Eternal food paradise

Chapter 20 Ji Xing Lao

At night, Ji Xing Lao.

Mrs. Wenxu, the auntie of the dormitory, put her hands on her hips and looked at the new students brought back by Yisekhui. She muttered to herself: "It's strange, why don't I remember that this year we arranged for a second new student to stay in the Pole Star dormitory. "

Shaking her head, Mrs. Wenxu didn't hesitate.

"Listen up, kid. You have to listen to Isshiki's rules in the Jiexing dormitory. Newcomers who move into this dormitory must pass a 'craft test'!"

"I am the judge. If you cannot satisfy me, then you will have to sleep in the wild."

Xia Yan's hands were empty, not even a suitcase.

Hearing this, he was secretly amused.

This scene is very touching.

The 'King of Medicine' Souma Yukihira was also made difficult by Mrs. Fumio, and finally managed to move in. The freshmen in the same dormitory were even worse. It took a long time for Tadokoro Megumi to pass the test of the dormitory aunt.

"Mrs. Wenxu, are you sure you want me to show off my craftsmanship?" Xia Yan didn't care. It's not a critical ingredient. Just use leftovers from the Jixingliao kitchen.

Anyway, there is super-grade doubanjiang that is extremely reliable in providing the 'darkness index'. If you make a meal, it will be a stimulating and delicious dish that Mrs. Wenxu has never tasted before, which will ensure that she will not be able to sleep tonight.


Mrs. Wenxu vaguely sensed that some kind of danger was hanging over her head.

Yise Hui took the initiative to step forward to help Xia Yan: "Can you give me a grace period or postpone this test, Aunt Wenxu?"

"Because Mr. Xia Yan has already drafted a Shoji Battle Statement and will send it out on time tomorrow morning, so he needs a quiet and comfortable dormitory environment to prepare for the Shoji Showdown."

"Fresh halberd?"

The dormitory aunt was taken aback. She looked Xia Yan up and down for a long time before giving a thumbs up: "Very good. I sent out the fighting letter on the first week of school. It's very courageous. It's something passed down from our Jixing dormitory." Your style also proves that you are very confident in your cooking skills... Well, who are you going to challenge?"

"Chinese Cuisine Research Association."

There was a moment of silence.

Mrs. Wenxu didn't know what expression to use.

They ridicule and ridicule a lot, but they are afraid of hurting students and dampening their confidence and enthusiasm.

She has a protective character, but she just looks fierce.

Knowing that this new student had just moved into the dormitory today after postponing his admission due to indescribable reasons, Mrs. Wenxu already regarded him as a member of the Jixing dormitory.

"I want to challenge the leader of 'China Research'."


After a while, Mrs. Wenxu stepped forward and patted Xia Yan on the shoulder. After holding it in for a long time, she could only say: "Come on."

Then the dormitory aunt sighed softly and went back to her room.

"Xia Yanjun, you can choose the bedroom of your choice."

It didn't matter what the bedroom was. Xia Yan knew that he couldn't stay long, so he checked into the innermost room in the corridor on the second floor. As soon as he finished cleaning, Yise Hui knocked on the door.

"I helped you draw up the Shoji Book."

Isshiki Hui, who was only wearing a naked apron, entered the room and said, "Do you have any questions? If not, I will personally submit it to the Council of Ten Elites for you tomorrow, and let that group of people review it and notify the 'Chinese Cuisine Research Association' as soon as possible."

Xia Yan saw the bright smile on this guy's face and couldn't help complaining: "Why are you so skilled!"

"Because I can't wait to see Xia Yanjun show off his talents on the stage of Shiji."

As if he was about to take the stage, Isekhui closed his eyes, his face showing expressions of uneasiness, anticipation, excitement and passion.

You are a master at holding grass and acting.

You just want to see me lose, right?

Staring at Isekhui with extreme suspicion.

never mind.

Don't use ordinary people's thinking to speculate on this evildoer.

Moreover, Isekhui was very warm-hearted in the original work. As the senior, confidant sister, and leading brother of Jixingliao, I have to say that he played these roles very well.

Watching him put the Shoji document on the table and lower his body slightly, a night breeze blew in from the half-open bedroom window.

The naked apron on Isekhui suddenly floated up.

Xia Yan: "(ˉ▽ ̄~)!"

Going blind!

Very curvy and smooth butt.

It's really quite, really...

The ancient road is so refreshing.

Ise Hui did not pay attention to the apron that was lifted at a corner, and said slowly: "As for the 'China Research', the leader of the society, whether he will accept the halberd or not, Xia Yanjun, you can rest assured."

He turned his head and blinked.

"The big club has the position and considerations of the big club. Although you, an unknown freshman, are sent to eat the Ji Ji Zhan Shu, they will be furious and feel that their reputation has been ignored. But on the other hand, for them, this may not be A good opportunity to promote the club in the new semester.”

"The more attention Shokuji receives, the stronger the publicity effect will be."

"So, Xia Yanjun, you can just submit some 'conditions' for eating halberds. There is no need to be reciprocal, and there is no need to bet on the terms of dropping out of school."

Speaking of this, Yisekhui's expression suddenly became solemn.

"But be careful!"

"Don't lose, Mr. Xia Yan, otherwise you will become the dead spirit of the 'Zhonghuayan' Shiji Ji propaganda!"

The next day.

The ‘Top Ten Council’ is the student self-government organization in Totsuki Campus. Many decisions and daily affairs within the academy must be reviewed by the council before they can be implemented in practice.

Since it is the first week of school, there are a lot of trivial chores to deal with.

Morning, in the conference room.

The top ten members present were not in high spirits, and they were not interested in talking or chatting. They indifferently passed around documents to be reviewed and reviewed.

Because it was a new school year and a group of third-year graduates had just been sent away, a few chairs were vacant.

Other than that, there are no unfamiliar faces among the ten heroes present.

The first seat is Si Yingshi, the ‘White Knight of the Table’.

Even though those third-year students who graduated and left are still there, Si Yingshi, who is now only a second-year student, still holds the first seat.

Then, there are people like Kobayashi Ritsou, Akanekubo Momo, and Saito Souaki.

A certain document was circulated from Ringtong Kobayashi. She opened the document bag and glanced at it as usual. She was about to pass it to the next person when she suddenly stopped: "Wow~"


"Fresh halberd!"

"Is this the first Shoji Battle Statement this year?" Kobayashi Ryuden looked at the form on the first page carefully, but his expression was strange.

The person who launched the Halberd Eater was a guy I had never heard of.

Judging from the name, he is of Chinese descent.

Then, when he saw that the party being challenged by Shokugeki was the 'Chinese Cuisine Research Association', Kobayashi Ringtong was suddenly interested: "This is an intolerable conflict of ideas. Even if it is self-destruction, do we still have to defend the idea of ​​Chinese cuisine in our hearts?" So heroic!"

She made up a lot of stories to herself.

I can only rely on my imagination to supplement it, otherwise how can I explain that an unknown student actually joined a large club.

Si Yingshi, who was sitting in the first seat, heard the word "Shiji" and covered his head in distress: "I really hope that the new semester will go by peacefully like the past few days, and don't do anything about eating Ji."

Soon after, this document, stamped with the red seal of the Ten Elite Council, was delivered to the 'Chinese Cuisine Research Association'.

Unlike other miscellaneous fish societies, Zhonghuayan has a separate building for members to practice and communicate.

The general's office.

A new student with dyed yellow hair, dead fish eyes, and a look that was not easy to mess with opened the door: "Senior Tsuda, are you looking for me?"

Tsuda Yuki stood in front of the French window with his hands behind his back, "Kuga-kun, someone proposed a shokuji to our 'Chonghuayan', and the Council of Ten Elites approved it. Do you want to agree?"

"why me?"

The third-year general smiled and said: "I plan to step down as general at the end of the spring semester, hand over the club to you, and then devote myself to achieving graduation results."

"Originally, we have no intention of agreeing to this kind of nonsensical shokuji, but considering that Kuga-kun needs to accumulate fame, the club also has to compete for people in the new semester..."

Kuaga Teruki said, "If it's a nobody, forget it."

"I planned to give my first Shokugeki match to the top ten when I was promoted to high school, but those guys all shied away and said they would wait for Momiji Kari after the fall selection."

"But I heard that Isshiki Hui personally went to the Council of Ten Elites to submit the document on behalf of someone else."

Lord Tsuda said with some confusion.

Hearing this, Kuaga Teruki suddenly changed his lazy expression: "He? Issey Hui?"

"Haha, did he find a scapegoat to test my entry?"

In junior high school, the two didn't get along very well. In other words, as the top geniuses on campus, they would always compete with each other.


Now that he has made up his mind to do something big in this year's autumn selection, Isshiki Kei is on the dangerous list in Kuaga Teruki's mind...

Number one!

"Leave it to me, Tsuda-senpai."

Kuga Teruki said expressionlessly: "I will win the match 5-0 with a clean vote, and tell Isshiki Hui that if you want to know my true strength, you can see for yourself in the autumn selection!"

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