"This is fucking……"

Qing Yan was so shocked by Fang Chen that he doubted his life.

Fang Chen broke through the powerful defensive array of the Four Symbols? There was no backlash at all? It was as easy as entering his own backyard.

Qing Yan smiled bitterly, shook his head, and cursed in a low voice:"What a freak, fortunately I didn't eat you back then, otherwise, if the shadow world really invaded in the future, where would I find such a big guy to help me avenge the Tuoba clan?"

Qing Yan had never been submissive to anyone in his life, except Fang Chen.

Demons also pay attention to bloodline. Many of the demons exiled to Blue Star were of low-level bloodline and their achievements were not too high. The demons who have become demon gods on Blue Star today are basically the same as Qing Yan. Their families were not weak in the shadow world, but later declined for various reasons, and they had no choice but to come here to survive.

The same starting point has created different achievements.

Some have become demon gods, while others are still low-level.

When he first met Fang Chen, he was just a little demon that could be seen everywhere. But after a while, he changed drastically. After another period of time, Fang Chen played around with him.

Fang Chen's speed of advancement completely overturned Qing Yan's cognition. It seemed that he didn't need to practice at all. He was improving every day.

"Since I promised to help you defend, I must do my best to resist. Fang Chen, if you don't help me deal with the Tuoba clan in the future, I will never let you go!"

Qing Yan snorted, then spread his hands and looked up at the sky.

The wind was surging, and the sea was boiling.

The power of the demon instantly spread over a hundred meters.

Eight black diamonds about the height of a person condensed around Qing Yan's body. They were pitch black and emitted a gloomy cold light.

The eight diamonds were arranged in order, surrounding Qing Yan, and there was a black line connecting each diamond.


With a buzzing sound, the eight diamond-shaped bodies trembled instantly, bursting out with dazzling black light, completely covering Qing Yan.

Then, a huge black barrier expanded and spread all the way to the coastline. In an instant, it covered thousands of miles away, almost encircling the entire Nine Swords Island.

This was already Qing Yan's limit. What he had to do now was not to fight against the strong people who were coming later, but to prevent the other party from entering the Nine Swords Island and disturbing Fang Chen. After setting up the defense line, Qing Yan sat down cross-legged.

"I hope Feng Sihai doesn't come."

Qing Yan murmured, and then closed his eyes.


In the main palace of the island master on Jiujian Island,

Qin Wei stood on the towering grand palace stand, looking towards the sea.

"Island Master, the other party seems to have evacuated."

An elder came in and said respectfully.

Qin Wei nodded solemnly and said,"Some things cannot be hidden. The Royal Club has noticed this place. We must get the natural disaster and the disaster as soon as possible. Go and inform the Saint to take Su Xinyi to the Nine Swords Cave immediately."

The elder's expression changed slightly, and he said with some concern:"Didn't we agree to tomorrow? I'm afraid the Saint will not agree.……"

Qin Wei looked at the elder coldly, sneered and asked:"So my orders as the island master are no longer orders, right? Anyone can disobey them?"

The elder's face turned pale, and he was so scared that his whole body shuddered. He hurriedly replied:"I dare not! I will ask the Saint to take Su Xinyi to the Nine Swords Cave!"

After the elder finished speaking, he turned around and left in a hurry.

Qin Wei looked coldly and continued to look towards the coast.

""You opened the crack and scared away three emperors. They will definitely go back to report to the Emperor Association. Soon everyone in the Emperor Association will come, even Feng Sihai will come. Don't you think it's a bit reckless?"

A hoarse voice came from a shadow in the hall.

Qin Wei glanced behind him and said with a sneer,"It was naturally not necessary in the past, but it is different now. Qin Ziyu brought Su Xinyi back. As long as she is taken to the Nine Swords Cave, I can deprive her of her inheritance. Once I get the Natural Disasters and Earth Disasters, I will have complete control over the Four Symbols. At that time, I will cooperate with the Five Elements Secret Method to directly open the channel and let them come!"

"You think too simply of the Shadow Realm. When the passage is opened, more than just the He clan can come through." The hoarse voice sounded again.

Qin Wei looked grimly and said,"I don't care. As long as the He clan can keep their promise and give me what I want, it's fine. What happens in the human world has nothing to do with me. I just want this Nine Sword Island to be safe."

"We were all exiled to this world. Now the demons of Blue Star generally hate the Shadow Realm. At that time, it may lead to a united front between humans and demons in this world, and you will become a sinner of mankind and be infamous for eternity. Have you really thought it through?"

Qin Wei grinned:"What does being infamous for eternity have to do with me? What I want is strength!"

"Since you have made up your mind, I will not persuade you any more, but you need to pay attention to a guy." The other party's tone became a little fearful.

Qin Wei frowned and asked:"Who?"

"Fang Chen"

"Fang Chen? I haven't heard of him. Is he very powerful?"Qin Wei shook his head with a look of disdain on his face.

"If there is anyone on Blue Star who is likely to be the first to break through the Demon God, that person must be him."

(asking for flowers, comments and monthly tickets)

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