Outside the Nine Swords Island.

Zheng Qiankun was sitting on the sea water, washing his feet, sniffing them from time to time, with a comfortable expression.

Dozens of small fish were floating around.……

"If you wash your feet again, all the fish around here will die."

Fang Chen's voice came over.

Zheng Qiankun raised his head, showing his big yellow teeth and grinning:"I haven't washed my feet for ten years. Now that I'm here, of course I have to wash them with sea water to get rid of the acid. It's okay. There are many fish here. It doesn't matter if a few die."

After saying that, Zheng Qiankun stood up and touched the tip of his nose with his fingers and sniffed.

"It tastes really good."

Fang Chen:...

This guy has always been a sloppy person. If you were to see him on the street, someone would throw money at him. His face is greasy and full of stubble, and his messy black hair is almost like stone.

"We meet again."

Zheng Qiankun stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

Fang Chen glanced at his hand and did not shake hands.

Zheng Qiankun was not embarrassed, he smiled and took back his hand and wiped it on his clothes.

"Feng Sihai asked you to come?" Fang Chen asked. Zheng Qiankun nodded:"Yes, he asked me to persuade you not to occupy the Nine Swords Island and go to another place. Blue Star is so big, as long as you name a place, the Royal Club can get it for you, except the Nine Swords Island."

Fang Chen smiled slightly and said,"No." Zheng

Qiankun opened his mouth slightly, with an expression as if he was choking on something, then shook his head and smiled:"I also told him, you definitely don't want to leave, isn't there anything I can do? Who made him my boss? He asked me to persuade you, so I came here. Don't mind it, I'm just going through the process, I'm not here to fight with you."

Fang Chen looked at Zheng Qiankun with amusement. He had known this guy for a long time. They had fought in the wild north.

Why did they fight?

Because there was a hot spring there, the spiritual energy was very rich, and it was very comfortable to soak in.

Fang Chen found it first, but this guy came from nowhere, and Fang Chen, who was dirty, naturally refused.

The two fought.

At that time, Fang Chen was still a little demon, and Zheng Qiankun was just a warrior.

One hundred and twenty years ago

"You can leave after completing the process." Fang Chen said with a smile.

Zheng Qiankun glanced at the Nine Swords Island behind Fang Chen, and asked slyly:"Of course we're leaving, but I just want to ask, why do you want to occupy this broken island? Do you know something extraordinary?"

Fang Chen narrowed his eyes, chuckled, and said in a playful tone:"What do I know, don't you know it yourself?"

Zheng Qiankun glared, then smiled:"Look at you, I'm just a lazy guy who doesn't care about what's going on outside the window. I just listen to the broken radio you gave me every day, and it's always the news from the day before yesterday. How can I know what you are doing? You know me, I'm in the late stage of laziness, and I don't like trouble."

"It's not broken yet?" Fang Chen said with a smile.

The radio was indeed given to him by Fang Chen.

Zheng Qiankun showed a proud expression:"Of course, I have maintained it well. I only changed the battery a few hundred times. The rest is no different from new ones."

"Have a drink?" Fang Chen raised his eyebrows and asked.

Zheng Qiankun grinned and patted his thigh:"Great!"

After that, he flew towards Nine Swords Island, but when he saw Fang Chen didn't catch up, he was stunned for a moment and asked:"Let's go! What are you doing?"

"You can't enter Jiujian Island, let's go somewhere else." Fang Chen said with a smile. Zheng

Qiankun's eyes flashed with an imperceptible light, and he immediately said with a smile:"Okay, you have the final say, but let me make it clear first, you treat me, I don't have money."

The two left the outer area of Jiujian Island one after the other and came to a city hundreds of miles away.

It happened to be night.

The city under the neon lights was bustling with traffic, and it seemed particularly lively. It was not disturbed by the two wars hundreds of miles away, but the streets and alleys and major street influences were always reporting the situation in the waters of Jiujian Island.

The two found a small restaurant and sat down, ordering a few dishes and a few bottles of wine.

When they first entered the door, they were almost driven out by the waiter. Fortunately, Fang Chen had a handsome appearance and extraordinary temperament. He was handsome with noble elegance. People knew at a glance that he was not a young master from an ordinary family, so Zheng Qiankun was allowed to come in.

Zheng Qiankun couldn't stay in the hall, and other guests would have opinions, and it might be unpleasant at that time, so Fang Chen asked for a private room.

"It's been a long time since I've eaten at a place like this." Zheng Qiankun said with emotion.

The last time he left Renhuang Island was three years ago, and he has been living in his bamboo house for three years.

Fang Chen smiled and said,"Isn't it normal for you?" Zheng Qiankun smiled, opened the bottle cap, poured Fang Chen a glass of wine, and filled his own glass as well.

"I remember the first time we met was more than a hundred years ago. At that time, you were still a little demon, and I was a rubbish warrior. We fought to the death for a hot spring. In a blink of an eye, you have become an infinite, and I am also in the realm of the Divine Mansion. Time is unforgiving! Come on, let's go."

After sighing, Zheng Qiankun drank the sake in the cup.

Fang Chen also took a sip.

"Aren't you afraid that Feng Sihai will send people to take over Jiujian Island just because you come here to eat and drink with me?"Putting down the wine glass, Zheng Qiankun chuckled.

Fang Chen looked at the wine glass in his hand and said with a smile:"You are too childish. Jing Chengtian thinks more exaggerated than you and is preparing to attack Yansen Land."

Zheng Qiankun was stunned for a moment. He really didn't know about this.

""A feint to the east and attack in the west?"

Fang Chen laughed and knew:"No, this is called besieging Wei to save Zhao."

As soon as Fang Chen said this, Zheng Qiankun's eyes flashed with a strange look, and he was a little afraid to look at Fang Chen.

At this time, the dishes came.

Three dishes and one soup, a very ordinary human dinner menu.

Zheng Qiankun did not move his chopsticks, and Fang Chen did not move either.

People at their level do not need to eat.


Zheng Qiankun looked at the steaming food and suddenly sighed. He filled his glass with wine and drank it all in one gulp.

"Do you think humans have a future?"

Putting down his wine glass, Zheng Qiankun suddenly became extremely serious and asked, staring into Fang Chen's eyes.

Fang Chen took a sip and said indifferently,"It has nothing to do with me."

"Yes, you are a demon, why would you worry about such a problem?"

Zheng Qiankun laughed at himself, poured another glass of wine and drank it all.

After wiping the wine from the corner of his mouth, Zheng Qiankun stood up.

"I know I can't persuade you anyway, but you'd better not wade into this muddy water. Nine Swords Island is not as simple as you think, and the people who want Nine Swords Island are not Feng Sihai, nor Youming, nor Yuye and Zhihuan. The water is too deep, you can't stand it."

Zheng Qiankun's expression became very complicated, and his eyes even revealed a pleading look.

He didn't want to be an enemy of Fang Chen.

The only person who had given him a gift in his life was Fang Chen.

Fang Chen put down the wine glass, raised his head slightly and looked at Zheng Qiankun, with the corners of his mouth raised:"My wife is in Nine Swords Island. Before she awakens and completes the inheritance, whoever comes will die. This is what I said."

Zheng Qiankun looked at Fang Chen blankly, his eyes complicated and uncomfortable, and suddenly he smiled sadly.

"A demon who is willing to fight against the heavens for a human woman is worthy of the Fang Chen I know! Very good! I know your determination."

After saying that, Zheng Qiankun grabbed the bottle of wine, took a few gulps, and then turned around and disappeared.

Fang Chen still had a smile on his face. He picked up a piece of braised pork with chopsticks and chewed it slowly.

There was a smile on his face, but his eyes became more and more indifferent and cold.

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