Eternal food paradise

Chapter 45 Close Fold

“Hot sauce, pickled mustard and beef puree…”

"Stuffing, GET!"

Xia Yan was satisfied.

As for how to combine the two system specialties, in fact, the easiest thing is to just copy a plate of twice-cooked pork with pickled mustard. In that case, the style of the dish will not look too weird.

But the dishes Xia Yan is cooking now are far from complicated.

After all, it is nothing more than daily noodles.

The filling is made, and the next step is to process the dough.

"How long will it take for it to wake up?" Xia Yan glanced at the long table and saw Erina Nakiri covering two large cooking basins with a layer of transparent plastic wrap, and separated by a thin film paper, The dough that was placed in the basin for the "rising" step has expanded and become two or three times its original volume.

"Wait another five minutes." Nakiri Erina said, and then couldn't help but stare at him, "What are you going to do?"

Xia Yan said in a relaxed tone: "Use a rolling pin to roll it into dough."

Nakiri Erina: "..."

"I'm asking what snacks you plan to make!" Her chest visibly rose and fell a few times.

Xia Yan looked into the girl's eyes that were full of curiosity but also a little embarrassed, and couldn't help but laugh: "Cake."

"So, it's still 'pastry'?"

Xia Yan shook his head.

Nakiri Erina felt that Xia Yan's expression and words were sincere, and it was not like he was perverting her casually. Her pretty face was full of doubts, and she turned to look at Commander Totsuki who was standing with his arms folded: "Then why did you say, Grandpa, that his recipe is 'Puff Pastry'?" '?"

Hearing this, Nakiri Senzaemon showed a rare naughty smile on his lips.

"Erina, you have to take apart the pastry."

"Bread is pastry, and cake is a very broad recipe with no fixed form."

Nakiri Erina frowned.

Chinese cuisine can be said to perfectly hit her culinary gap.

As the eldest daughter who was born with a silver spoon in her mouth, the princess of the Nakiri family was fed many superficially "elegant", "noble" and "exquisite" dishes by her parents for the reason of developing the [God's Tongue] in depth. .

These dishes include Western food and traditional Japanese food.

But there is no Chinese food.

After all, the world background of "Spirit of the Halberd Eater" is not much different from the original appearance of Blue Star. Western culture has dominated the world for a long time, and Chinese food has only made its voice to declare its positive image to the world in just a few years or more.

After meeting Dojima Gin, Kuga Teruki and Nito Hisako, there was a certain amount of realization on the expressions of Commander Totsuki's words that he wanted to take things seriously.

They all seemed to have read some recipe secrets.

See this.

Nakiri Erina was so angry that she secretly grinded her teeth: "I will never allow 'Chinese cuisine' to become my weakness. Before I go to school, I want to find Hisako to make up for it!"

Xia Yan couldn't wait to give the commander-in-chief a thumbs up.


He is indeed the ‘Eating Demon King’ who lives like an old monster!

Shortbread, shortbread.

One word difference, but something completely different.

In fact, it is not a difficult cooking philosophy. "Puff pastry" is nothing more than a material and a semi-finished product.

In other words, if you want your scones or pancakes to be crispy, delicious and fragrant, the "bread" is not only essential, but also needs to be taken seriously when making.

And actually.

Xia Yan's puff pastry is spicy oil and red oil, mixed with beef juice and butter.

There is no need for the weird spices in ordinary pastry recipes, such as thirteen spices and barbecue powder. According to his idea, the full-flavored 'beef juice and butter' is enough. Adding other spices will make it look bloated. burden.

One more spice equals one more irrepressible flavor.

He didn't want his dark spiciness to be suppressed by other spices and weakened in disguise.

The spiciness is squeezed out.

Isn't it equivalent to slashing oneself [Darkness Index] with a knife? Xia Yan is not that stupid.

Five minutes later, the dough is ready.

Xia Yan is still good at rolling dough. Considering that this step consumes a lot of energy and requires high arm strength, Xia Yan is not embarrassed to ask Nakiri Erina next to him to do it for him. He rolls up his sleeves, grabs the rolling pin and starts working.

Another quarter of an hour passed.

Finally, the two large lumps of white and delicate dough were rolled out into a square pancake and spread out on the kitchen counter with a little flour scattered around it.

Then, Xia Yan hugged the pastry bowl and carried the brush.

Nakiri Erina saw that he was like a painter, with a serious and focused look on his face, painting a piece of thin and even dough several times.


It's like a wall spray-painted with red paint!

The brightness is very high, flickering.

At the same time, the pungent "paint smell" quickly filled the air and leaked out of the kitchen door that had not yet been closed. In the distance, the panicked coughs of the Nakiri family servants were heard, and then these sounds Quickly moved away and faded.

Nakiri Erina: "???"

She had already imagined a group of servants hopping away like frightened rabbits.

I had been wearing a mask because I had difficulty breathing due to the heat.

Now, Nakiri Erina felt suffocated again.

The air was heavier, almost stagnant due to the sharply intensifying dark spiciness.


My vision, blurred by sweat, seemed to be filled with red clouds.

The clouds that sometimes expanded and sometimes contracted, carried a hint of "firewood smell". These peculiar smells fell on Nakiri Erina's sense of smell, allowing her to vaguely see a river of red lava.

The magma is boiling hot.

The roasting "firewood smell" is very similar to the smell of sulfur.

"Abyss—" Nakiri Erina's eyes widened, and beads of sweat covered her smooth forehead.


She said in a suppressed voice.

"Not enough, not enough."

In the blurred field of vision, the man was still applying "red oil" to the opposite cake, one layer after another.

At this time, Nakiri Erina shuddered and felt that in the red cloud that filled the kitchen, a terrifying shadow with a goat's horn gradually became clear, and there was a weird and evil voice whispering something in her ears, "That's enough!" "


Dojima Gin turned on all the switches of several ventilation equipment.

boom! !

Xia Yan, who was grabbing a long kitchen blade from the knife rest and preparing to cut noodles, saw Erina Nakiri placing her hands heavily on the kitchen table and making a loud noise. She was just one meter away from him, breathing heavily. , his face was covered with sweat, and his pupils were filled with indescribable deep fear.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Noticing that the girl's legs were swaying, as if she needed support, Xia Yan walked over with a knife in hand.

A "swish" flash.

The girl retreated quickly like a snake or a scorpion.

"Hold the grass?"

Xia Yan had a dark look on his face and was confused. He looked at the machete in his hand and said, "Okay, I'll put the knife down right now."


Thinking about Nakiri Erina, she was originally a imaginative girl. [God's Tongue] gave her very bold delusional power. Moreover, strictly speaking, this girl also has a mental illness. Who told her that she was severely trained by a ghost father when she was a child? After a while...well, I trained him with cooking.

He immediately stopped paying attention to the gasping and nervous girl.


The long knife was swung down.

I saw Xia Yan cutting both pieces of dough into grids.

But the strange thing is that the knife edge does not penetrate through. The slashing knife stays at the center line of the dough, leaving a small blank space.

Immediately afterwards, the fillings were distributed regionally and piled regularly on each cutting grid.

See here.

Kuga Teruki woke up and said, "I understand!"

Everyone looked at him. Just when Kuaga Teruki was about to reveal the secret, Nakiri Senzaemon suddenly interrupted: "Close——"


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