Qin Ziyu stared at Fang Chen with a serious expression, as if she wanted to see through him, but in the end she gave up.

She couldn't see anything she wanted to know from Fang Chen. His handsome face always had a smile on it, which made people feel distant and afraid to approach him.

"I don't know who you are, nor do I know what connection you have with the Shenwu City incident, but now that an emperor-level strongman has fallen, the Emperor will sooner or later find out about you, and Yi'er's identity as the inheritor of the Sword Emperor will also be known to them. You will be in big trouble, and I can't protect you, I can only protect Yi'er, so I can't take the risk of letting you go back to Nine Swords Island with us." Qin Ziyu refused.

Fang Chen laughed and said,"Use me to attract the attention of the Emperor so that they have no time to distract themselves from attacking my wife. Isn't this a good ending?"

Qin Ziyu's face changed, and he was stunned

"So, was Ren Yidao really killed by you? Just to draw attention to yourself?"

Fang Chen said:"Compared to the news of the Sword Emperor's successor, I think the death of an emperor-level celestial being is more important, isn't it? After all, inheritance is nothing, but daring to kill an emperor-level celestial being is a big deal. Who knows who will be the next to die?"

What is called a feint to the east and attack in the west?

Fang Chen's move was a feint to the east and attack in the west.

Su Xinyi's identity as the Sword Emperor's successor could never be concealed, so he would create a bigger commotion, so big that those strong men would be extremely afraid and fearful, and would have no time to distract themselves from other things.

A Sword Emperor's successor could only bring them a little improvement in strength and power, but when someone was killing an emperor-level powerhouse, the seriousness of the matter was completely different.

Qin Ziyu looked at Fang Chen with complicated eyes, and for a moment he didn't know what to say.

"So, you are an emperor, right? How old are you?"Qin Ziyu glanced at his daughter behind him with mixed feelings.

"We are in true love, and age is not an obstacle."Fang Chen said with a smile.

Qin Ziyu glared at Fang Chen and said unhappily:"Does Yi'er know everything about you? Does she know that you destroyed an alliance for her and even killed an emperor-level celestial being? Draw all the attention on yourself? If she loves you, do you know the consequences of doing this?"

Qin Ziyu's tone was a little heavy, and his emotions fluctuated greatly.

Fang Chen also looked at Su Xinyi, his eyes became gentle, and he smiled and said:"She will know in the future, but now is not the time. Please keep it a secret for me for the time being, mother-in-law."

Qin Ziyu sighed. She didn't know whether she should be happy or worried that her daughter could marry someone like Fang Chen.

A man is willing to offend the whole world for you. This man is undoubtedly happy for a woman.

But because of this, it will be impossible to live a normal life in the future. She lives in dire straits every day, and she doesn't know when she will be killed.

"I can keep it a secret for you temporarily, but you can't go back to Nine Swords Island with me. I am her mother and I don't want her to get hurt. If you go back with me, when the people from the Royal Association find you, they will definitely set their sights on Nine Swords Island, and then no one can escape."

Qin Ziyu still insisted on her own ideas.

She was grateful for Fang Chen's self-sacrifice for Su Xinyi, but she didn't want Fang Chen to stay with her.

Fang Chen certainly understood Qin Ziyu's concerns, and this was what he had thought of before, but he went to Nine Swords Island not to avoid disaster, but to let Qin Ziyu take the position of the island master of Nine Swords Island.

"I must go to Nine Swords Island. Qin Wei must die, and only if you become the master of Nine Swords Island can I let my wife stay there to awaken the inheritance. Fang Chen got straight to the point.

"What did you say?"

Qin Ziyu's face changed drastically, and her hands and feet turned cold immediately. The four subordinates behind her were also terrified, and they instantly wanted to kill Fang Chen.

Qin Wei is the current owner of Nine Swords Island, and they are all Qin Wei's subordinates. Now Fang Chen said he wanted to kill Qin Wei, so they naturally wanted to kill him.

"Fang Chen, do you know what you are saying? After the death of the Sword Emperor fifteen years ago, it was the current island master who was able to stabilize the situation. Do you want to kill him?"Qin Ziyu asked with gritted teeth. Fang

Chen smiled and said,"Aren't you curious about why Qin Tian left the Nine Sword Island that year? Why was the second soul destroyed and killed, causing him to fall completely?"

Qin Ziyu's face turned pale as paper in an instant.

"I don't know what you mean, and I don't want to know. Even if there is a traitor on my Nine Swords Island, it is someone else. I can't take you there after knowing that you are going to attack the island owner."Qin Ziyu said in a deep voice.

Fang Chen sighed.

His mother-in-law is a little bit loyal.

But it's normal and reasonable.

After all, the Saint of Nine Swords Island has to live for Nine Swords Island all her life and be responsible for the safety of the islanders of Nine Swords Island. Otherwise, she would not have left her father-in-law resolutely.

"We are in a hurry, goodbye, the defense ban of Jiujian Island is extremely strong, don't even think about forcing your way in."

Qin Ziyu left immediately after she finished speaking.

She didn't want to talk to Fang Chen any more, she was afraid that she would be tempted and accept Fang Chen's proposal to kill Qin Wei.

Fang Chen looked at the direction Qin Ziyu left, with a smile on his face.

Fang Chen laughed and said to himself:"If you don't take me in, then I'll just force my way in."

The defense ban is extremely strong?

Fang Chen doesn't believe it!

If you don't take me in, then I'll just force my way in!

Anyway, Qin Wei must die!

(Please give me flowers and monthly votes~)

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