead?" Fang Chen walked in front of Ren Yidao and threw his Frost Soul Sword on the ground.

"Ten... fifteen years ago, Qin Tian and Youming fought a great battle. In the end, Qin Tian died, but Youming was not seriously injured. However, he was inexplicably injured in the end... It is rumored that it was the work of the devil... That devil's blood-marked golden pupil... is it you?" Ren Yidao's voice was intermittent, and he was almost exhausted.

"It's me." Fang Chen said.

Ren Yidao smiled sadly, and another mouthful of black blood gushed out. He looked at the sky, the raindrops hitting his face, and his eyes began to lose focus:"You killed the demons... Now... Now you consume the magic energy to become a human... Why... Why?"

Fang Chen smiled slightly, squatted in front of Ren Yidao, and said softly:"You are going to die, there is no need to know so much"

"Heh... heh... cough cough cough... yes... we're all going to die... what's the use of knowing more?"

Ren Yidao slowly turned his head to look at Fang Chen, and said with a weak breath:"Before we die... I... I'll tell you a secret.……"

Fang Chen frowned

"I know who you are... I also know what your true form is... It's coming soon... They will come to find you soon... There are traitors among the demons... There are traitors among humans... There are traitors among humans... It's coming soon... It's coming soon……"

Before he could finish his words, Ren Yidao's head tilted, and his life force disappeared in an instant.

Fang Chen slowly stood up, his expression becoming a little gloomy.

With the palm of his right hand facing Ren Yidao's body on the ground, a thumb-sized black bottle floated out of his body and landed in Fang Chen's palm.

After putting away the black bottle, Fang Chen turned around and left.

After Fang Chen left, the golden-blue rain began to stop.

The sky began to clear up, and the sun reappeared on this wasteland.

A few minutes later, three powerful auras fell beside Ren Yidao's body.

Two emperor-level celestial beings! And an emperor-level divine palace!

One of them, a woman with silver hair and a hot and charming figure, squatted down, with red light flowing in her hand, attached to Ren Yidao's body

"There is no hope, she is completely dead."The woman stood up, her face grim.

The man next to her, whose face was not clearly visible and who was wearing a black cloak, looked around, and a black light burst out from where his eyes were.

"The other party also left. The breath of human beings is not a demon. The remaining divine energy around looks very strange, as if I have never seen it before."The cloaked man said in a deep voice.

The woman looked at the cloaked man in surprise, and her voice was full of disbelief:"Human? Do you mean that Ren Yidao was killed by one of us emperors?"

The cloaked man did not answer, but looked at the emperor-level God's Mansion strongman who had been silent on the side, and the woman also looked over. The God's Mansion strongman held a white feather fan, and was as gentle and fair as a jade-faced scholar. His eyes were fixed on Ren Yidao's body.

"Being able to kill Ren Yidao in such a short time, his strength must be in the Divine Palace, so you are doubting me?" The Divine Palace strongman retracted his gaze and asked calmly

"No, after all, we don't have enough time."The woman laughed.

The cloaked man said,"Even if it's the Divine Palace, it can't be so fast, right? As soon as there was any movement, the three of us rushed over. It took less than half an hour. The speed is really too fast."

"Wu Zun?"The woman exclaimed.

The man from the Divine Palace chuckled and looked in the direction where Fang Chen left.

"Or maybe it is infinite? Who knows?"

"Wuliang? Demon God?"

The woman and the cloaked man looked at each other in silence.

"Let's go, it's been so many years, and another emperor has died, so we have to let the other old guys come out and sit down."The man from the God's Mansion gently fanned his feather fan and said meaningfully.

(Seeking flowers, comments, and everything o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o)

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