Eternal food paradise

Chapter 28 Bronze Treasure Chest

"The voting is over!"

"I declare that the winner is...contestant Xia Yan!"

The emcee announced the result loudly.

There were almost no empty seats in the venue, but there was a dead silence, as if the echo effect of the cave was constantly echoing the words "winner" and "Xia Yan player".

Dojima Gin stared at Xia Yan with fiery eyes and applauded loudly: "No wonder you said that 'persimmon' is the essence of your recipe."

"We have underestimated the role of 'persimmon'. It provides three flavors of sour, sweet and bitter. It is undoubtedly the soul ingredient of the recipe."

"Imagine that extremely spicy food is like the red plain of death. The 'persimmon' is under the overwhelming red shadow. Although it is very small, it is a single spark that can start a prairie fire."

Extremely strong, extremely weak.

A contrasting set of flavours.

There are some words that Dojima Gin did not say publicly. It is the "strong and weak" taste that makes the sour, sweet, and bitter in it infinitely more prominent.

Because, the weak side is like a life-saving light, which will make people hold on tightly in the siege of the extremely hot tide.

It can be said that this is a very profound application of "taste", and the technique even involves human psychology.

It has gone far beyond what Kuga Teruki calls "the aesthetics of violence"!

"Such a comparison is really quite tragic."

Dojima Gin couldn't help but feel shocked.

"Kuga-kun's aesthetics is based on pure taste control, based on the numbness and spiciness of powerful ingredients. However, his opponent uses 'taste' to interpret the story of a period of baptism."

Kadozaki Taki walked straight to Xia Yan, bowed slightly and stretched out his hand: "Thank you for the hospitality."

Xia Yan knew this graduate, and did not expect that the fiery eldest sister would show such humility from the heart. He shook hands with her with a strange look on his face, and heard Taki Kadozaki sigh: "That's amazing. Your 'taste', you are simply a performer. In comparison, Kuagateruki's spicy and spicy taste seems hollow..."


Not far away, listening to the undisguised voice of the female graduate, Teruki Kuga lowered his head and clenched his fists unwillingly.

It wasn't until Totsuki school staff brought the shokuji treaty signed by both parties to the stage and displayed it on the camera that the audience woke up from a dream and started talking among themselves.

no doubt.

At this moment, the winner is the real protagonist.

The audience was mostly young girls and students from Totsuki. They looked at the shokuji winner who was surrounded by the judges. He was neither humble nor overbearing. He answered the judges' questions, calmly accepted business cards one after another, but clearly rejected many high-paying offers. To say that he didn't admire him was to say that he didn't admire him. It's impossible, but the more emotion in my heart is envy, jealousy and hatred.

"When can I also be praised by the legendary senior Gin Dojima?"

"Give up, you bastard. If you fail two more subjects, you will drop out and go home."

"The vote was 5 to 0... It's hard to believe that Teruki Kuaga actually lost. He was undefeated in the junior high school and was described as an undefeated devil. I didn't expect that he had just been promoted to high school and it had only been a few days since school started. The first defeat fell on him..."

"Kuuga classmate, no misfortune!"

When Xia Yan in the broadcast screen took over a delivery document from the gloomy-looking Teruki Kuga, this Shoji event officially came to an end.


Xia Yan left very quickly. He did not listen to the advice of Dojima Gin and Kadozaki Taki and stayed a little longer. He felt that it was boring to talk to the successful people outside the school who were present. Anyway, he had to leave in more than 20 days. The next time I don’t know what year or month I will return to the paradise world of "The Spirit of the Halberd Eater", so why bother myself and just go with my heart.

When I arrived at the waiting room, I couldn't see Yise Hui.

"Where has this guy gone?" Xia Yan was extremely wary when he opened the door. He originally expected to be hugged by a celebrating strongman, but when he opened the door, he found no one in the house.

After closing the door and sitting on the sofa, Xia Yan had time to check the system information that he had blocked when he was eating.

【Cooking completed...】

[Dish completion degree - excellent (90 points). 】

[Index - Glow (light) - Dark (medium). 】

Then the personal panel pops up automatically——

"Host: Xia Yan

Character level: LV8 (LV5↑)

[Sword Skill] - Basic Sword Skill (Intermediate 0/2) - "Flower Sword" (cannot be upgraded)

[Seasoning] - Basic Seasoning (Intermediate 0/2) - "Spicy Specialty" (cannot be upgraded)

[Fire Temperature]—Basic Fire Temperature (Intermediate Level 0/2)—"Firewood Earthen Stove" (cannot be upgraded)

Idle skill points: 3


"Have mastered the recipes: "Bitter Melon Stuffed with Doubanjiang" (one star), "Stir-fried Tofu with Doubanjiang" (one star), "Shredded Pork with Persimmon and Green Pepper" (Zhonghua Yiban, two stars), "Mogai-Shredded Pork with Persimmon and Green Pepper" (Samsung)…”

The latest recipe recorded is "Mogai-Shredded Pork with Persimmon and Green Pepper":


A large amount of bean paste is used to soak the shredded meat to complete the darkening. At the same time, the innovation of the original recipe "Persimmon" is maintained to the greatest extent, so that the persimmon provides the "three flavors of the soul" of sour, sweet and bitter.

This recipe was researched by Xia Yan in the kitchen of Jixingliao three days ago.

The upper limit of the ‘darkness index’ is [Advanced].

Xia Yan originally thought that he would defeat Teruki Kuaga with the [Advanced] Dark Index, but he didn't expect that the 'Luminous Index' would step in.

"Well, [Glowing] can't be forced. A perfect answer is not a must, but a perfect chance?" Xia Yan couldn't laugh or cry.

Now it’s back to the question of probability!

Glancing at the three skill points gained from leveling up from LV5 to LV8, Xia Yan frowned and then relaxed. Instead of getting more entangled, he might as well try his luck by opening a treasure chest first.

He said "receive" silently.


The bronze-colored box landed on the glass coffee table in front of the sofa.

Information about the treasure chest appears on the field of vision:

In the high-level (bronze) treasure chest, in addition to kitchen utensils and recipes, you have a certain chance of getting all the cooking skills and talents of the systems that have come to the world (Chinese Ichiban, Shoki Spirit).

Seeing this, Xia Yan rubbed his hands and said, "Emperor Ou is possessed! Open!"

[Congratulations, you have obtained...]

The treasure chest quickly faded and disappeared. There was a bottle of blue pills and a gilt card on the glass coffee table.

Item - "Soothing Pills" (5% chance)

Prop - "Specific Mall Item Unlock Card" (10% chance)

Xia Yan: "..."

I'm stupid, I'm still too young, I fell into a trap.

It turns out that in addition to kitchen utensils and cooking skills, talents and recipes, and other miscellaneous items, what is the probability of dropping this double kill? Anyway, the mood is not very beautiful.

Just as he was about to open the bottle and take a blue pill to test its medicinal properties, the door to the lounge was suddenly opened.

"What a wonderful victory, Mr. Xia Yan."

Isshiki Hui stood at the door, stepped aside, and pointed at the two girls wearing Totsuki uniforms that she brought with her: "These two are Nito Hisako and Nakiri Erina."

"I think there is no need for me to introduce you to Miss Erina."

Xia Yan secretly gave Yise Hui a thumbs up.

What a coincidence.

Thanks to God's help, he chose to go to the world of "Spirit of the Shokiji" just to further improve the recipe of braised tofu with bean paste and touch the luminous secret that he has longed for.

Although I had a luminous experience by chance today.

But Xia Yan is very ambitious.

He just wanted to see if a work with a perfect score of 100 would shine, it would not be so "short" and "fast".

Eh, so strange.

Why is there another task to prove that I am not a short-lived person?

So angry!

"Do you still have your 'Shredded Pork with Persimmon and Green Pepper'?" Nakiri Erina said. She was obviously not used to using a requesting tone, so her tone was stiff.

Xia Yan knew the temperament of this eldest lady, and he had no intention of pointing fingers at others during their first meeting——

Hey, I don't like your arrogance very much.

His eyes turned to the venue outside the floor-to-ceiling glass windows. On the stage, a group of staff were busy cleaning up, and the dining cart he had pushed to the judges' seat was still there. "There are still shredded pork, but we need to make more green peppers and sauces. Why?" , are you interested in eating?"

He asked knowingly, and smiled evilly in his heart, just to get the arrogant Erina Nakiri to say such out-of-character words as "I want to eat" and "I want to have a taste".


Unexpectedly, Isshiki Hui answered first. Just when Erina Nakiri was hesitating about how to word her words, this guy raised his hands high, with a bright smile and extremely innocent eyes:

"I really want to eat Xia Yanjun's most powerful dishes made with sweat, blood, and burning small universes in such a large-scale shokutai! I'm so excited!"

Xia Yan rolled his eyelids.

Gay people are so angry, what the hell, but the words sounded fine, if it were said by the girl with the 'God's Tongue' next to me.

Xia Yan estimated that his expression would be like this:



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