Eternal food paradise

Chapter 39 Special Meeting Gift

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, a black car parked outside the gate of Jixing Residence on time.

The driver was sent by the Nakiri family. Nito Hiisako opened the door from the passenger seat and saw Xia Yan carrying a big box, followed by Kei Isshiki and Teruki Kuga.

"Do you mind if I take them two with me?" Xia Yan asked.

"No problem, it was originally a relaxed and informal family banquet. President Dojima will also be present. Besides, the commander-in-chief also knows Kuuga and Isshiki-senpai. After all, they are talented students who went to the middle school of Toshu."

Saying that, Nito Feisako took the initiative to open the back seat door.

Seeing Xia Yan sitting in the middle with a box in her arms, and with the addition of Isekhui and Jiuga Teruji, the three well-proportioned teenagers did not seem crowded in the back seat.

"What's inside the box?"

"Oh, well, since it's a visit, I have to bring some small gifts. This is a little souvenir."

A small gift...


Nito Hisako's curiosity suddenly aroused. Since he is a student of Totsuki, and he knows that the Nakiri clan and his family are big and powerful, he must be forced to give him a meeting gift, so it must not be something ordinary.

The entire journey was silent.

The car drove to the mountain behind the academy. It was a mountainous area surrounded by shady trees. Looking up from the low parking lot, a group of Japanese-style buildings could be vaguely seen.

A very classic Japanese manor.

The style is very close to the Nakiri mansion in Xia Yan's mind, rather than a western-style villa.

Thinking that this is within the scope of Tokyo, even though the location is very remote and almost connected with the neighboring city or county, after all, it is a big family that owns a villa in Tokyo. Compared with those European-style mansions in bustling urban areas, the heritage is slightly higher. A big layer of feeling.

Nito Hisako took them to the dormitory where the family banquet was held.

From a distance, a refreshing and charming male voice came out: "...Haha, I knew the protagonist today was not me. The Nakiri family has not held a family dinner for a long time."

Another old, deep voice continued: "Gin, did you just say that Joichiro and that child have met?"

"Is such that……"

Inside the house, Dojima Gin took out his mobile phone and was about to tell an anecdote about Yukihira's restaurant when someone knocked on the lattice sliding door, and Nito Hisako's voice came out: "Commander, Commander Dojima, the guests have been brought. "

The door suddenly opened.

Dojima Gin was stunned there, his eyes met with Xia Yan's, who had just arrived, and they stared at each other speechlessly.


Patting the vacant seat next to him, Dojima Gin greeted him loudly and concealedly: "Come on, you can sit here."

It was a family banquet, and the order of seating was also particular. Xia Yan found that Dojima Gin was sitting at the head of the left side of the long table.

You know, Neon respects the left, and the status of the left minister is higher than that of the right minister.

The seat that Dojima Gin pointed to was the second seat on the left.

When he was hesitating, Xia Yan saw the old man in charge and nodded to him gently from the distance. Xia Yan didn't need to worry about anything else and sat down cross-legged. He was still not used to sitting upright on the tatami.

As for Isshiki Hui, Kuaga Teruki and Nito Hiisako, they were sitting in a row opposite Xia Yan.

On the long table, there were only some appetizers.

For example, in a simple small bowl, fried dried fish is piled into a sharp corner, and the bottom of the bowl is clear kelp soup.

There is also mugwort tofu, topped with sea urchin, wasabi puree, etc., and also poured with stock.

Glancing over it, Xia Yan smacked his lips secretly.

You can already imagine that in the so-called "low-key luxury", the smell of birds fades away.

Anyway, he has never been too interested in banquets that focus on seasonal ingredients and promote fresh eating methods.


He opened the suitcase he was carrying and put several bottles and cans on the table.

Xia Yan said to Nakiri Senzaemon: "This is the meeting gift I brought, a local specialty. Commander, you should like it."

Yise Hui was opposite Xia Yan, her eyebrows twitching.

The red condiment in one of the glass bottles is the spicy bean paste.

As for the other two bottles, Yisehui was a little confused.

What is this?

do not know.

Things that Xia Yan had never seen displayed in Jixing Lao were also packed in glass bottles, one by one.

Issey Hui exclaimed: "Why does it look like pickles or pickles?"

Dojima Gin simply got started, picked up a bottle and opened the lid.

As a result, the rich salty flavor surged out.

"It's indeed a stain!"

Taking a sip of the refreshing smell that hit his nostrils, Dojima Gin said with a satisfied expression: "Actually, compared to the bland banquet appetizers, I still like to eat a small plate of salted food before a big meal. Appetite.”

"Ahem, um, can I have some?"

Xia Yan: "..."

Everyone: "..."

The old man Nakiri Senzaemon also seemed to be interested and ordered the servant to serve another set of bowls and chopsticks, so the bottle of "local specialty" was divided up.


For a while, there was only the sound of chewing in the dormitory.

Dojima Gingai, who moved his chopsticks first, said: "The flavor is very different from our neon pickles. What we call neon pickles are divided into 'salted', 'candied', and 'soy sauce' There are many kinds of stains.”

"And if we classify it according to the length of pickling time, there are light pickling, overnight pickling, and impromptu pickling..."

Kuaga Teruki and Nito Hisako showed surprise and uncertainty.

One of them specializes in Sichuan cuisine, and the other specializes in traditional Chinese medicine. They are very knowledgeable about Chinese cuisine culture, and they can be called half-commons in China.

When they saw that Xia Yan had bottled "local specialties" as souvenirs, the first reaction of the two of them was question marks on their foreheads——

Isn't this just pickled mustard?

When it comes to pickles in Chinese cuisine, the stereotype is about mustard and sauerkraut.

As for "pickled mustard", among the eight major Chinese cuisines, it does not have a place on the main table.

The two of them didn't take off their chopsticks, but they saw Dojima Gin and Nakiri Senzaemon chewing and eating. They couldn't stop using their chopsticks, and the frequency of taking them down became faster and faster.

See this.

When Kuuga Teruki opened his mouth, he wanted to yell, "Stop."

Banquet, banquet.

You shouldn't eat this kind of thing!

Dojima Gin finished his meal quickly and gave a thumbs up: "Please be sure to bring me a souvenir like this, please!"

Xia Yan looked at the ceiling with an apologetic expression: "Let's talk about this later."

"Would you like to buy it? You can always buy it, right?" Dojima Ginhao waved his hand angrily, "You decide the price -"

"Handmade souvenirs, the annual output is limited, sorry..." Xia Yan muttered to himself and looked at the system funds. What's the use of collecting your banknotes? They will be recycled and swallowed by the system.

I noticed that Dojima Gin would not give up until he got a few bottles.

Xia Yan was helpless and said kindly: "Well, Mr. Dojima, this pickled vegetable called 'pickled mustard' is a side snack in China that is not a regular dish on dog meat. Anyway, there is a saying that even if you are poor, You can’t even afford pickled mustard, so you can imagine how low-end food it is in the minds of the majority of elders.”


Dojima Gin's face was full of disbelief.

"This product that embodies the craftsmanship and painstaking efforts of masters, you tell me it is low-end? Then where will the 'Kyoto stains' that represent our neon stains be swept to a pitiable corner again?!"

All right……

Xia Yan really didn't want to continue on this topic, so he said in a narratively cold tone:

"I admit that this is a very high-end, noble and elegant food. Once, I was eating instant noodles at the airport and tore open a pack of Fuling mustard. The noisy airport immediately fell silent, and the onlookers all looked at me. Got envious eyes..."

At this time, the door was opened again, and a female voice asked with surprise:

"Where is the high-end and noble food?"

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