Eternal food paradise

Chapter 36 A powerful person

That's right, Xia Yan's recipe is exactly 'Teppanyaki'.

His consideration was based on the heat and the advanced "firewood stove". If he had been a little hesitant before, then after he clicked on the second advanced "one pot", the urge in his heart to try it made him uncontrollable. By myself.

The Xingping father and his son, who gave up their kitchen, didn't know that when Xia Yan just adjusted the valve and continued to heat a pot of 'sesame oil', he was simply shocked by the first experience of "a pot".

It's as if this pot is a common cooking utensil in the kitchen that he owns, and he has used it countless times.

The familiar feeling that fills the soul...

No wonder the system information is described like this:

Any pot is a universal pot for everyday use.

The emphasis is on "general" and "daily"!

With the development of gourmet cooking culture into modern times, cooking utensils such as pots have derived too many categories.

Xia Yan currently specializes in Chinese Sichuan cuisine, so naturally he is most familiar with large Chinese iron pots, but Western-style frying pans and pans can also be used, but he would be confused if it were a less popular pot.

"Oil temperature, 186 degrees."

It's not a system prompt, but a thought that naturally arises in my mind.

Just like a master chef who has specialized in fried dishes such as tempura for more than ten or twenty years, he does not need the assistance of any technological temperature measuring instruments. He just relies on experience and feeling to grasp the temperature zone that is accurate to every degree Celsius!


Unbeknownst to outsiders, Xia Yan swallowed secretly and kept his eyes on the second pot. He had just put the 'cast iron pan' handed over by Yukihira Soma on the stove.


Hearing the oil begin to boil, Xia Yan was not in a hurry, thinking that 50% to 60% heat would be the best time.

Seize the opportunity to stir-fry ginger, garlic, chili and minced meat, and the processing is absolutely perfect.

"The oil is 50% to 60% hot, which is in the range of 110 to 170 degrees."

Staring at the sudden stirring of fat in the pot, Xia Yan secretly thought that this was the moment, and quickly threw the several chopped ingredients, except the tofu just picked up from the oil pot, into the pan. .


In an instant, a magical cooking was completed.

The aroma is overwhelming!

Listening to Yukihira and his son talking about his recipes behind him, the volume became increasingly uncontrollable. Even Teruki Kuga next to him couldn't help but stop and look at him blankly.

In the direction of the bar, a group of old customers smelled the strong aroma and were immediately fascinated.

Xia Yan's mind was very clear, his rhythm was very tight, and each process seemed orderly to Yukihei and his son. He then poured in the fried tamagoyaki tofu.

After a few minutes, chop the scallions into pieces and sprinkle them on the food in the cast iron pan.

There is no need to put it on the plate, just put the whole pot on the bar.

The guests all moved closer to the bar, each with an extremely fierce look in their eyes. The joyful and relaxed atmosphere of the daily father-son game was suddenly filled with the intense and intense feeling of dividing and grabbing the delicacies that had fallen from the sky.

Yukihira Souma was completely stunned.

Yao Daddy said slowly: "Chuangzhen, did you notice what he added at the end?"

"Put a little salt and soy sauce."

"Maybe... there's also soup stock?" Yukihira Soma was a little confused. He was dazzled by what he saw just now and was in a daze. He vaguely remembered the scene of Xia Yan scooping up a spoonful of soup and pouring it onto the cast iron pan.

"Yes, soup stock!"

"But look, where did the stock go?"

Looking at the father's finger pointing to the bottom of the pot, there is still a layer of grease that is "sizzling", but there is no trace of the chicken bone stock that is always available in the store.

Yukihira Soma lost his voice: "Disappear, disappear!"

However, Yukihira Joichiro shook his head, with a profound look in his eyes, and gave a thumbs up to Xia Yan, who was carrying a pot at the bar: "You made me sigh, 'The heat is a legend.'"

There are many, but the boss didn’t talk about it.

You know, this is the original giant who left Totsuki in the name of "Shura" and has been a wandering gourmet all over the world for a long time. His personality is comparable to that of Gin Dojima, and he is ahead of Hispano Nakiri in stature.

Let him once again lament the "legendary heat". Such clichés show that Yukihira Joichiro was quite shocked in his heart.

The key is……

I saw it from a Totsuki student.

"Terrible." Yukihira Joichiro shook his head and glanced at Soma Yukihira, who was still looking dazed next to him. He suddenly felt that it would not be a wise decision to wait until his son finished the third year of junior high school and send him to Totsuki High School as a transfer student. .

However, thinking about Yuanyue, there are only a few such "monsters" in single digits, and if we only talk about the heat, this person may still be the one sitting on the throne.

Thinking of this, Yukihira Joichiro was no longer so worried and had a smile on his face again.

"Please taste-"

Xia Yan said something and ignored Xingping and his son. He stood at the bar and checked the mission information.

The 'Teppanyaki Tamago Tofu' has been freshly baked for less than a minute. The pot is full of steam. The tofu itself is fried to a golden and crispy state. After being cooked for the second time in the cast iron pot, it is mixed with minced meat, ginger, green onion and Chili peppers, mixed with each other.

Therefore, the appearance, smell and taste of the Teppanyaki that appeared in the eyes of Yukihira and his son were so tempting to the appetite.

"Eat and see, you will know where the 'soup' is." Joichiro Yukihira took the initiative to hand his son chopsticks and took a pair in his own hand.


Kuga Teruki completely ignored the match between him and Yukihira Souma. He simply didn't fry the 'tamago tofu' he had cut into the pan. He took a pair of chopsticks and stood there, staring at it quietly.

"Hiss, hiss, it's so hot, so hot!"

Yukihira Soma opened his mouth and swallowed a piece of fried and boiled tofu.

The first feeling is that it burns your mouth.

Then, the stir-fried ginger, garlic minced meat and chili release their aroma.


Teeth bite.

The crispy tofu shell cracked with the sound.

"It's so soft inside..."

The fried shell was only a thin layer and completely shattered after being squeezed by the teeth.

As a result, he stirred it gently with his tongue, and a thin, soft substance broke through the cage and wandered freely in the mouth.

It's like eating a piece of hot jelly. The key is that the taste of this "jelly" is also amazing. In addition to the rich aroma of eggs and plant high protein in Tamagotofu itself, Yukihira Soma has another incredible fresh and rich taste. , "It turns out...the chicken bone stock has been absorbed into it! It's so thick!"

However, the "disappearing dashi" aspect is not so shocking to Soma Kohei now.

What made him secretly exclaimed was wonderful.

In this way, the Tamago Tofu, which has been fried and boiled through two heating processes, has a crispy outer shell that is fried to perfection, but the inside retains the original appearance of the ingredients.

The texture and taste of "Tamako Tofu" are perfectly preserved!

Even, with the green leaves such as ginger, onion, garlic, chili and minced meat, the "Tamako Tofu" that has been praised by all the stars, the taste and cooking level are so high that I don't know where to go.

Next to him, Joichiro Yukihira looked solemn as he placed a piece of Teppanyaki Tamago Tofu on a white plate.

I exerted a little more force with my chopsticks, and with a "pop" sound, the fried golden shell shattered.

The mystery of the inner layer of tofu has been unveiled.

White and crystal clear!

It has a faint luster moistened by the soup stock, and seems to be more delicate and delicate than the base plate!

The guests exclaimed in amazement.

Yukihira Soma, who had just swallowed a piece of tofu, saw this scene and suddenly realized how shocking his father's words of praise "Huo Hou is a legend" were, and what truth and meaning they had.

turn out to be.

Just the heat, it’s really incredible!

He couldn't help but think of what his father said to him before: "Fried food, 70% depends on the oil temperature——"

Isn't oil temperature just a type of heat?

no doubt.

What's scary and terrible is that this "teppanyaki Japanese tofu" even achieves this "70%" perfection in the two stages of frying and boiling.

"This man is very powerful!"

Yukihira Soma had to admit it.

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