Eternal food paradise

Chapter 15 Hell is Empty


Xia Yan focused his eyes on the "Spicy Mountain Basin" at the bar, with a more serious look on his face: "If you don't eat cleanly, there will be no future."

He didn't have many rules, and he didn't treat wasteful guests a second time.


"The dog @didn't pay the bill!" Xia Yan estimated the value of this roasted tofu dish. Excluding the meat and tofu, seven or eight bottles of 'Super Doubanjiang' alone were used, and each bottle cost one thousand system funds. He wanted Only by working very hard to produce dishes with good ratings and high indexes can we earn back this loss from one customer.

"It's a loss. I rushed forward regardless of the cost. Let's not say that 'Luminous' failed. I haven't harvested the leeks yet."

Xia Yan opened the system information——

"Roasted Tofu with Doubanjiang".

one star.

Use a lot of seasonings and sauces to create a "hot mountain" dark cuisine.

Index upper limit -? .

"Hey, is the star rating low?" Xia Yan complained. The darkness was so dense that it was not easy to scare an old chef into retreating. Moreover, it was so dark that it flew away in one bite. It is necessary for a mere 'one-star recipe' to be so stingy. ? system iron juice.

The information automatically cuts to the dish rating he turned off before he could take a closer look when he was collecting the juice and thickening the soup:

【Cooking completed...】

[Dish completion degree - excellent (92 points)]

[Darkness Index (Trait)-Medium]

In this way, it was an 'excellent' performance, which made the index exceed the upper limit of one-star recipes.

It is worthy of being my signature and most popular item!

Xia Yan happily checked the harvest of the mission. A virtual ordinary iron treasure box fell in the field of vision. He reached out to pat it. The sound effect of the lock was followed by the prop prompt:

"Congratulations, you have obtained the recipe "Shredded Pork with Persimmon and Green Pepper" (two stars, China Ichiban)."

the other side.

Chen Zhiyuan was flooded with system information.

【Assist the chef to complete excellent dishes. 】

[The experience value has increased. 】

[You participated in an emergency event that caused a 1% distortion of the main line of the world. As a participant, you will receive the following rewards...]

He saw white light flashing twice on his body, and Chen Zhiyuan watched in astonishment as he was promoted to the 'LV5' character level.

1% deviation value.

Chen Zhiyuan frowned, feeling a little confused.

First of all, he was guessing where the 1% deviation value came from. The main plot of the Kingdom of Abundance is undoubtedly the ‘cooking competition’ between Liu Pleiades and Shao An to decide the new chef of Ju downstairs...

Wang Fuquan ran errands for Shao An, running around and doing dirty work such as jointly submitting letters. As a result, Wang Fuquan was defeated by Store Manager Xia today...

There was a question mark hanging on his forehead. The more Chen Zhiyuan thought about it, the more he couldn't understand it.

I can’t figure it out!

Manager Xia hindered Shaoan's plan?

If it is an obstacle, then the main plot should not be deviated, because he clearly remembers that the 'cooking competition' was proposed by Liu Pleiax to the Provincial Chefs Association. In other words, regardless of whether Manager Xia has an impact on Shao'an's plan, the main plot is There should be no deviation here.

At this time, Chen Zhiyuan glanced at the crowd of onlookers who were dispersing outside the store and spotted a figure with a strange painting style.

The swordsman is dressed like a swordsman.

Carrying a huge gourd drinking utensil.

"Hold the grass!" Chen Zhiyuan chased after him and stood at the door to look for him, but he couldn't find the back he had just glimpsed. "Let me think about it, it looks familiar. It should be the group of people in the dark cooking world, the big boss of the cliff, is Who is it, give me another look?"

Just as he was deep in thought, a hand suddenly stretched out from inside the door and grabbed his collar:

"I hate guys who don't eat cleanly..."

"I have clearly emphasized that you must eat cleanly. I have no choice but to hand over this glorious mission to you, Chen Zhiyuan. Except for the first spoonful, the dish is almost untouched..."

N-Nani? !

Chen Zhiyuan, who had planned to obey the instructions obediently, suddenly started to struggle violently, kicking his hands and feet.

Even if you are the ‘Grandpa from Novice Village’.

I refuse to accept this task and mission!

Whoever likes to eat that kind of scary food that is so spicy that no one can stop eating it. Didn’t you see that the veteran chefs were scared away by the size of one bite?

Being pulled by the collar and listening to the voice behind him, a sentence came to Chen Zhiyuan's mind:

Hell is empty.

The devil is in the world.

[Ding, if you find an 'excellent' item that can be appraised, the character experience and money gained will be doubled. If you have a good or above evaluation, you will have a chance to obtain high-quality props when calculating...]

Hold the grass! His expression changed instantly.

Chen Zhiyuan's expression turned deep and compassionate, and his voice was full of fearless devotion: "If I don't go to hell, who will?"

"Let go, let me do it myself-" He took a step back.

By the way, after completing the mission, the character level was raised from LV3 to LV4, and another idle skill point was obtained.

Xia Yan threw it to the "flower knife" without hesitation.

""Flower Knife"1/2. "

If he invests another skill point, "Flower Knife" will be the third advanced skill he has maxed out after Tu Zao and Spicy Specialty. In this way, in the three major areas of knife skills, heat and seasoning, It can be said that they all stepped in strongly and made small achievements and achievements.

As a chef in the new era and the successor of the country, of course he pursues moral, intellectual, and physical beauty, right...

Comprehensive development of knife skills, heat, and seasoning.

“Here’s the question, a dish with a score of 92 points doesn’t shine, so why should I get a perfect score of 100 points?!”

Passing through the store, there is a small courtyard with a patio. I can hear the sound of fetching buckets and drinking water from time to time. It must have been more than half an hour and I still haven't recovered. Xia Yan stared at the table very seriously, deliberately Serve yourself a bowl of the leftover 'roasted tofu with bean paste'.

He planned to try it himself.

No matter how high the score is, it is still a sprint exercise.

In other words, when the score reaches a certain level, it is just data. It can only prove his cooking status and actual performance at a certain period of time, but it cannot help him further improve himself.

Then, the system fed back Chen Zhiyuan's tasting report, and the order was terrible. To put it bluntly, the whole article was useless.

"Unfortunately, if the 'God's Tongue' were here and acted as a taster, I would point out every little problem and flaw to you mercilessly. After all, that girl has a weird personality, but Her attitude towards food and cooking cannot be understated.”

Nakiri Erina.

A girl with divine qualifications who possesses the 'Tongue of God'.

Xia Yan shook his head and quickly pushed away the clear shadow in his mind, but just as he picked up the spoon, he brought a piece of tofu stained with chili color to his mouth.

[It has been detected that a 1% deviation and distortion value has occurred in this paradise world. 】

[The system energy has been replenished to a certain extent. 】

[The host will be able to realize the second 'paradise shuttle', but please note that this shuttle is based on the power of 1% deviation and distortion, so this will be a restricted shuttle. You can choose between the following 3 paradise worlds. , get a stay time of 1 natural month, and the host must complete the designated paradise task...]

【1. "The Spirit of the Halberd Eater". 】

【2. "The leader is wise and has many stars". 】

【3. "Another World Canteen". 】

at the same time.

In the same city, but different patterns.

In broad daylight, when it's not lunch time, Shao'an's restaurant is still full of customers.

Because all the chefs who were responsible for cooking in Ju Downstairs were hired here, Shao'an, the boss and the head of the chefs, could safely hand over the kitchen to these senior chefs.

"Dong dong."

Knocking on the door, and then hearing a voice coming in, Wang Fuquan pushed the door open.

This is a private practice kitchen. Bypassing the flower and bird screen, Wang Fuquan saw a young man, meticulously staring at the food that made a "sizzling" sound in the iron pot. When he heard the footsteps, the young man did not look up: "It's done. ?”

Wang Fuquan glanced at it and saw that tofu was being cooked in the pot. He felt strangely powerful, but his face was tense as he detailed his experiences in the "dark cooking world".

"Oh, if it's really a dark culinary world, why would you hide in a B\u0026B with such shabby conditions and open a restaurant?"

As he spoke, Shao An seemed to have thought of something, and his tone changed slightly.

"Not really." He sighed.

It is impossible to say that he has no feelings for Fairy Bei at all. Man is not a plant, let alone his adoptive mother and cooking master who raised him and cultivated him.

As the eldest brother, he knows more than the Liu siblings, Liu Jinling and Liu Pleiades.

For example, Sichuan cuisine fairy Abe, her husband...

He is the heir to the dark culinary world of the past!

Moreover, according to some strange information, this man whose cooking skills and qualifications are better than Kaiyou, the current leader of the dark cooking world, is not dead and is living in seclusion somewhere unknown.

Shao'an's emotions came and went quickly. He was a fierce man and took these things very lightly: "Please tell him carefully about the ins and outs of his cooking."

"You are very good at swordsmanship, and your hands are as steady as those of a master who has been there for ten or twenty years?"

"Amazing firework..."

"Well, you mentioned the 'firewood flavor'? Firewood, the fire absorbs the juice, and when you taste it, you feel your tongue is burned by the red chili oil. No wonder you can't bear it. If you are sure that your feeling is not wrong, then you can't be wrong. This is the No. 1 dangerous person, and he has begun to put a strong brand and character on the dishes..."

Shaoan looked at Wang Fuquan, who had a confused look on his face, and saw that his temples were starting to turn frosty white, and said indifferently: "Your cooking method is just too stable and uneventful, and you can't create your own 'characteristics' .”

"So, you have no hope of ever being promoted to special chef."

Please collect the new book, recommend it, and invest in it~~~~~

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