Eternal food paradise

Chapter 11 Wall-level players

"I am a trainee chef and currently studying French cuisine at an elite culinary school."

Said a female player named Tang Ying with neutral short hair.

"I had just finished a cooking class when I received a push message for the game on my phone, and it was installed by a rogue force. I couldn't delete it, so I had to click on it and take a look, and then here I am."

Her tone of voice was neither urgent nor slow, and matched her calm face.

Tang Ying changed the subject and suddenly looked at the foreign young man: "As soon as you introduced me like this, I remembered you. I know you, an international internet celebrity in the food circle, a great gourmet who travels around the world."

"Wow, cool."

Jerry had a big smile on his face.

"I've seen your video, traveling to India."

Jerry nodded moved, like a poet, and said slowly with a low voice: "Many people question my journey, but I must say that the food culture of the Indian Peninsula is extremely charming and it is a good place worth visiting."

"I also saw the post you posted at that time and had diarrhea."

Jerry's smile started to be forced, "Hey, that's so delicious. I'll feel so bad after eating too much."

"As a result, the next day you ate finger curry rice from a roadside stall, went to the hospital for injections, collapsed on the hospital bed and had diarrhea..."

A vein appeared on Jerry's forehead and then disappeared. He straightened his head, wiped the corners of his eyes, and looked at Tang Ying with a serious expression:

"Suppose you are a foodie and have already booked a flight for the next day. How should you make your own travel plan to India before boarding the plane?"

"India has never been in my travel plans." Tang Ying frowned.

“Then, to put it another way, don’t you crave the authentic curry from India, the place where curry originated?!”

"Original flavor does not mean absolutely 'good'. In comparison, I prefer the reformist Japanese curry." Tang Ying was expressionless.


With a defeated expression, Jerry had no choice but to turn his attention to Chen Zhiyuan: "What about you, Lao Tie, your travel plan!"

"Actually, I want to see the Ganges River. I heard that the Ganges River pollution has been well controlled, so I want to take a look."

"Why do you all have negative impressions!"

Jerry hated the fact that iron was not made of steel, and shouted passionately: "When it comes to India, why do you only have trains, Ganges water, and Bollywood? Think about mixing the food thoroughly with your hands, and then pinching it together and sending it in In your mouth, the spicy curry taste is like a little lover tightly entangled with the tip of your tongue... It doesn't matter if you don't like curry, go to southern India, to Assam, and taste the most authentic milk tea in the world!"

"Stop! If I have to go, I think I will get vaccinated and vaccinated before boarding the plane, and prepare some commonly used medicines." Chen Zhiyuan interrupted Jerry who was spitting.

"I heard that they use their hands when going to the toilet, and when they're done, they still rub the flying pancakes with their hands as if nothing happened."

Tang Ying nodded in agreement: "Yes, E. coli exceeds the standard."

Jerry's eyebrows twitched and he opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything.

The store fell into dead silence for a while.

"I have to go now!"

Jerry waved his hand smartly: "Since this is a food game with an ancient Chinese background, I can't waste a second. I want to experience the difference between ancient cuisine and modern cuisine through my tongue and eating."

After saying that, he cast a figure behind him.

"Are you a veteran player?"

When asked by Tang Ying, Chen Zhiyuan was stunned for a moment and joked: "If you come here two days in advance and you are considered senior, you won't refuse to call me that."

"Can't add friends, no friend function?"

Tang Ying carefully searched the personal panel. Commonly used modules such as tasks, backpack columns, and skills and talents were all there, but there were no 'Friends', 'Email', or 'Public Screen Chat', which are crucial to a game's social ecosystem. Panel' these contents.

"Well, how about we make an appointment to meet here regularly?" Chen Zhiyuan suggested.


Looking around the simple storefront, which didn't have much to note, Tang Ying agreed: "This birthplace is a bit special."

She then turned away and Chen Zhiyuan heard her muttering to herself in a low voice: "...It's so strange. There is no map. Is this game too real?"


Chen Zhiyuan sent away two similar people and smiled silently.

After two days of exploration, any doubts about the so-called "game" have been completely dispelled.

Wherever there is virtuality, it is living reality.

It's just too realistic. He still remembers that he excitedly found [Ju Go Downstairs] yesterday. In order to meet the only male idol in his heart, Liu Pleiades, he desperately knocked on the door. In the end, a girl who knew martial arts came out and he was chased. I was beaten to death for several streets, and when I returned to the restaurant to tell me what happened, Manager Xia laughed him to death.

"The original novel didn't say that Liu Pleiades' sister, Liu Jinling, was so vicious."

However, Chen Zhiyuan sighed softly when he thought of the reason why the Liu siblings were extremely sensitive to outsiders as the door of [Ju Downstairs] was closed.

Unexpectedly, in the virtual reconstructed world, Fairy Bei still died of illness.

She is undoubtedly a legend in the story of "China Ichiban".

As the biological mother of the talented chef Liu Pleiades, Fairy Bei’s influence on Liu Pleiades can be said to run through the entire book.

Mother's taste is the essence contained in "Mother's Sun Ball", the supreme recipe in the bright food world. It is not wrong to say that it is the lifelong sentiment of a top dragon chef.

What a pity! What a pity!

"I can't eat the dishes cooked by Fairy Bei in person. If it's not the 'mother's taste' given by her, it lacks soul and taste." Chen Zhiyuan felt very regretful.

Sadly, the Sichuan Fairy cannot be saved.

Then, there was no original version of "Mother Sun Ball" in the world.

After sitting for a while, the store was empty. Chen Zhiyuan shook his head strangely: "Is Manager Xia going out?"

There were shouts and shouts in the market outside the door, and suddenly there was chaos.

A fierce voice shouted nearby: "Is this store newly opened? Why haven't I seen it a few days ago?"

Chen Zhiyuan followed the sound and went out, took a look, and his heart suddenly pounded.

Several people gathered around the store door.

One of them was called Master Wang. Chen Zhiyuan recognized him because he watched a lively scene when he was wandering the streets to get acquainted with the world. At that time, Master Wang led several apprentices and knocked on the doors of merchants door to door, trying to rectify something. Fellow Sichuan chefs jointly signed a letter stating that anyone who opens a restaurant, regardless of whether they are registered with the provincial association or not, must have a red fingerprint.

After asking around, Chen Zhiyuan learned that this was equivalent to a letter of challenge, equivalent to uniting the entire Sichuan culinary community to put pressure on the provincial association to hold a cooking competition.

[Ju Xia Lou], the chefs of the past generations are all the most famous in the region.

But Belle died of illness, and a new chef needed to be introduced.

"They are Shaoan's minions!"

Chen Zhiyuan was secretly shocked.

There seemed to be a subtle deviation in the plot trajectory. He remembered that in the original work, it was Liu Pleiades who took the initiative to propose this 'cooking competition' to the Sichuan Chefs Association. How come it was Shaoan who was behind it now?

No, no, they are still in the joint planning stage, so in the end it was Liu Pleiades who sensed the dark clouds over the city and chose to strike decisively? Holding the grass, you are worthy of being my male god!

"So, one month from now, just a few days away, there will be a peak showdown. Liu Pleiades will defeat Shao An and truly begin his journey to become the God of Cooking."

Chen Zhiyuan keenly captured the plot and timeline, and thought of Jerry and Tang Ying who had left without a clue before. He suddenly felt a sense of superiority and felt happy.

Although I am not an old player.

But it is a wall-mounted existence that is more terrifying than the old players!

Sorry, this "Chinese Ichiban" paradise will be dominated by me!

Chen Zhiyuan’s middle school soul is burning.

"Are you the waiter in this store?"

Master Wang, who was tall and powerful, came forward with his disciples to ask questions.

"No, I'm not -" Chen Zhiyuan obeyed the player's position and never had such a thing as moral integrity, so he immediately backed away and gave way to the doorway, watching Master Wang enter the store aggressively, his eyes twinkling.

It would be fine if the mysterious store manager Xia pressed his fingerprints without moral integrity.

If he refuses and the two sides conflict, wouldn't there be a wonderful show to watch.

Please recommend, vote, collect, and invest~~~

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